10.11.2020 08:37:15 [Event] Launching server... 10.11.2020 08:37:15 [Event] Server v1.13.4, network v1.13.6, api v1.7.0 10.11.2020 08:37:15 [Event] Loading configuration... 10.11.2020 08:37:15 [Event] Loading assets... 10.11.2020 08:37:19 [Event] Loading save game... 10.11.2020 08:37:19 [Error] Couldn't write to log file, failed formatting Patch {0} (target: {4}) in {1} failed, following Exception was thrown: {2} (FormatException) 10.11.2020 08:37:19 [Error] [game] An exception was thrown when trying to start the mod: System.FormatException: Index (zero based) must be greater than or equal to zero and less than the size of the argument list. at System.Text.StringBuilder.AppendFormatHelper(IFormatProvider provider, String format, ParamsArray args) at System.String.FormatHelper(IFormatProvider provider, String format, ParamsArray args) at System.String.Format(IFormatProvider provider, String format, Object[] args) at System.IO.TextWriter.WriteLine(String format, Object[] arg) at System.IO.TextWriter.SyncTextWriter.WriteLine(String format, Object[] arg) at System.Console.WriteLine(String format, Object[] arg) at _6Ki7onGUDN2hMDvAS3I5KRRsLrr.Log(EnumLogType logType, String message, Object[] args) at Vintagestory.Server.ServerLogger.Log(EnumLogType logType, String message, Object[] args) at Vintagestory.ServerMods.NoObf.ModJsonPatchLoader.ApplyPatch(Int32 patchIndex, AssetLocation patchSourcefile, JsonPatch jsonPatch, Int32& applied, Int32& notFound, Int32& errorCount) at Vintagestory.ServerMods.NoObf.ModJsonPatchLoader.Start(ICoreAPI api) at Vintagestory.Common.ModLoader.TryStartSystem(Mod mod, ModSystem system, ICoreAPI api, ModEventPhase phase) 10.11.2020 08:37:19 [Error] Failed to start system Vintagestory.ServerMods.NoObf.ModJsonPatchLoader 10.11.2020 08:37:19 [Event] starting 'Starter-Pack-Mod' 10.11.2020 08:37:19 [Event] creating mod files for world ... 10.11.2020 08:37:19 [Event] files created 10.11.2020 08:37:19 [Event] started 'Starter-Pack-Mod' successfull 10.11.2020 08:37:19 [Event] starting 'Workbench Expansion Mod' 10.11.2020 08:37:19 [Event] started 'Workbench Expansion Mod' 10.11.2020 08:37:37 [Event] 0 cage-with-bait recipes created by CaptureAnimals 10.11.2020 08:37:37 [Event] 5 metal alloys loaded 10.11.2020 08:37:37 [Event] 5 cooking recipes loaded 10.11.2020 08:37:37 [Error] Syntax error in json file 'lazytweaks:recipes/grid/straw.json': Failed deserializing straw.json: After parsing a value an unexpected character was encountered: {. Path '[0]', line 19, position 1. 10.11.2020 08:37:37 [Error] Grid Recipe 'game:recipes/grid/stonepath.json': Output Block code game:stonepath cannot be resolved 10.11.2020 08:37:37 [Error] Grid Recipe 'game:recipes/grid/stonepath.json': Output Block code game:stonepath cannot be resolved 10.11.2020 08:37:37 [Error] Grid Recipe 'game:recipes/grid/stonepath.json': Output Block code game:stonepath cannot be resolved 10.11.2020 08:37:37 [Error] Grid Recipe 'game:recipes/grid/stonepath.json': Output Block code game:stonepath cannot be resolved 10.11.2020 08:37:37 [Error] Grid Recipe 'game:recipes/grid/stonepath.json': Output Block code game:stonepath cannot be resolved 10.11.2020 08:37:37 [Error] Grid Recipe 'game:recipes/grid/stonepath.json': Output Block code game:stonepath cannot be resolved 10.11.2020 08:37:37 [Error] Grid Recipe 'game:recipes/grid/stonepath.json': Output Block code game:stonepath cannot be resolved 10.11.2020 08:37:37 [Error] Grid Recipe 'game:recipes/grid/stonepath.json': Output Block code game:stonepath cannot be resolved 10.11.2020 08:37:37 [Error] Grid Recipe 'game:recipes/grid/stonepath.json': Output Block code game:stonepath cannot be resolved 10.11.2020 08:37:37 [Error] Grid Recipe 'game:recipes/grid/stonepath.json': Output Block code game:stonepath cannot be resolved 10.11.2020 08:37:37 [Error] Grid Recipe 'game:recipes/grid/stonepath.json': Output Block code game:stonepath cannot be resolved 10.11.2020 08:37:37 [Error] Grid Recipe 'game:recipes/grid/stonepath.json': Output Block code game:stonepath cannot be resolved 10.11.2020 08:37:37 [Error] Grid Recipe 'game:recipes/grid/stonepath.json': Output Block code game:stonepath cannot be resolved 10.11.2020 08:37:37 [Error] Grid Recipe 'game:recipes/grid/stonepath.json': Output Block code game:stonepath cannot be resolved 10.11.2020 08:37:37 [Error] Grid Recipe 'game:recipes/grid/stonepath.json': Output Block code game:stonepath cannot be resolved 10.11.2020 08:37:37 [Error] Grid Recipe 'game:recipes/grid/stonepath.json': Output Block code game:stonepath cannot be resolved 10.11.2020 08:37:37 [Error] Grid Recipe 'game:recipes/grid/stonepath.json': Output Block code game:stonepath cannot be resolved 10.11.2020 08:37:37 [Error] Grid Recipe 'game:recipes/grid/stonepath.json': Output Block code game:stonepath cannot be resolved 10.11.2020 08:37:37 [Error] Grid Recipe 'game:recipes/grid/stonepath.json': Output Block code game:stonepath cannot be resolved 10.11.2020 08:37:37 [Error] Grid Recipe 'game:recipes/grid/stonepath.json': Output Block code game:stonepath cannot be resolved 10.11.2020 08:37:37 [Error] Grid Recipe 'game:recipes/grid/stonepath.json': Output Block code game:stonepath cannot be resolved 10.11.2020 08:37:37 [Error] Grid Recipe 'game:recipes/grid/stonepath.json': Output Block code game:stonepath cannot be resolved 10.11.2020 08:37:37 [Error] Grid Recipe 'game:recipes/grid/stonepath.json': Output Block code game:stonepath cannot be resolved 10.11.2020 08:37:37 [Error] Grid Recipe 'game:recipes/grid/stonepath.json': Output Block code game:stonepath cannot be resolved 10.11.2020 08:37:37 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Block code game:chest-east contains an ingredient pattern code S but supplies no ingredient for it. 10.11.2020 08:37:37 [Error] Grid Recipe with output Item code doorsandwindows:dye-violet contains an ingredient that cannot be resolved: Block code game:flower-lupine-purple 10.11.2020 08:37:37 [Event] 444 crafting recipes loaded from 266 files 10.11.2020 08:37:37 [Event] 184 smithing recipes loaded 10.11.2020 08:37:37 [Event] 70 clay forming recipes loaded 10.11.2020 08:37:37 [Event] 37 knapping recipes loaded 10.11.2020 08:37:37 [Event] 57 barrel recipes loaded 10.11.2020 08:37:37 [Event] 33 workbench extended recipes loaded 10.11.2020 08:37:38 [Event] Loading 7x7x12 spawn chunks... 10.11.2020 08:37:38 [Event] 0% (49 in queue) 10.11.2020 08:37:40 [Event] 0% (49 in queue) 10.11.2020 08:37:41 [Event] 0% (81 in queue) 10.11.2020 08:37:43 [Event] 0% (81 in queue) 10.11.2020 08:37:44 [Event] 0% (119 in queue) 10.11.2020 08:37:46 [Event] 0% (160 in queue) 10.11.2020 08:37:48 [Event] 0% (200 in queue) 10.11.2020 08:37:49 [Event] 0% (184 in queue) 10.11.2020 08:37:50 [Event] Begin save game ticking... 10.11.2020 08:37:50 [Event] Singleplayer Server now running! 10.11.2020 08:37:53 [Event] the player already joined before, skipped 10.11.2020 08:38:04 [Event] Devestatio joins. 10.11.2020 08:38:18 [Error] An error was thrown when generating chunk column X=15999,Z=16007 - it will probably not generate correctly!. Exception System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockEntityChisel.GetLightAbsorption() at Vintagestory.Common.ChunkIlluminator.SpreadSunLightInColumn(Stack`1 stack, IWorldChunk[] chunks) at Vintagestory.Common.ChunkIlluminator.SunlightFlood(IWorldChunk[] chunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkY, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.WorldAPI.SunFloodChunkColumnForWorldGen(IWorldChunk[] chunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenLightSurvival.OnChunkColumnGeneration(IServerChunk[] chunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkZ, ITreeAttribute chunkGenParams) at Vintagestory.Server.ServerSystemSupplyChunks.TryPopulateChunk(ChunkColumnGetRequest chunkRequest) 10.11.2020 08:38:38 [Error] An error was thrown when generating chunk column X=16000,Z=15992 - it will probably not generate correctly!. Exception System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockEntityChisel.GetLightAbsorption() at Vintagestory.Common.ChunkIlluminator.SunLightFloodNeighbourChunks(IWorldChunk[] curChunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkY, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.WorldAPI.SunFloodChunkColumnNeighboursForWorldGen(IWorldChunk[] chunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.ServerSystemSupplyChunks.TryPopulateChunk(ChunkColumnGetRequest chunkRequest) 10.11.2020 08:38:40 [Error] An error was thrown when generating chunk column X=15999,Z=15992 - it will probably not generate correctly!. Exception System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockEntityChisel.GetLightAbsorption() at Vintagestory.Common.ChunkIlluminator.SunLightFloodNeighbourChunks(IWorldChunk[] curChunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkY, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.WorldAPI.SunFloodChunkColumnNeighboursForWorldGen(IWorldChunk[] chunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.ServerSystemSupplyChunks.TryPopulateChunk(ChunkColumnGetRequest chunkRequest) 10.11.2020 08:38:48 [Error] An error was thrown when generating chunk column X=15999,Z=15990 - it will probably not generate correctly!. Exception System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockEntityChisel.GetLightAbsorption() at Vintagestory.Common.ChunkIlluminator.SpreadSunLightInColumn(Stack`1 stack, IWorldChunk[] chunks) at Vintagestory.Common.ChunkIlluminator.SunlightFlood(IWorldChunk[] chunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkY, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.WorldAPI.SunFloodChunkColumnForWorldGen(IWorldChunk[] chunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenLightSurvival.OnChunkColumnGeneration(IServerChunk[] chunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkZ, ITreeAttribute chunkGenParams) at Vintagestory.Server.ServerSystemSupplyChunks.TryPopulateChunk(ChunkColumnGetRequest chunkRequest) 10.11.2020 08:39:01 [Error] An error was thrown when generating chunk column X=15998,Z=15990 - it will probably not generate correctly!. Exception System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockEntityChisel.GetLightAbsorption() at Vintagestory.Common.ChunkIlluminator.SunLightFloodNeighbourChunks(IWorldChunk[] curChunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkY, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.WorldAPI.SunFloodChunkColumnNeighboursForWorldGen(IWorldChunk[] chunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.ServerSystemSupplyChunks.TryPopulateChunk(ChunkColumnGetRequest chunkRequest) 10.11.2020 08:39:01 [Error] An error was thrown when generating chunk column X=15999,Z=15990 - it will probably not generate correctly!. Exception System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockEntityChisel.GetLightAbsorption() at Vintagestory.Common.ChunkIlluminator.SunLightFloodNeighbourChunks(IWorldChunk[] curChunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkY, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.WorldAPI.SunFloodChunkColumnNeighboursForWorldGen(IWorldChunk[] chunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.ServerSystemSupplyChunks.TryPopulateChunk(ChunkColumnGetRequest chunkRequest) 10.11.2020 08:42:16 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything... 10.11.2020 08:42:16 [Event] Will do offthread savegamedata saving... 10.11.2020 08:42:16 [Event] Saved player world data... 10.11.2020 08:42:17 [Event] Saved map regions... 10.11.2020 08:42:17 [Event] Saved map chunks... 10.11.2020 08:42:17 [Event] World saved! Saved 0 chunks, 0 mapchunks, 18 mapregions. 10.11.2020 08:42:17 [Event] Offthread save of savegame done. 10.11.2020 08:42:17 [Event] Saved 300 chunks... 10.11.2020 08:42:17 [Event] Saved 600 chunks... 10.11.2020 08:42:17 [Event] Saved 900 chunks... 10.11.2020 08:42:17 [Event] Saved 1200 chunks... 10.11.2020 08:42:17 [Event] Saved 1500 chunks... 10.11.2020 08:42:17 [Event] Saved 1800 chunks... 10.11.2020 08:42:17 [Event] Saved 2100 chunks... 10.11.2020 08:42:17 [Event] Saved 2400 chunks... 10.11.2020 08:42:17 [Event] Saved 2700 chunks... 10.11.2020 08:42:17 [Event] Saved 3000 chunks... 10.11.2020 08:42:18 [Event] Saved 3300 chunks... 10.11.2020 08:42:18 [Event] Saved 3600 chunks... 10.11.2020 08:42:18 [Event] Saved 3900 chunks... 10.11.2020 08:42:18 [Event] Saved 4200 chunks... 10.11.2020 08:42:18 [Event] Saved 4500 chunks... 10.11.2020 08:42:18 [Event] Saved 4800 chunks... 10.11.2020 08:42:18 [Event] Saved 5100 chunks... 10.11.2020 08:42:18 [Event] Saved 5400 chunks... 10.11.2020 08:42:18 [Event] Saved 5700 chunks... 10.11.2020 08:42:18 [Event] Saved 6000 chunks... 10.11.2020 08:42:18 [Event] Offthread save of 6216 chunks done. 10.11.2020 08:42:18 [Event] Saved 300 generating chunks... 10.11.2020 08:42:18 [Event] Saved 600 generating chunks... 10.11.2020 08:42:19 [Event] Saved 900 generating chunks... 10.11.2020 08:42:19 [Event] Saved 1200 generating chunks... 10.11.2020 08:42:19 [Event] Saved 1500 generating chunks... 10.11.2020 08:42:20 [Event] Offthread save of 666 map chunks done. 10.11.2020 08:45:10 [Error] An error was thrown when generating chunk column X=16014,Z=15995 - it will probably not generate correctly!. Exception System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockEntityChisel.GetLightAbsorption() at Vintagestory.Common.ChunkIlluminator.SunLightFloodNeighbourChunks(IWorldChunk[] curChunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkY, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.WorldAPI.SunFloodChunkColumnNeighboursForWorldGen(IWorldChunk[] chunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.ServerSystemSupplyChunks.TryPopulateChunk(ChunkColumnGetRequest chunkRequest) 10.11.2020 08:47:18 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything... 10.11.2020 08:47:18 [Event] Will do offthread savegamedata saving... 10.11.2020 08:47:18 [Event] Saved player world data... 10.11.2020 08:47:18 [Event] Saved map regions... 10.11.2020 08:47:18 [Event] Saved map chunks... 10.11.2020 08:47:18 [Event] World saved! Saved 0 chunks, 0 mapchunks, 6 mapregions. 10.11.2020 08:47:18 [Event] Offthread save of savegame done. 10.11.2020 08:47:18 [Event] Saved 300 chunks... 10.11.2020 08:47:18 [Event] Saved 600 chunks... 10.11.2020 08:47:18 [Event] Saved 900 chunks... 10.11.2020 08:47:18 [Event] Offthread save of 1085 chunks done. 10.11.2020 08:47:19 [Event] Offthread save of 569 map chunks done. 10.11.2020 08:49:33 [Error] An error was thrown when generating chunk column X=16009,Z=15988 - it will probably not generate correctly!. Exception System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockEntityChisel.GetLightAbsorption() at Vintagestory.Common.ChunkIlluminator.SunLightFloodNeighbourChunks(IWorldChunk[] curChunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkY, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.WorldAPI.SunFloodChunkColumnNeighboursForWorldGen(IWorldChunk[] chunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.ServerSystemSupplyChunks.TryPopulateChunk(ChunkColumnGetRequest chunkRequest) 10.11.2020 08:49:40 [Error] An error was thrown when generating chunk column X=16013,Z=15991 - it will probably not generate correctly!. Exception System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockEntityChisel.GetLightAbsorption() at Vintagestory.Common.ChunkIlluminator.SunLightFloodNeighbourChunks(IWorldChunk[] curChunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkY, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.WorldAPI.SunFloodChunkColumnNeighboursForWorldGen(IWorldChunk[] chunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.ServerSystemSupplyChunks.TryPopulateChunk(ChunkColumnGetRequest chunkRequest) 10.11.2020 08:49:58 [Error] An error was thrown when generating chunk column X=16012,Z=16011 - it will probably not generate correctly!. Exception System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockEntityChisel.GetLightAbsorption() at Vintagestory.Common.ChunkIlluminator.SpreadSunLightInColumn(Stack`1 stack, IWorldChunk[] chunks) at Vintagestory.Common.ChunkIlluminator.SunlightFlood(IWorldChunk[] chunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkY, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.WorldAPI.SunFloodChunkColumnForWorldGen(IWorldChunk[] chunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenLightSurvival.OnChunkColumnGeneration(IServerChunk[] chunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkZ, ITreeAttribute chunkGenParams) at Vintagestory.Server.ServerSystemSupplyChunks.TryPopulateChunk(ChunkColumnGetRequest chunkRequest) 10.11.2020 08:50:14 [Error] An error was thrown when generating chunk column X=16012,Z=16011 - it will probably not generate correctly!. Exception System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockEntityChisel.GetLightAbsorption() at Vintagestory.Common.ChunkIlluminator.SunLightFloodNeighbourChunks(IWorldChunk[] curChunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkY, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.WorldAPI.SunFloodChunkColumnNeighboursForWorldGen(IWorldChunk[] chunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.ServerSystemSupplyChunks.TryPopulateChunk(ChunkColumnGetRequest chunkRequest) 10.11.2020 08:50:56 [Error] An error was thrown when generating chunk column X=16023,Z=15998 - it will probably not generate correctly!. Exception System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockEntityChisel.GetLightAbsorption() at Vintagestory.Common.ChunkIlluminator.SunLightFloodNeighbourChunks(IWorldChunk[] curChunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkY, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.WorldAPI.SunFloodChunkColumnNeighboursForWorldGen(IWorldChunk[] chunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.ServerSystemSupplyChunks.TryPopulateChunk(ChunkColumnGetRequest chunkRequest) 10.11.2020 08:51:23 [Error] An error was thrown when generating chunk column X=16015,Z=15986 - it will probably not generate correctly!. Exception System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockEntityChisel.GetLightAbsorption() at Vintagestory.Common.ChunkIlluminator.SunLightFloodNeighbourChunks(IWorldChunk[] curChunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkY, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.WorldAPI.SunFloodChunkColumnNeighboursForWorldGen(IWorldChunk[] chunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.ServerSystemSupplyChunks.TryPopulateChunk(ChunkColumnGetRequest chunkRequest) 10.11.2020 08:52:04 [Error] An error was thrown when generating chunk column X=16026,Z=16005 - it will probably not generate correctly!. Exception System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockEntityChisel.GetLightAbsorption() at Vintagestory.Common.ChunkIlluminator.SunLightFloodNeighbourChunks(IWorldChunk[] curChunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkY, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.WorldAPI.SunFloodChunkColumnNeighboursForWorldGen(IWorldChunk[] chunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.ServerSystemSupplyChunks.TryPopulateChunk(ChunkColumnGetRequest chunkRequest) 10.11.2020 08:52:20 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything... 10.11.2020 08:52:20 [Event] Will do offthread savegamedata saving... 10.11.2020 08:52:20 [Event] Saved player world data... 10.11.2020 08:52:20 [Event] Saved map regions... 10.11.2020 08:52:20 [Event] Saved map chunks... 10.11.2020 08:52:20 [Event] World saved! Saved 0 chunks, 0 mapchunks, 9 mapregions. 10.11.2020 08:52:20 [Event] Offthread save of savegame done. 10.11.2020 08:52:20 [Event] Saved 300 chunks... 10.11.2020 08:52:20 [Event] Saved 600 chunks... 10.11.2020 08:52:20 [Event] Saved 900 chunks... 10.11.2020 08:52:20 [Event] Saved 1200 chunks... 10.11.2020 08:52:20 [Event] Saved 1500 chunks... 10.11.2020 08:52:21 [Event] Saved 1800 chunks... 10.11.2020 08:52:21 [Event] Saved 2100 chunks... 10.11.2020 08:52:21 [Event] Saved 2400 chunks... 10.11.2020 08:52:21 [Event] Saved 2700 chunks... 10.11.2020 08:52:21 [Event] Saved 3000 chunks... 10.11.2020 08:52:21 [Event] Saved 3300 chunks... 10.11.2020 08:52:21 [Event] Saved 3600 chunks... 10.11.2020 08:52:21 [Event] Saved 3900 chunks... 10.11.2020 08:52:21 [Event] Saved 4200 chunks... 10.11.2020 08:52:21 [Event] Saved 4500 chunks... 10.11.2020 08:52:22 [Event] Saved 4800 chunks... 10.11.2020 08:52:22 [Event] Offthread save of 4908 chunks done. 10.11.2020 08:52:22 [Event] Saved 300 generating chunks... 10.11.2020 08:52:22 [Event] Saved 600 generating chunks... 10.11.2020 08:52:22 [Event] Saved 900 generating chunks... 10.11.2020 08:52:23 [Event] Saved 1200 generating chunks... 10.11.2020 08:52:23 [Event] Saved 1500 generating chunks... 10.11.2020 08:52:23 [Event] Saved 1800 generating chunks... 10.11.2020 08:52:23 [Event] Saved 2100 generating chunks... 10.11.2020 08:52:24 [Event] Saved 2400 generating chunks... 10.11.2020 08:52:25 [Event] Offthread save of 1138 map chunks done. 10.11.2020 08:56:57 [Error] An error was thrown when generating chunk column X=16029,Z=15999 - it will probably not generate correctly!. Exception System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockEntityChisel.GetLightAbsorption() at Vintagestory.Common.ChunkIlluminator.SunLightFloodNeighbourChunks(IWorldChunk[] curChunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkY, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.WorldAPI.SunFloodChunkColumnNeighboursForWorldGen(IWorldChunk[] chunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.ServerSystemSupplyChunks.TryPopulateChunk(ChunkColumnGetRequest chunkRequest) 10.11.2020 08:57:21 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything... 10.11.2020 08:57:21 [Event] Will do offthread savegamedata saving... 10.11.2020 08:57:21 [Event] Saved player world data... 10.11.2020 08:57:21 [Event] Saved map regions... 10.11.2020 08:57:21 [Event] Saved map chunks... 10.11.2020 08:57:21 [Event] World saved! Saved 0 chunks, 0 mapchunks, 4 mapregions. 10.11.2020 08:57:21 [Event] Offthread save of savegame done. 10.11.2020 08:57:21 [Event] Saved 300 chunks... 10.11.2020 08:57:22 [Event] Saved 600 chunks... 10.11.2020 08:57:22 [Event] Saved 900 chunks... 10.11.2020 08:57:22 [Event] Saved 1200 chunks... 10.11.2020 08:57:22 [Event] Saved 1500 chunks... 10.11.2020 08:57:22 [Event] Saved 1800 chunks... 10.11.2020 08:57:22 [Event] Saved 2100 chunks... 10.11.2020 08:57:22 [Event] Offthread save of 2290 chunks done. 10.11.2020 08:57:22 [Event] Saved 300 generating chunks... 10.11.2020 08:57:22 [Event] Saved 600 generating chunks... 10.11.2020 08:57:23 [Event] Saved 900 generating chunks... 10.11.2020 08:57:24 [Event] Offthread save of 1093 map chunks done. 10.11.2020 08:58:46 [Error] An error was thrown when generating chunk column X=16025,Z=16020 - it will probably not generate correctly!. Exception System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockEntityChisel.GetLightAbsorption() at Vintagestory.Common.ChunkIlluminator.SpreadSunLightInColumn(Stack`1 stack, IWorldChunk[] chunks) at Vintagestory.Common.ChunkIlluminator.SunLightFloodNeighbourChunks(IWorldChunk[] curChunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkY, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.WorldAPI.SunFloodChunkColumnNeighboursForWorldGen(IWorldChunk[] chunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.ServerSystemSupplyChunks.TryPopulateChunk(ChunkColumnGetRequest chunkRequest) 10.11.2020 08:59:20 [Error] An error was thrown when generating chunk column X=16014,Z=16025 - it will probably not generate correctly!. Exception System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockEntityChisel.GetLightAbsorption() at Vintagestory.Common.ChunkIlluminator.SpreadSunLightInColumn(Stack`1 stack, IWorldChunk[] chunks) at Vintagestory.Common.ChunkIlluminator.SunlightFlood(IWorldChunk[] chunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkY, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.WorldAPI.SunFloodChunkColumnForWorldGen(IWorldChunk[] chunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenLightSurvival.OnChunkColumnGeneration(IServerChunk[] chunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkZ, ITreeAttribute chunkGenParams) at Vintagestory.Server.ServerSystemSupplyChunks.TryPopulateChunk(ChunkColumnGetRequest chunkRequest) 10.11.2020 09:01:50 [Error] An error was thrown when generating chunk column X=16015,Z=16027 - it will probably not generate correctly!. Exception System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockEntityChisel.GetLightAbsorption() at Vintagestory.Common.ChunkIlluminator.SunLightFloodNeighbourChunks(IWorldChunk[] curChunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkY, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.WorldAPI.SunFloodChunkColumnNeighboursForWorldGen(IWorldChunk[] chunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.ServerSystemSupplyChunks.TryPopulateChunk(ChunkColumnGetRequest chunkRequest) 10.11.2020 09:02:23 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything... 10.11.2020 09:02:23 [Event] Will do offthread savegamedata saving... 10.11.2020 09:02:23 [Event] Saved player world data... 10.11.2020 09:02:23 [Event] Saved map regions... 10.11.2020 09:02:23 [Event] Saved map chunks... 10.11.2020 09:02:23 [Event] World saved! Saved 0 chunks, 0 mapchunks, 9 mapregions. 10.11.2020 09:02:23 [Event] Offthread save of savegame done. 10.11.2020 09:02:23 [Event] Saved 300 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:02:23 [Event] Saved 600 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:02:23 [Event] Saved 900 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:02:23 [Event] Saved 1200 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:02:24 [Event] Saved 1500 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:02:24 [Event] Saved 1800 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:02:24 [Event] Saved 2100 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:02:24 [Event] Saved 2400 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:02:24 [Event] Saved 2700 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:02:24 [Event] Saved 3000 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:02:24 [Event] Saved 3300 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:02:24 [Event] Saved 3600 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:02:24 [Event] Offthread save of 3796 chunks done. 10.11.2020 09:02:24 [Event] Saved 300 generating chunks... 10.11.2020 09:02:25 [Event] Saved 600 generating chunks... 10.11.2020 09:02:25 [Event] Saved 900 generating chunks... 10.11.2020 09:02:25 [Event] Saved 1200 generating chunks... 10.11.2020 09:02:26 [Event] Saved 1500 generating chunks... 10.11.2020 09:02:26 [Event] Saved 1800 generating chunks... 10.11.2020 09:02:26 [Event] Saved 2100 generating chunks... 10.11.2020 09:02:27 [Event] Offthread save of 1397 map chunks done. 10.11.2020 09:07:24 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything... 10.11.2020 09:07:24 [Event] Will do offthread savegamedata saving... 10.11.2020 09:07:24 [Event] Saved player world data... 10.11.2020 09:07:24 [Event] Saved map regions... 10.11.2020 09:07:24 [Event] Saved map chunks... 10.11.2020 09:07:24 [Event] World saved! Saved 0 chunks, 0 mapchunks, 4 mapregions. 10.11.2020 09:07:24 [Event] Offthread save of savegame done. 10.11.2020 09:07:25 [Event] Saved 300 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:07:25 [Event] Saved 600 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:07:25 [Event] Saved 900 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:07:25 [Event] Saved 1200 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:07:25 [Event] Offthread save of 1343 chunks done. 10.11.2020 09:07:25 [Event] Saved 300 generating chunks... 10.11.2020 09:07:25 [Event] Saved 600 generating chunks... 10.11.2020 09:07:25 [Event] Saved 900 generating chunks... 10.11.2020 09:07:26 [Event] Saved 1200 generating chunks... 10.11.2020 09:07:27 [Event] Offthread save of 1388 map chunks done. 10.11.2020 09:12:25 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything... 10.11.2020 09:12:25 [Event] Will do offthread savegamedata saving... 10.11.2020 09:12:25 [Event] Saved player world data... 10.11.2020 09:12:25 [Event] Saved map regions... 10.11.2020 09:12:25 [Event] Saved map chunks... 10.11.2020 09:12:25 [Event] World saved! Saved 0 chunks, 0 mapchunks, 3 mapregions. 10.11.2020 09:12:25 [Event] Offthread save of savegame done. 10.11.2020 09:12:25 [Event] Saved 300 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:12:26 [Event] Saved 600 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:12:26 [Event] Saved 900 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:12:26 [Event] Saved 1200 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:12:26 [Event] Saved 1500 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:12:26 [Event] Offthread save of 1550 chunks done. 10.11.2020 09:12:27 [Event] Offthread save of 1280 map chunks done. 10.11.2020 09:17:27 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything... 10.11.2020 09:17:27 [Event] Will do offthread savegamedata saving... 10.11.2020 09:17:27 [Event] Saved player world data... 10.11.2020 09:17:27 [Event] Saved map regions... 10.11.2020 09:17:27 [Event] Saved map chunks... 10.11.2020 09:17:27 [Event] World saved! Saved 0 chunks, 0 mapchunks, 0 mapregions. 10.11.2020 09:17:27 [Event] Offthread save of savegame done. 10.11.2020 09:17:27 [Event] Saved 300 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:17:27 [Event] Offthread save of 527 chunks done. 10.11.2020 09:17:28 [Event] Offthread save of 1265 map chunks done. 10.11.2020 09:19:04 [Error] An error was thrown when generating chunk column X=16038,Z=16010 - it will probably not generate correctly!. Exception System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockEntityChisel.GetLightAbsorption() at Vintagestory.Common.ChunkIlluminator.SunLightFloodNeighbourChunks(IWorldChunk[] curChunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkY, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.WorldAPI.SunFloodChunkColumnNeighboursForWorldGen(IWorldChunk[] chunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.ServerSystemSupplyChunks.TryPopulateChunk(ChunkColumnGetRequest chunkRequest) 10.11.2020 09:19:05 [Error] An error was thrown when generating chunk column X=16038,Z=16011 - it will probably not generate correctly!. Exception System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockEntityChisel.GetLightAbsorption() at Vintagestory.Common.ChunkIlluminator.SunLightFloodNeighbourChunks(IWorldChunk[] curChunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkY, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.WorldAPI.SunFloodChunkColumnNeighboursForWorldGen(IWorldChunk[] chunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.ServerSystemSupplyChunks.TryPopulateChunk(ChunkColumnGetRequest chunkRequest) 10.11.2020 09:19:09 [Error] An error was thrown when generating chunk column X=16039,Z=16005 - it will probably not generate correctly!. Exception System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockEntityChisel.GetLightAbsorption() at Vintagestory.Common.ChunkIlluminator.SunLightFloodNeighbourChunks(IWorldChunk[] curChunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkY, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.WorldAPI.SunFloodChunkColumnNeighboursForWorldGen(IWorldChunk[] chunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.ServerSystemSupplyChunks.TryPopulateChunk(ChunkColumnGetRequest chunkRequest) 10.11.2020 09:20:11 [Error] An error was thrown when generating chunk column X=16047,Z=16004 - it will probably not generate correctly!. Exception System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockEntityChisel.GetLightAbsorption() at Vintagestory.Common.ChunkIlluminator.SunLightFloodNeighbourChunks(IWorldChunk[] curChunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkY, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.WorldAPI.SunFloodChunkColumnNeighboursForWorldGen(IWorldChunk[] chunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.ServerSystemSupplyChunks.TryPopulateChunk(ChunkColumnGetRequest chunkRequest) 10.11.2020 09:21:15 [Error] An error was thrown when generating chunk column X=16051,Z=16006 - it will probably not generate correctly!. Exception System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockEntityChisel.GetLightAbsorption() at Vintagestory.Common.ChunkIlluminator.SunLightFloodNeighbourChunks(IWorldChunk[] curChunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkY, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.WorldAPI.SunFloodChunkColumnNeighboursForWorldGen(IWorldChunk[] chunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.ServerSystemSupplyChunks.TryPopulateChunk(ChunkColumnGetRequest chunkRequest) 10.11.2020 09:22:28 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything... 10.11.2020 09:22:28 [Event] Will do offthread savegamedata saving... 10.11.2020 09:22:28 [Event] Saved player world data... 10.11.2020 09:22:28 [Event] Saved map regions... 10.11.2020 09:22:28 [Event] Saved map chunks... 10.11.2020 09:22:28 [Event] World saved! Saved 0 chunks, 0 mapchunks, 10 mapregions. 10.11.2020 09:22:28 [Event] Offthread save of savegame done. 10.11.2020 09:22:28 [Event] Saved 300 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:22:28 [Event] Saved 600 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:22:28 [Event] Saved 900 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:22:28 [Event] Offthread save of 981 chunks done. 10.11.2020 09:22:29 [Event] Offthread save of 892 map chunks done. 10.11.2020 09:23:14 [Error] An error was thrown when generating chunk column X=16005,Z=15982 - it will probably not generate correctly!. Exception System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockEntityChisel.GetLightAbsorption() at Vintagestory.Common.ChunkIlluminator.SpreadSunLightInColumn(Stack`1 stack, IWorldChunk[] chunks) at Vintagestory.Common.ChunkIlluminator.SunlightFlood(IWorldChunk[] chunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkY, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.WorldAPI.SunFloodChunkColumnForWorldGen(IWorldChunk[] chunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenLightSurvival.OnChunkColumnGeneration(IServerChunk[] chunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkZ, ITreeAttribute chunkGenParams) at Vintagestory.Server.ServerSystemSupplyChunks.TryPopulateChunk(ChunkColumnGetRequest chunkRequest) 10.11.2020 09:27:29 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything... 10.11.2020 09:27:29 [Event] Will do offthread savegamedata saving... 10.11.2020 09:27:29 [Event] Saved player world data... 10.11.2020 09:27:29 [Event] Saved map regions... 10.11.2020 09:27:29 [Event] Saved map chunks... 10.11.2020 09:27:29 [Event] World saved! Saved 0 chunks, 0 mapchunks, 3 mapregions. 10.11.2020 09:27:29 [Event] Offthread save of savegame done. 10.11.2020 09:27:29 [Event] Saved 300 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:27:29 [Event] Saved 600 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:27:30 [Event] Saved 900 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:27:30 [Event] Offthread save of 1191 chunks done. 10.11.2020 09:27:30 [Event] Offthread save of 1037 map chunks done. 10.11.2020 09:28:44 [Error] An error was thrown when generating chunk column X=16029,Z=15996 - it will probably not generate correctly!. Exception System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockEntityChisel.GetLightAbsorption() at Vintagestory.Common.ChunkIlluminator.SunLightFloodNeighbourChunks(IWorldChunk[] curChunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkY, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.WorldAPI.SunFloodChunkColumnNeighboursForWorldGen(IWorldChunk[] chunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.ServerSystemSupplyChunks.TryPopulateChunk(ChunkColumnGetRequest chunkRequest) 10.11.2020 09:32:31 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything... 10.11.2020 09:32:31 [Event] Will do offthread savegamedata saving... 10.11.2020 09:32:31 [Event] Saved player world data... 10.11.2020 09:32:31 [Event] Saved map regions... 10.11.2020 09:32:31 [Event] Saved map chunks... 10.11.2020 09:32:31 [Event] World saved! Saved 0 chunks, 0 mapchunks, 2 mapregions. 10.11.2020 09:32:31 [Event] Offthread save of savegame done. 10.11.2020 09:32:31 [Event] Saved 300 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:32:31 [Event] Saved 600 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:32:31 [Event] Saved 900 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:32:31 [Event] Offthread save of 979 chunks done. 10.11.2020 09:32:32 [Event] Offthread save of 1066 map chunks done. 10.11.2020 09:37:32 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything... 10.11.2020 09:37:32 [Event] Will do offthread savegamedata saving... 10.11.2020 09:37:32 [Event] Saved player world data... 10.11.2020 09:37:32 [Event] Saved map regions... 10.11.2020 09:37:32 [Event] Saved map chunks... 10.11.2020 09:37:32 [Event] World saved! Saved 0 chunks, 0 mapchunks, 0 mapregions. 10.11.2020 09:37:32 [Event] Offthread save of savegame done. 10.11.2020 09:37:33 [Event] Saved 300 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:37:33 [Event] Offthread save of 339 chunks done. 10.11.2020 09:37:33 [Event] Offthread save of 1047 map chunks done. 10.11.2020 09:41:02 [Error] An error was thrown when generating chunk column X=16052,Z=16009 - it will probably not generate correctly!. Exception System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockEntityChisel.GetLightAbsorption() at Vintagestory.Common.ChunkIlluminator.SunLightFloodNeighbourChunks(IWorldChunk[] curChunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkY, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.WorldAPI.SunFloodChunkColumnNeighboursForWorldGen(IWorldChunk[] chunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.ServerSystemSupplyChunks.TryPopulateChunk(ChunkColumnGetRequest chunkRequest) 10.11.2020 09:41:30 [Error] An error was thrown when generating chunk column X=16053,Z=16000 - it will probably not generate correctly!. Exception System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockEntityChisel.GetLightAbsorption() at Vintagestory.Common.ChunkIlluminator.SunLightFloodNeighbourChunks(IWorldChunk[] curChunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkY, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.WorldAPI.SunFloodChunkColumnNeighboursForWorldGen(IWorldChunk[] chunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.ServerSystemSupplyChunks.TryPopulateChunk(ChunkColumnGetRequest chunkRequest) 10.11.2020 09:42:33 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything... 10.11.2020 09:42:33 [Event] Will do offthread savegamedata saving... 10.11.2020 09:42:33 [Event] Saved player world data... 10.11.2020 09:42:34 [Event] Saved map regions... 10.11.2020 09:42:34 [Event] Saved map chunks... 10.11.2020 09:42:34 [Event] World saved! Saved 0 chunks, 0 mapchunks, 4 mapregions. 10.11.2020 09:42:34 [Event] Offthread save of savegame done. 10.11.2020 09:42:34 [Event] Saved 300 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:42:34 [Event] Saved 600 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:42:34 [Event] Saved 900 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:42:34 [Event] Saved 1200 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:42:34 [Event] Saved 1500 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:42:34 [Event] Saved 1800 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:42:34 [Event] Saved 2100 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:42:34 [Event] Offthread save of 2300 chunks done. 10.11.2020 09:42:35 [Event] Saved 300 generating chunks... 10.11.2020 09:42:35 [Event] Saved 600 generating chunks... 10.11.2020 09:42:35 [Event] Saved 900 generating chunks... 10.11.2020 09:42:35 [Event] Saved 1200 generating chunks... 10.11.2020 09:42:36 [Event] Saved 1500 generating chunks... 10.11.2020 09:42:36 [Event] Saved 1800 generating chunks... 10.11.2020 09:42:37 [Event] Offthread save of 1264 map chunks done. 10.11.2020 09:43:14 [Error] An error was thrown when generating chunk column X=16053,Z=15992 - it will probably not generate correctly!. Exception System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockEntityChisel.GetLightAbsorption() at Vintagestory.Common.ChunkIlluminator.SunLightFloodNeighbourChunks(IWorldChunk[] curChunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkY, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.WorldAPI.SunFloodChunkColumnNeighboursForWorldGen(IWorldChunk[] chunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.ServerSystemSupplyChunks.TryPopulateChunk(ChunkColumnGetRequest chunkRequest) 10.11.2020 09:43:41 [Error] An error was thrown when generating chunk column X=16032,Z=15986 - it will probably not generate correctly!. Exception System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockEntityChisel.GetLightAbsorption() at Vintagestory.Common.ChunkIlluminator.SunLightFloodNeighbourChunks(IWorldChunk[] curChunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkY, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.WorldAPI.SunFloodChunkColumnNeighboursForWorldGen(IWorldChunk[] chunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.ServerSystemSupplyChunks.TryPopulateChunk(ChunkColumnGetRequest chunkRequest) 10.11.2020 09:47:35 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything... 10.11.2020 09:47:35 [Event] Will do offthread savegamedata saving... 10.11.2020 09:47:35 [Event] Saved player world data... 10.11.2020 09:47:35 [Event] Saved map regions... 10.11.2020 09:47:35 [Event] Saved map chunks... 10.11.2020 09:47:35 [Event] World saved! Saved 0 chunks, 0 mapchunks, 4 mapregions. 10.11.2020 09:47:35 [Event] Offthread save of savegame done. 10.11.2020 09:47:35 [Event] Saved 300 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:47:35 [Event] Saved 600 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:47:35 [Event] Saved 900 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:47:35 [Event] Saved 1200 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:47:35 [Event] Saved 1500 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:47:35 [Event] Saved 1800 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:47:36 [Event] Saved 2100 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:47:36 [Event] Offthread save of 2257 chunks done. 10.11.2020 09:47:36 [Event] Saved 300 generating chunks... 10.11.2020 09:47:36 [Event] Saved 600 generating chunks... 10.11.2020 09:47:36 [Event] Saved 900 generating chunks... 10.11.2020 09:47:37 [Event] Offthread save of 1227 map chunks done. 10.11.2020 09:48:17 [Error] An error was thrown when generating chunk column X=16032,Z=15980 - it will probably not generate correctly!. Exception System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockEntityChisel.GetLightAbsorption() at Vintagestory.Common.ChunkIlluminator.SunLightFloodNeighbourChunks(IWorldChunk[] curChunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkY, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.WorldAPI.SunFloodChunkColumnNeighboursForWorldGen(IWorldChunk[] chunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.ServerSystemSupplyChunks.TryPopulateChunk(ChunkColumnGetRequest chunkRequest) 10.11.2020 09:52:36 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything... 10.11.2020 09:52:36 [Event] Will do offthread savegamedata saving... 10.11.2020 09:52:36 [Event] Saved player world data... 10.11.2020 09:52:36 [Event] Saved map regions... 10.11.2020 09:52:36 [Event] Saved map chunks... 10.11.2020 09:52:36 [Event] World saved! Saved 0 chunks, 0 mapchunks, 5 mapregions. 10.11.2020 09:52:36 [Event] Offthread save of savegame done. 10.11.2020 09:52:36 [Event] Saved 300 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:52:36 [Event] Saved 600 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:52:37 [Event] Saved 900 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:52:37 [Event] Saved 1200 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:52:37 [Event] Saved 1500 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:52:37 [Event] Saved 1800 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:52:37 [Event] Saved 2100 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:52:37 [Event] Saved 2400 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:52:37 [Event] Saved 2700 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:52:37 [Event] Offthread save of 2892 chunks done. 10.11.2020 09:52:38 [Event] Saved 300 generating chunks... 10.11.2020 09:52:38 [Event] Saved 600 generating chunks... 10.11.2020 09:52:38 [Event] Saved 900 generating chunks... 10.11.2020 09:52:39 [Event] Offthread save of 1332 map chunks done. 10.11.2020 09:53:45 [Error] An error was thrown when generating chunk column X=16017,Z=15974 - it will probably not generate correctly!. Exception System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockEntityChisel.GetLightAbsorption() at Vintagestory.Common.ChunkIlluminator.SunLightFloodNeighbourChunks(IWorldChunk[] curChunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkY, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.WorldAPI.SunFloodChunkColumnNeighboursForWorldGen(IWorldChunk[] chunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.ServerSystemSupplyChunks.TryPopulateChunk(ChunkColumnGetRequest chunkRequest) 10.11.2020 09:53:49 [Error] An error was thrown when generating chunk column X=16016,Z=15974 - it will probably not generate correctly!. Exception System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockEntityChisel.GetLightAbsorption() at Vintagestory.Common.ChunkIlluminator.SunLightFloodNeighbourChunks(IWorldChunk[] curChunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkY, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.WorldAPI.SunFloodChunkColumnNeighboursForWorldGen(IWorldChunk[] chunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.ServerSystemSupplyChunks.TryPopulateChunk(ChunkColumnGetRequest chunkRequest) 10.11.2020 09:56:51 [Error] An error was thrown when generating chunk column X=16016,Z=15971 - it will probably not generate correctly!. Exception System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockEntityChisel.GetLightAbsorption() at Vintagestory.Common.ChunkIlluminator.SunLightFloodNeighbourChunks(IWorldChunk[] curChunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkY, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.WorldAPI.SunFloodChunkColumnNeighboursForWorldGen(IWorldChunk[] chunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.ServerSystemSupplyChunks.TryPopulateChunk(ChunkColumnGetRequest chunkRequest) 10.11.2020 09:57:16 [Error] An error was thrown when generating chunk column X=16023,Z=15970 - it will probably not generate correctly!. Exception System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockEntityChisel.GetLightAbsorption() at Vintagestory.Common.ChunkIlluminator.SunLightFloodNeighbourChunks(IWorldChunk[] curChunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkY, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.WorldAPI.SunFloodChunkColumnNeighboursForWorldGen(IWorldChunk[] chunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.ServerSystemSupplyChunks.TryPopulateChunk(ChunkColumnGetRequest chunkRequest) 10.11.2020 09:57:37 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything... 10.11.2020 09:57:37 [Event] Will do offthread savegamedata saving... 10.11.2020 09:57:37 [Event] Saved player world data... 10.11.2020 09:57:37 [Event] Saved map regions... 10.11.2020 09:57:37 [Event] Saved map chunks... 10.11.2020 09:57:37 [Event] World saved! Saved 0 chunks, 0 mapchunks, 9 mapregions. 10.11.2020 09:57:37 [Event] Offthread save of savegame done. 10.11.2020 09:57:38 [Event] Saved 300 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:57:38 [Event] Saved 600 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:57:38 [Event] Saved 900 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:57:38 [Event] Saved 1200 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:57:38 [Event] Saved 1500 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:57:38 [Event] Saved 1800 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:57:38 [Event] Saved 2100 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:57:38 [Event] Saved 2400 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:57:38 [Event] Saved 2700 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:57:38 [Event] Saved 3000 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:57:38 [Event] Saved 3300 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:57:39 [Event] Saved 3600 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:57:39 [Event] Saved 3900 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:57:39 [Event] Saved 4200 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:57:39 [Event] Saved 4500 chunks... 10.11.2020 09:57:39 [Event] Offthread save of 4704 chunks done. 10.11.2020 09:57:39 [Event] Saved 300 generating chunks... 10.11.2020 09:57:39 [Event] Saved 600 generating chunks... 10.11.2020 09:57:40 [Event] Saved 900 generating chunks... 10.11.2020 09:57:40 [Event] Saved 1200 generating chunks... 10.11.2020 09:57:40 [Event] Saved 1500 generating chunks... 10.11.2020 09:57:40 [Event] Saved 1800 generating chunks... 10.11.2020 09:57:42 [Event] Offthread save of 1343 map chunks done. 10.11.2020 10:02:39 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything... 10.11.2020 10:02:39 [Event] Will do offthread savegamedata saving... 10.11.2020 10:02:39 [Event] Saved player world data... 10.11.2020 10:02:39 [Event] Saved map regions... 10.11.2020 10:02:39 [Event] Saved map chunks... 10.11.2020 10:02:39 [Event] World saved! Saved 0 chunks, 0 mapchunks, 0 mapregions. 10.11.2020 10:02:39 [Event] Offthread save of savegame done. 10.11.2020 10:02:39 [Event] Saved 300 chunks... 10.11.2020 10:02:39 [Event] Offthread save of 412 chunks done. 10.11.2020 10:02:40 [Event] Offthread save of 1183 map chunks done. 10.11.2020 10:07:41 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything... 10.11.2020 10:07:41 [Event] Will do offthread savegamedata saving... 10.11.2020 10:07:41 [Event] Saved player world data... 10.11.2020 10:07:41 [Event] Saved map regions... 10.11.2020 10:07:41 [Event] Saved map chunks... 10.11.2020 10:07:41 [Event] World saved! Saved 0 chunks, 0 mapchunks, 2 mapregions. 10.11.2020 10:07:41 [Event] Offthread save of savegame done. 10.11.2020 10:07:41 [Event] Saved 300 chunks... 10.11.2020 10:07:41 [Event] Saved 600 chunks... 10.11.2020 10:07:41 [Event] Offthread save of 775 chunks done. 10.11.2020 10:07:42 [Event] Offthread save of 1180 map chunks done. 10.11.2020 10:12:42 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything... 10.11.2020 10:12:42 [Event] Will do offthread savegamedata saving... 10.11.2020 10:12:42 [Event] Saved player world data... 10.11.2020 10:12:42 [Event] Saved map regions... 10.11.2020 10:12:42 [Event] Saved map chunks... 10.11.2020 10:12:42 [Event] World saved! Saved 0 chunks, 0 mapchunks, 0 mapregions. 10.11.2020 10:12:42 [Event] Offthread save of savegame done. 10.11.2020 10:12:42 [Event] Saved 300 chunks... 10.11.2020 10:12:42 [Event] Offthread save of 400 chunks done. 10.11.2020 10:12:43 [Event] Offthread save of 1180 map chunks done. 10.11.2020 10:13:14 [Error] An error was thrown when generating chunk column X=16001,Z=15974 - it will probably not generate correctly!. Exception System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockEntityChisel.GetLightAbsorption() at Vintagestory.Common.ChunkIlluminator.SunLightFloodNeighbourChunks(IWorldChunk[] curChunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkY, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.WorldAPI.SunFloodChunkColumnNeighboursForWorldGen(IWorldChunk[] chunks, Int32 chunkX, Int32 chunkZ) at Vintagestory.Server.ServerSystemSupplyChunks.TryPopulateChunk(ChunkColumnGetRequest chunkRequest) 10.11.2020 10:17:43 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything... 10.11.2020 10:17:43 [Event] Will do offthread savegamedata saving... 10.11.2020 10:17:43 [Event] Saved player world data... 10.11.2020 10:17:43 [Event] Saved map regions... 10.11.2020 10:17:43 [Event] Saved map chunks... 10.11.2020 10:17:43 [Event] World saved! Saved 0 chunks, 0 mapchunks, 4 mapregions. 10.11.2020 10:17:43 [Event] Offthread save of savegame done. 10.11.2020 10:17:43 [Event] Saved 300 chunks... 10.11.2020 10:17:43 [Event] Saved 600 chunks... 10.11.2020 10:17:43 [Event] Saved 900 chunks... 10.11.2020 10:17:43 [Event] Offthread save of 959 chunks done. 10.11.2020 10:17:44 [Event] Offthread save of 1192 map chunks done. 10.11.2020 10:22:44 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything... 10.11.2020 10:22:44 [Event] Will do offthread savegamedata saving... 10.11.2020 10:22:44 [Event] Saved player world data... 10.11.2020 10:22:44 [Event] Saved map regions... 10.11.2020 10:22:44 [Event] Saved map chunks... 10.11.2020 10:22:44 [Event] World saved! Saved 0 chunks, 0 mapchunks, 0 mapregions. 10.11.2020 10:22:44 [Event] Offthread save of savegame done. 10.11.2020 10:22:45 [Event] Saved 300 chunks... 10.11.2020 10:22:45 [Event] Offthread save of 391 chunks done. 10.11.2020 10:22:46 [Event] Offthread save of 1192 map chunks done. 10.11.2020 10:27:46 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything... 10.11.2020 10:27:46 [Event] Will do offthread savegamedata saving... 10.11.2020 10:27:46 [Event] Saved player world data... 10.11.2020 10:27:46 [Event] Saved map regions... 10.11.2020 10:27:46 [Event] Saved map chunks... 10.11.2020 10:27:46 [Event] World saved! Saved 0 chunks, 0 mapchunks, 3 mapregions. 10.11.2020 10:27:46 [Event] Offthread save of savegame done. 10.11.2020 10:27:46 [Event] Saved 300 chunks... 10.11.2020 10:27:46 [Event] Saved 600 chunks... 10.11.2020 10:27:46 [Event] Offthread save of 775 chunks done. 10.11.2020 10:27:47 [Event] Offthread save of 1191 map chunks done. 10.11.2020 10:28:02 [Event] Mods and systems notified, now saving everything... 10.11.2020 10:28:02 [Event] Saved savegamedata... 10.11.2020 10:28:02 [Event] Saved player world data... 10.11.2020 10:28:02 [Event] Saved map regions... 10.11.2020 10:28:02 [Event] Saved map chunks... 10.11.2020 10:28:02 [Event] Saved loaded chunks... 10.11.2020 10:28:02 [Event] Saved generating chunks... 10.11.2020 10:28:02 [Event] World saved! Saved 54 chunks, 21 mapchunks, 0 mapregions. 10.11.2020 10:28:02 [Event] Shutting down 5 server threads... 10.11.2020 10:28:02 [Event] Killed console thread 10.11.2020 10:28:03 [Event] All threads gracefully shut down 10.11.2020 10:28:03 [Event] Doing last tick... 10.11.2020 10:28:03 [Event] Stopped the server!