17.10.2020 21:25:13 [Notification] Server logger started. 17.10.2020 21:25:13 [Notification] Game Version: v1.13.4 (Stable) 17.10.2020 21:25:17 [Event] Launching server... 17.10.2020 21:25:17 [Event] Server v1.13.4, network v1.13.6, api v1.7.0 17.10.2020 21:25:17 [Notification] Entering runphase Initialization 17.10.2020 21:25:17 [Event] Loading configuration... 17.10.2020 21:25:17 [Notification] Entering runphase Configuration 17.10.2020 21:25:18 [Notification] Loading savegame 17.10.2020 21:25:18 [Notification] Loaded existing save game data. Playstyle: surviveandbuild, Playstyle Lang code: preset-surviveandbuild, WorldType: preset-surviveandbuild 17.10.2020 21:25:18 [Notification] Savegame C:\Users\Gringozolano\AppData\Roaming\VintagestoryData\Saves\no hay sexto malo.vcdbs loaded 17.10.2020 21:25:18 [Notification] World size = 1024000 256 1024000 17.10.2020 21:25:18 [Event] Loading assets... 17.10.2020 21:25:18 [Notification] Start discovering assets 17.10.2020 21:25:18 [Notification] Found 0 base assets in category blocktypes 17.10.2020 21:25:18 [Notification] Found 0 base assets in category itemtypes 17.10.2020 21:25:18 [Notification] Found 13 base assets in category lang 17.10.2020 21:25:18 [Notification] Found 0 base assets in category patches 17.10.2020 21:25:18 [Notification] Found 22 base assets in category config 17.10.2020 21:25:18 [Notification] Found 0 base assets in category worldproperties 17.10.2020 21:25:18 [Notification] Found 31 base assets in category sounds 17.10.2020 21:25:18 [Notification] Found 2 base assets in category shapes 17.10.2020 21:25:18 [Notification] Found 59 base assets in category textures 17.10.2020 21:25:18 [Notification] Found 0 base assets in category recipes 17.10.2020 21:25:18 [Notification] Found 0 base assets in category worldgen 17.10.2020 21:25:18 [Notification] Found 1 base assets in category entities 17.10.2020 21:25:18 [Notification] Found 128 base assets in total 17.10.2020 21:25:18 [Notification] Entering runphase AssetsReady 17.10.2020 21:25:18 [Notification] Will search the following paths for mods: 17.10.2020 21:25:18 [Notification] C:\Users\Gringozolano\AppData\Roaming\Vintagestory\Mods 17.10.2020 21:25:18 [Notification] C:\Users\Gringozolano\AppData\Roaming\VintagestoryData\Mods 17.10.2020 21:25:18 [Notification] Found 3 mods (0 disabled) 17.10.2020 21:25:18 [Notification] Mods, sorted by dependency: game, creative, survival 17.10.2020 21:25:18 [Notification] Instantiated 62 mod systems from 3 enabled mods 17.10.2020 21:25:18 [Notification] External Origins in load order: custom@C:\Users\Gringozolano\AppData\Roaming\Vintagestory\assets\creative\, custom@C:\Users\Gringozolano\AppData\Roaming\Vintagestory\assets\survival\ 17.10.2020 21:25:18 [Notification] Found 248 external assets in category blocktypes 17.10.2020 21:25:18 [Notification] Found 149 external assets in category itemtypes 17.10.2020 21:25:18 [Notification] Found 0 external assets in category lang 17.10.2020 21:25:18 [Notification] Found 11 external assets in category patches 17.10.2020 21:25:18 [Notification] Found 26 external assets in category config 17.10.2020 21:25:18 [Notification] Found 22 external assets in category worldproperties 17.10.2020 21:25:18 [Notification] Found 261 external assets in category sounds 17.10.2020 21:25:19 [Notification] Found 1174 external assets in category shapes 17.10.2020 21:25:19 [Notification] Found 2769 external assets in category textures 17.10.2020 21:25:19 [Notification] Found 218 external assets in category recipes 17.10.2020 21:25:19 [Notification] Found 308 external assets in category worldgen 17.10.2020 21:25:19 [Notification] Found 51 external assets in category entities 17.10.2020 21:25:20 [Notification] Reloaded lang file with mod assets 17.10.2020 21:25:20 [Event] Loading save game... 17.10.2020 21:25:20 [Notification] Entering runphase ModsAndConfigReady 17.10.2020 21:25:20 [Notification] JsonPatch Loader: 12 patches total, successfully applied 12 patches, unmet conditions on 64 patches, no errors 17.10.2020 21:25:20 [Notification] Reloaded 18 weather patterns, 5 wind patterns and 5 weather events 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] BlockLoader: Entities, Blocks and Items loaded 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Started 57 systems on Server: 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Mod 'VSEssentials.dll' (game): 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.Core 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.EntityPartitioning 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ErrorReporter 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.NoObf.ModJsonPatchLoader 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.Essentials.PathfindSystem 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.Essentials.PathFindDebug 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.JsonExport 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.ModBasicBlocksLoader 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.LeafBlockDecay 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.POIRegistry 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.RoomRegistry 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.WeatherSystemCommands 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.WeatherSystemServer 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.WorldMapManager 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.NoObf.ModRegistryObjectTypeLoader 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.LoadColorMaps 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.RecipeLoader 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Mod 'VSSurvivalMod.dll' (survival): 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenPatchesPrePass 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.SaplingControl 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenSnowLayer 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenTerra 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.SurvivalCoreSystem 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenTerraPostProcess 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] VSSurvivalMod.Systems.GameEffects 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.ChiselBlockBulkSetMaterial 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenFromHeightmap 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenRockStrataNew 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.NpcControl 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenCreatures 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenMaps 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.WgenCommands 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.DebugSystem 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.UpgradeTasks 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModTemperature 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.CustomSpawnConditions 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.SystemTemporalStability 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemWearableStats 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemBlockReinforcement 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModJournal 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModLootRandomizer 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSleeping 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.TeleporterManager 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.Mechanics.MechanicalPowerMod 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenDeposits 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenStructures 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenCaves 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenBlockLayers 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenPonds 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenStructuresPosPass 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenVegetation 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenRivulets 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenLightSurvival 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.GameContent.TraderOutfits 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Mod 'VSCreativeMod.dll' (creative): 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.Core 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.WorldEdit.WorldEdit 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenBlockLayersFlat 17.10.2020 21:25:42 [Notification] Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenLightCreative 17.10.2020 21:25:48 [Event] 5 metal alloys loaded 17.10.2020 21:25:48 [Event] 5 cooking recipes loaded 17.10.2020 21:25:49 [Event] 232 crafting recipes loaded from 133 files 17.10.2020 21:25:49 [Event] 148 smithing recipes loaded 17.10.2020 21:25:49 [Event] 52 clay forming recipes loaded 17.10.2020 21:25:49 [Event] 31 knapping recipes loaded 17.10.2020 21:25:49 [Event] 46 barrel recipes loaded 17.10.2020 21:25:49 [Notification] Server map set 17.10.2020 21:25:49 [Notification] Entering runphase LoadGame 17.10.2020 21:25:49 [Notification] Entering runphase WorldReady 17.10.2020 21:25:53 [Notification] Reloaded 25 tree generators 17.10.2020 21:25:53 [Event] Loading 7x7x8 spawn chunks... 17.10.2020 21:25:53 [Event] 0% (49 in queue) 17.10.2020 21:25:55 [Event] Begin save game ticking... 17.10.2020 21:25:55 [Notification] Entering runphase RunGame 17.10.2020 21:25:55 [Notification] Starting server threads 17.10.2020 21:25:55 [Event] Singleplayer Server now running! 17.10.2020 21:25:55 [Notification] All clients disconnected, pausing game calendar. 17.10.2020 21:25:56 [Notification] A Client attempts connecting via Dummy connection, assigning client id 1 17.10.2020 21:25:56 [Notification] Client uid IgOcJOCo51WPSjoKdbj17OSP attempting identification. Name: Hovdavic 17.10.2020 21:25:56 [Notification] Placing player at 512000.5 111 512000.5 17.10.2020 21:26:19 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 10336ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:26:40 [Event] Hovdavic joins. 17.10.2020 21:26:46 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 4179ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:26:58 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 5907ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:26:59 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 664ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:27:03 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 3607ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:27:05 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1903ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:27:08 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 2468ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:27:08 [Notification] A client reconnected, resuming game calendar. 17.10.2020 21:27:12 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 3653ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:27:13 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 600ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:27:33 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 19428ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:27:37 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1256ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:27:38 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 830ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:27:38 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 515ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:27:40 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1116ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:27:40 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 702ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:27:43 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1464ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:27:44 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 611ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:27:45 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 794ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:27:46 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 743ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:27:52 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 2731ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:27:56 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 3513ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:27:57 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1069ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:28:00 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 2435ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:28:01 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1273ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:28:03 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1021ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:28:05 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 502ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:28:07 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1376ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:28:08 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 689ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:28:10 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 554ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:28:12 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 775ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:28:14 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 925ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:28:15 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 724ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:28:16 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 523ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:28:18 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 919ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:28:21 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 690ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:28:23 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 674ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:28:24 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1160ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:28:28 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 502ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:28:29 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 741ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:28:29 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 752ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:28:34 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 727ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:28:41 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1313ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:28:43 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 652ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:28:43 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 575ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:28:46 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 2359ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:28:47 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 652ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:28:52 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 887ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:28:52 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 748ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:28:53 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 918ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:28:55 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1092ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:28:56 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 600ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:29:19 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 809ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:29:23 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 552ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:29:24 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 872ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:29:25 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 966ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:29:26 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 938ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:29:29 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1042ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:29:29 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 570ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:29:30 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 735ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:29:31 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 601ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:29:49 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 573ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:29:51 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 2019ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:29:52 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 503ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:30:18 [Notification] Server ticking has been suspended 17.10.2020 21:30:18 [Notification] Autosaving game world. Notifying mods, then systems of save... 17.10.2020 21:30:19 [Notification] Defragmented listener lists 17.10.2020 21:30:19 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything... 17.10.2020 21:30:19 [Event] Will do offthread savegamedata saving... 17.10.2020 21:30:19 [Event] Saved player world data... 17.10.2020 21:30:19 [Event] Saved map regions... 17.10.2020 21:30:19 [Event] Saved map chunks... 17.10.2020 21:30:19 [Event] World saved! Saved 0 chunks, 0 mapchunks, 4 mapregions. 17.10.2020 21:30:19 [Notification] A client reconnected, resuming game calendar. 17.10.2020 21:30:19 [Notification] Server ticking has been resumed 17.10.2020 21:30:19 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 988ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:30:19 [Event] Offthread save of savegame done. 17.10.2020 21:30:21 [Event] Offthread save of 232 chunks done. 17.10.2020 21:30:21 [Notification] Offthread save of 0 generating chunks done. 17.10.2020 21:30:22 [Event] Offthread save of 81 map chunks done. 17.10.2020 21:30:28 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1193ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:30:30 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1211ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:30:41 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 584ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:30:42 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1250ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:30:44 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1087ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:31:00 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 562ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:31:11 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 683ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:31:11 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 543ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:31:15 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 660ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:31:21 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 506ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:32:43 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1076ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:32:44 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 840ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:32:46 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1058ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:32:47 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 829ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:33:03 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 2840ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:33:05 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 2394ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:33:06 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 873ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:33:07 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 705ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:33:08 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 815ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:35:01 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 551ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:35:01 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 664ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:35:03 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1246ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:35:05 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1327ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:35:06 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 510ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:35:09 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 3087ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:35:11 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1070ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:35:12 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 954ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:35:15 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 542ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:35:15 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 604ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:35:19 [Notification] Server ticking has been suspended 17.10.2020 21:35:56 [Notification] A client reconnected, resuming game calendar. 17.10.2020 21:35:56 [Notification] Server ticking has been resumed 17.10.2020 21:35:58 [Notification] Server ticking has been suspended 17.10.2020 21:35:58 [Notification] Autosaving game world. Notifying mods, then systems of save... 17.10.2020 21:35:58 [Notification] Defragmented listener lists 17.10.2020 21:35:58 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything... 17.10.2020 21:35:58 [Event] Will do offthread savegamedata saving... 17.10.2020 21:35:58 [Event] Saved player world data... 17.10.2020 21:35:58 [Event] Saved map regions... 17.10.2020 21:35:58 [Event] Saved map chunks... 17.10.2020 21:35:58 [Event] World saved! Saved 0 chunks, 0 mapchunks, 2 mapregions. 17.10.2020 21:35:58 [Notification] A client reconnected, resuming game calendar. 17.10.2020 21:35:58 [Notification] Server ticking has been resumed 17.10.2020 21:35:58 [Event] Offthread save of savegame done. 17.10.2020 21:35:59 [Event] Offthread save of 137 chunks done. 17.10.2020 21:35:59 [Notification] Offthread save of 16 generating chunks done. 17.10.2020 21:36:00 [Event] Offthread save of 92 map chunks done. 17.10.2020 21:36:23 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1055ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:36:25 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1491ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:36:31 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 879ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:36:34 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 900ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:36:35 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1260ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:36:38 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1350ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:36:39 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 886ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:36:40 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 843ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:36:41 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1400ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:36:42 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 601ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:36:56 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 724ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:36:58 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 631ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:36:59 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 529ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:37:03 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1052ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:37:07 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 2095ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:37:08 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 586ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:37:09 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 750ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:37:17 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 615ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:37:23 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 965ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:37:24 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 774ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:37:24 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 872ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:38:05 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 4172ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:38:06 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 711ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:38:07 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 818ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:38:08 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 643ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:38:13 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1210ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:38:14 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1118ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:38:15 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 641ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:38:47 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1072ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:38:50 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 508ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:39:00 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 674ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:39:01 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 521ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:39:02 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 533ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:39:04 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 873ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:39:06 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1166ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:39:06 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 768ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:39:09 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 2440ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:39:10 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 830ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:39:51 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 734ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:39:54 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 512ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:39:55 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1291ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:39:56 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 574ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:40:01 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 771ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:40:03 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1150ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:40:18 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 2821ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:40:20 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1258ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:40:22 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 514ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:40:23 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 812ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:40:24 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 908ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:40:25 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 503ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:40:27 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1896ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:40:29 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 2409ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:40:30 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1155ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:40:31 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 629ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:40:33 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 918ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:40:33 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 523ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:40:36 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1920ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:40:36 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 506ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:40:40 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 767ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:40:41 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 645ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:40:43 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1189ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:40:44 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1080ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:40:45 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 576ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:40:59 [Notification] Server ticking has been suspended 17.10.2020 21:40:59 [Notification] Autosaving game world. Notifying mods, then systems of save... 17.10.2020 21:41:00 [Notification] Defragmented listener lists 17.10.2020 21:41:00 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything... 17.10.2020 21:41:00 [Event] Will do offthread savegamedata saving... 17.10.2020 21:41:00 [Event] Saved player world data... 17.10.2020 21:41:01 [Event] Saved map regions... 17.10.2020 21:41:01 [Event] Saved map chunks... 17.10.2020 21:41:01 [Event] World saved! Saved 0 chunks, 0 mapchunks, 3 mapregions. 17.10.2020 21:41:01 [Notification] A client reconnected, resuming game calendar. 17.10.2020 21:41:01 [Notification] Server ticking has been resumed 17.10.2020 21:41:01 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1161ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:41:01 [Event] Offthread save of savegame done. 17.10.2020 21:41:02 [Event] Saved 300 chunks... 17.10.2020 21:41:03 [Event] Offthread save of 305 chunks done. 17.10.2020 21:41:04 [Event] Saved 300 generating chunks... 17.10.2020 21:41:05 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 3166ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:41:06 [Notification] Offthread save of 480 generating chunks done. 17.10.2020 21:41:07 [Event] Offthread save of 133 map chunks done. 17.10.2020 21:41:10 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 2841ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:41:11 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1215ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:41:14 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 641ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:41:16 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1823ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:41:20 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 726ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:41:22 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 2097ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:41:23 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 533ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:41:26 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 790ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:41:27 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 956ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:41:52 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 607ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:41:54 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1236ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:41:55 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 777ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:42:04 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 703ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:42:06 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 538ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:42:28 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 895ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:42:29 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1019ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:42:29 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 715ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:42:39 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1543ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:42:40 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1070ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:42:47 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 862ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:42:49 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 857ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:42:49 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 699ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:42:51 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 862ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:42:52 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1069ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:43:00 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1007ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:43:01 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 875ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:43:02 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1277ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:43:03 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 680ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:43:04 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 703ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:43:05 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 700ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:43:07 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1068ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:43:08 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 772ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:43:08 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 704ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:43:10 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 768ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:43:46 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 530ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:43:50 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 803ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:43:52 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 676ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:43:54 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 2090ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:43:55 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1562ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:44:01 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1009ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:44:04 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1328ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:44:04 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 521ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:44:22 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 666ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:45:06 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1230ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:45:08 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1046ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:46:02 [Notification] Server ticking has been suspended 17.10.2020 21:46:02 [Notification] Autosaving game world. Notifying mods, then systems of save... 17.10.2020 21:46:02 [Notification] Defragmented listener lists 17.10.2020 21:46:02 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything... 17.10.2020 21:46:02 [Event] Will do offthread savegamedata saving... 17.10.2020 21:46:02 [Event] Saved player world data... 17.10.2020 21:46:02 [Event] Saved map regions... 17.10.2020 21:46:02 [Event] Saved map chunks... 17.10.2020 21:46:02 [Event] World saved! Saved 0 chunks, 0 mapchunks, 1 mapregions. 17.10.2020 21:46:02 [Notification] A client reconnected, resuming game calendar. 17.10.2020 21:46:02 [Notification] Server ticking has been resumed 17.10.2020 21:46:02 [Event] Offthread save of savegame done. 17.10.2020 21:46:03 [Event] Offthread save of 139 chunks done. 17.10.2020 21:46:03 [Notification] Offthread save of 0 generating chunks done. 17.10.2020 21:46:04 [Event] Offthread save of 81 map chunks done. 17.10.2020 21:46:30 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 532ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:47:02 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 664ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:47:04 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 724ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:47:04 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 530ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:47:05 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1203ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:47:07 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1774ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:47:25 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1197ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:47:27 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 744ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:48:02 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1457ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:48:03 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 803ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:48:36 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 672ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:48:38 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 861ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:48:38 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 631ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:49:02 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1038ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:49:03 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 901ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:49:06 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 583ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:49:07 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 589ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:49:07 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 546ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:49:48 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 767ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:49:49 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 517ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:50:02 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 962ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:50:57 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 596ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:50:57 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 871ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:50:59 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 967ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:51:04 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 5058ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:51:05 [Notification] Server ticking has been suspended 17.10.2020 21:51:05 [Notification] Autosaving game world. Notifying mods, then systems of save... 17.10.2020 21:51:05 [Notification] Defragmented listener lists 17.10.2020 21:51:05 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything... 17.10.2020 21:51:05 [Event] Will do offthread savegamedata saving... 17.10.2020 21:51:05 [Event] Saved player world data... 17.10.2020 21:51:05 [Event] Saved map regions... 17.10.2020 21:51:05 [Event] Saved map chunks... 17.10.2020 21:51:05 [Event] World saved! Saved 0 chunks, 0 mapchunks, 0 mapregions. 17.10.2020 21:51:05 [Notification] A client reconnected, resuming game calendar. 17.10.2020 21:51:05 [Notification] Server ticking has been resumed 17.10.2020 21:51:05 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1060ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:51:05 [Event] Offthread save of savegame done. 17.10.2020 21:51:07 [Event] Offthread save of 124 chunks done. 17.10.2020 21:51:07 [Notification] Offthread save of 0 generating chunks done. 17.10.2020 21:51:08 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1553ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:51:08 [Event] Offthread save of 81 map chunks done. 17.10.2020 21:51:09 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 913ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:51:11 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 777ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:51:13 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1289ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:51:14 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 966ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:51:15 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 824ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:53:05 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 688ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:55:05 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1259ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:55:06 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 787ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:55:07 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 807ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:55:08 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 588ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:55:09 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 1383ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:55:10 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 973ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:55:11 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 898ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:56:05 [Notification] Server ticking has been suspended 17.10.2020 21:56:05 [Notification] Autosaving game world. Notifying mods, then systems of save... 17.10.2020 21:56:05 [Notification] Defragmented listener lists 17.10.2020 21:56:05 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything... 17.10.2020 21:56:05 [Event] Will do offthread savegamedata saving... 17.10.2020 21:56:06 [Event] Saved player world data... 17.10.2020 21:56:06 [Event] Saved map regions... 17.10.2020 21:56:06 [Event] Saved map chunks... 17.10.2020 21:56:06 [Event] World saved! Saved 0 chunks, 0 mapchunks, 0 mapregions. 17.10.2020 21:56:06 [Notification] A client reconnected, resuming game calendar. 17.10.2020 21:56:06 [Notification] Server ticking has been resumed 17.10.2020 21:56:06 [Event] Offthread save of savegame done. 17.10.2020 21:56:07 [Event] Offthread save of 123 chunks done. 17.10.2020 21:56:07 [Notification] Offthread save of 0 generating chunks done. 17.10.2020 21:56:08 [Event] Offthread save of 81 map chunks done. 17.10.2020 21:57:09 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 32728ms to complete. 17.10.2020 21:58:46 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 92737ms to complete. 17.10.2020 22:00:00 [Warning] Server overloaded. A tick took 65708ms to complete. 17.10.2020 22:00:01 [Notification] Server ticking has been suspended 17.10.2020 22:00:03 [Notification] Server stop requested, begin shutdown sequence. Stop reason: Exit request by client 17.10.2020 22:00:03 [Notification] Entering runphase Shutdown 17.10.2020 22:00:03 [Notification] Defragmented listener lists 17.10.2020 22:00:03 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything... 17.10.2020 22:00:03 [Event] Saved savegamedata... 17.10.2020 22:00:03 [Event] Saved player world data... 17.10.2020 22:00:03 [Event] Saved map regions... 17.10.2020 22:00:05 [Event] Saved map chunks... 17.10.2020 22:00:06 [Event] Saved loaded chunks... 17.10.2020 22:00:06 [Event] Saved generating chunks... 17.10.2020 22:00:06 [Event] World saved! Saved 89 chunks, 42 mapchunks, 0 mapregions. 17.10.2020 22:00:06 [Event] Shutting down 5 server threads... 17.10.2020 22:00:06 [Event] Killed console thread 17.10.2020 22:00:07 [Event] All threads gracefully shut down 17.10.2020 22:00:07 [Event] Doing last tick... 17.10.2020 22:00:07 [Event] Stopped the server!