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Epihnea last won the day on May 1 2023

Epihnea had the most liked content!

1 Follower

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Steel Worker

Steel Worker (8/9)




Community Answers

  1. Epihnea


    Hello ! Please fill a refund request in the support section. Link : https://www.vintagestory.at/support/
  2. Bonjour ! -> Redémarre ton ordinateur, ensuite va dans le dossier %appdata%. -> Descend en bas et va dans le dossier VintagestoryData -> Ouvre le fichier clientsettings.json -> dans ce fichier, ctrl+F et cherche multipleInstances -> Change la valeur false par true -> Sauvegarde et voila ! -> Tu peux lancer le jeu et le fermer et le relancer sans soucis. *Note : C'est une solution temporaire car il y a probablement une instance qui tourne derrière qui consomme quand même une infime partie des ressources. Par ailleurs je recommande de toujours faire des sauvegarde des mondes très régulièrement.
  3. This debate is going nowhere - The devs are pointing to the Q&A section of this website - they will decide if they sell it or not on steam - Locking the Thread.
  4. Have you tried disabling Occlusion Culling ?
  5. Epihnea

    What about 1.18?

    In game feature (creative mode) : World Edit
  6. Go to the chunk and type the following command : /debug cr
  7. Hello ! If you wish to make your own mod, feel free to check this mod and look in the folders when uncompressed to learn how it is made : https://mods.vintagestory.at/betterruins Also if you want to learn how to mod, you can take a look here : https://wiki.vintagestory.at/index.php/Modding:Getting_Started
  8. Epihnea


    Tu dois avoir accès à la console ou a quelque chose pour OP ton compte. Ensuite tu devrais pouvoir le whitelist.
  9. I suggest setting fps counter to max (Unlimited FPS ) and removing instanced plants as this setting does not work properly on Nvidia cards. This should fix your issues.
  10. Hello would you mind sharing your Graphical Settings ( Screenshot if possible ) ?
  11. And when the said monopoly will close , you'll lose everything because all your egss were in the same basket and you never truly owned your games. No thanks , i'd rather have 50 game icons on my desktop that having a "convenient launcher with everything in one place".
  12. Hello , Kind reminder that no matter what happened , please resolve your issues somewhere else.
  13. Oh yeah only available in creative
  14. It's how the game used to be ^^ , yes it's not up to date and does not represent the state of the game, but it's still a demo.
  15. You have a beautiful website !!
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