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Everything posted by Sukotto82

  1. I'd like a little more detail about this as I've had similar issues when trying to create a flint and stone-obsidian sawblade. everything looked like it worked I got no error messages but when I go to knap the sawblade head doesn't show up. { ingredient: { type: "item", code: "flint" }, pattern: [[ "__________", "___#______", "__##__#___", "___#__#___", "__##__##__", "___#__#___", "__##__##__", "___#__#___", "__##__##__", "__________" ]], name: "Flint sawblade", output: { type: "item", code: "sawblade-flint" } } { ingredient: { type: "item", code: "stone-*", name: "rock", allowedVariants: ["obsidian", "flint"] }, pattern: [[ "__________", "___#______", "__##__#___", "___#__#___", "__##__##__", "___#__#___", "__##__##__", "___#__#___", "__##__##__", "__________" ]], name: "stone sawblade", output: { type: "item", code: "sawblade-{rock}" } } I basically used the axe/hatchet as a guide and it too had obsidian and flint in the stone section as well as a different recipe for flint by itself. I found this as odd but figured there was a reason behind it but as you said maybe it's just an error so I'll remove flint from the variants section of the stone version but I still have the issue of it simply not showing up as an option when you place down flint or obsidian for knapping. I even had a shape for it but the part that got confusing and the reason why I didn't think it was working is because of this coming part of the code. ... weird I can't find the files that were confusing me. as I looked through everything it looked like I should have no trouble making a recipe for it I guess I would just have to create a second grid recipe or maybe add another option in the existing grid recipe for saw that would use material instead of metal [ { ingredientPattern: "T S", ingredients: { "T": { type: "item", code: "sawblade-*", name: "metal" }, "S": { type: "item", code: "stick" } }, width: 1, height: 2, output: { type: "item", code: "saw-{metal}", quantity: 1 } }, { ingredientPattern: "T S", ingredients: { "T": { type: "item", code: "sawblade-*", name: "material" }, "S": { type: "item", code: "stick" } }, width: 1, height: 2, output: { type: "item", code: "saw-{material}", quantity: 1 } } ] material would cover the flint and stone variants of the saw.
  2. would removing the worldgen file work? I wouldn't delete it out right so you can put it back later but maybe you could just move it to you desktop. not sure how that would effect the game though. I would imagine it would cause some load errors or something.
  3. I'm not sure if this would do what your looking for but I found this in appdata>roaming>vintagestory>assets>survival>config there is a JSON file called general.json and it has this in it. perishSpeedModifier: 1, creatureDamageModifier: 1, toolDurabilityModifier: 1, toolMiningSpeedModifier: 1, hungerSpeedModifier: 1, baseMoveSpeed: 1.5, perhaps the perishSpeedModifier: 1, is the food spoilage changing this to 0 might work. I've not tested it so I don't know but if someone else knows more about it please do tell. worth looking into though.
  4. I read somewhere that they are adding temperature effects to the game and cloths will actually give you warmth and stop you from taking freezing damage. I'm not sure how accurate that information is as I've just seen someone post it someplace but if it is true then you should be able to find the warmth buff they add to the cloths when they release that feature and change or add buffs of your choosing if you know what they are. they should work in clothing slots. It really depends if what I read is true and how they decide to implement it.
  5. ok. awesome. will do this right now and give it a try. thanks. I'll credit you in the mod info section once I get this working as well as anyone else who has helped with figuring things out. it's much appreciated. I thought this is in C# and I thought 7 days to die was in C# as well and I mod 7 days to die okay but I use things like <modname> <append xpath="/items"> <item name="drinkJarBlueberryAloeJuiceST"> <property name="HoldType" value="3"/> <property name="DisplayType" value="water"/> <property name="Meshfile" value="#Other/Items?Food/bottled_waterPrefab.prefab"/> <property name="DropMeshfile" value="#Other/Items?Misc/sack_droppedPrefab.prefab"/> <property name="Material" value="Morganic"/> <property name="Stacknumber" value="32"/> <!-- STK drink --> <property name="EconomicValue" value="89"/> <property name="UnlockedBy" value="perkMasterChef"/> <property class="Action0"> <property name="Class" value="Eat"/> <property name="Delay" value="1.0"/> <property name="Use_time" value="..."/> <property name="Sound_start" value="player_drinking"/> <property name="Create_item" value="drinkJarEmpty" count="1"/> </property> <property name="Group" value="Food/Cooking,CFDrink/Cooking"/> <effect_group tiered="false" name="Drink Tier 3"> <requirement name="NotHasBuff" buff="buffIsOnFire"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="$waterAmountAdd" operation="add" value="50"/> <display_value name="dStaminaRegen" value=".50"/> <display_value name="dEfficientDigestion" value=".15"/> <display_value name="dDuration" value="303"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="$buffRedTeaDuration" operation="add" value="303"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="$buffRedTeaDuration" operation="set" value="903"> <requirement name="CVarCompare" cvar="$buffRedTeaDuration" operation="GT" value="903"/></triggered_effect> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="AddBuff" buff="buffProcessConsumables,buffRedTea"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="$foodAmountAdd" operation="add" value="50"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="AddBuff" buff="buffProcessConsumables"/> <display_value name="dCureInfection" value=".15"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="$buffInfectionAddCurePerc" operation="add" value="15"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="AddBuff" buff="buffInfectionAddCure"/> <display_value name="dCureDysentery" value=".2"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="$buffDysenteryAddCurePerc" operation="add" value="20"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="AddBuff" buff="buffDysenteryAddCure"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="maxHealthAmount" operation="add" value="40"/> <!-- X --> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="maxHealthIncrease" operation="set" value="@medicPerkIncrease"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="medicalHealthAmount" operation="add" value="80"/> <!-- X --> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="healthIncrease" operation="set" value="@healthPerkIncrease"/> <display_value name="foodHealthAmount" value="80"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="AddBuff" buff="buffProcessConsumables"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="RemoveBuff" buff="buffInjuryBleeding"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfSecondaryActionEnd" action="GiveExp" exp="100"/> <!-- medical XP gains --> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="GiveExp" exp="100"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="GiveExp" exp="30"> <requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="perkPhysician" operation="Equals" value="1"/> </triggered_effect> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="GiveExp" exp="40"> <requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="perkPhysician" operation="Equals" value="2"/> </triggered_effect> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="GiveExp" exp="60"> <requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="perkPhysician" operation="Equals" value="3"/> </triggered_effect> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="GiveExp" exp="80"> <requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="perkPhysician" operation="Equals" value="4"/> </triggered_effect> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="GiveExp" exp="100"> <requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="perkPhysician" operation="Equals" value="5"/> </triggered_effect> </effect_group> <effect_group tiered="false"> <requirement name="HasBuff" buff="buffIsOnFire"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="AddBuff" buff="buffExtinguishFire"/> </effect_group> </item> for example of one of the items I added to 7 days to die, but this langauge and the way things are written are WAY different. plus in 7 days to die or Kenshi or Skyrim or anything I've made mods for I've never modified json files in fact I didn't even know I could or maybe those games have json files locked or something I don't know. but either way. thank you all and I greatly appreciate your help. also I've never been able to make my own custom mesh files either only textures so that limits what I can do as well. it seems every game I try to learn how to mod they are each different in such a way I need to learn everything from scratch but it's fun to learn and see things come to life since I can't make my own game I make the best of trying to learn how to mod games instead. I'm still quite the noob as it's kinda obvious and I do appreciate all the help I get. sometimes I get so caught up I just want to do things and as soon as I learn something I instantly go try it out and sometimes forget to say thanks to those who help me so I really want to be sure to get better at that and let people know that their help is truly appreciated.
  6. I find using mod tools easier than coding itself, I've never used mcreator but I've used to Kenshi modding tool and that has been the easiest modding experience I've ever had. it has it's limitations but if you know coding then you can bypass many if not all of those limitations but it is a very helpful tool for simple modding. when you launch Kenshi from your steam library you get a prompt if you want to launch the game or the editor and the editor has been super easy to use and very helpful. something like that for vintage story would make a lot of what I'm trying to mod so much easier and with way less "stuck" situations.
  7. also check some more specifics about the animal as the weight value weather good decent or poor also effect drops and what you get from harvesting. be sure to pay attention to those as well.
  8. just thought about this check the berrybush files and look at the flowering process, pherhaps you could do something similar to the flower overlay on bushes but for your bread texture instead. I didn't see an overlay tag in the bush textures or the blocktype for the bush either but maybe if you look at the bushes and see how they add flowering to the bush and even changing a bush from flowering to ripe maybe that would help you with your textures for your bread.
  9. Awesome, thank you. I'll check this out and see if I can talk to Rhonen. much appreciated. this won't just help with cobblestone but I could make a whole bunch of new blocks this way. thank you.
  10. I've never used an overlay I usually just make a different texture for it but when making multiple items it would be nice to be able to just add overlay so you don't need to make a different texture for each and every item like I'm doing now. would this work? nutritionPropsByType: { "*-flax": { saturation: 160, foodcategory: "Grain" }, "*-rice": { saturation: 330, foodcategory: "Grain" }, "*": { saturation: 300, foodcategory: "Grain" } }, instead of that could maybe something like this work nutritionPropsByType: { "*-flax": { saturation: 160, foodcategory: "Grain" }, "*-rice": { saturation: 330, foodcategory: ["Grain", "fruit"] }, "*": { saturation: 300, foodcategory: "Grain" } }, looking specifically at the rice. or maybe something like this if you want different values? "*-rice": { [saturation: 330, foodcategory: "Grain"}, {saturation: 240, foodcategory: "fruit"} ] }, or simply adding 2 lines instead of the one maybe like this? nutritionPropsByType: { "*-rice": { saturation: 240, foodcategory: "fruit" }, "*-rice": { saturation: 330, foodcategory: "Grain" }, "*": { saturation: 300, foodcategory: "Grain" } }, or would this override the fruit with the grain since it comes after the fruit in the lines of code? I'm asking I don't know this isn't a suggestion. I don't know how it works just wondering if this would work.
  11. I was wanting to do something similar but harder. I was wanting to make the furnace in the creative menu craftable to work like a fire but wouldn't go out in the rain. making the furnace from creative into a craftable item in survival was easy. making it have an interface and having it have special recipes only available in the furnace in addition to the standard recipes available in the campfire. one of the new recipes that you could do in the furnace you can't do in the campfire was going to be taking cobblestone you craft using 8 rocks like he had in his 3x3 crafting grid and a clay in the center the recipe for making the cobblestone is the normal recipe for making it but I was going to have you put the cobblestone in the furnace with fuel to cook it into the stone he showed that he wanted to get from crafting the 9 stones together. much like the minecraft recipe for cooking cobblestone to make stone.
  12. this is it growing. everything working fine once it's in game. just cant get it spawned naturally atm.
  13. I know I made the same bad practice choices of changing game instead of making a seperate mod folder. I don't know much about vintage story and every game I've modded has been different. Skyrim, Kenshi, 7 days to die and vintage story are all very different from each other when it comes to modding them. what works for one doesn't work for another so I didn't know what to do in vintage story as I'm totally new to it. the purple inventory bags you see in this screenshot are also things I added. I also added compressed coal and a coal mix that burns hotter and longer than normal charcoal the compressed coal was mainly for allowing you to mine more and take up less inventory space. all the items I've added work to some degree. all the items and recipes I've added work except the knapping recipes and clay forming recipes I can't get to work. I added a new berry bush called purrberry and it's mostly a copy of blueberry bush but I changed the texture and the fruit and name and well everything about it just used blueberry bush as a base to work off of and it works but I can't find it in my world. I have to spawn it in via /gamemode2 (creative) but once I place it down it grows and works perfectly fine. it as well as a few counter crops I made as an experiment work but don't spawn in the world naturally so the only way to get them is creative at the moment. I would like to fix this but don't know how yet. I don't know why name is like that tho. all I did is add the purr berry to the existing small bush where blueberries and cranberries are. { code: "smallberrybush", class: "BlockBerryBush", attributes: { butterflyFeedByType: { "*-flowering": true }, beeFeedByType: { "*-flowering": true }, resetBelowTemperature: -1, stopBelowTemperature: 4, revertBlockBelowTemperature: -4 }, entityclass: "BerryBush", behaviorsByType: { "*-ripe": [ {name: "Harvestable", properties: { harvestTime: 0.6, harvestedStack: { type: "item", code: "fruit-{type}", quantity: { avg: 2.2 } }, harvestedBlockCode: "smallberrybush-{type}-empty" }} ], }, variantgroups: [ { code: "type", states: ["blueberry", "purrberry", "cranberry"] }, { code: "state", states: ["empty", "flowering", "ripe"] }, ], creativeinventory: { "general": ["*"], "flora": ["*"] }, renderpass: "OpaqueNoCull", renderAlphaTest: 0.4, shape: { base: "block/plant/smallberrybush_{state}" }, blockmaterial: "Plant", texturesByType: { "*-empty": { leaves: { base: "block/plant/berrybush/leaves/{type}*" }, branches: { base: "block/plant/berrybush/branches/default" } }, "*-flowering": { leaves: { base: "block/plant/berrybush/leaves/{type}*" }, branches: { base: "block/plant/berrybush/branches/default" }, berries: { base: "block/plant/berrybush/flowering/{type}*" }, berriesup: { base: "block/plant/berrybush/flowering/{type}*" }, }, "*-blueberry-ripe": { leaves: { base: "block/plant/berrybush/leaves/{type}_ripe*" }, branches: { base: "block/plant/berrybush/branches/default" }, berries: { base: "block/plant/berrybush/ripe/{type}*" }, berriesup: { base: "block/plant/berrybush/ripe/{type}*" }, }, "*-purrberry-ripe": { leaves: { base: "block/plant/berrybush/leaves/{type}_ripe*" }, branches: { base: "block/plant/berrybush/branches/default" }, berries: { base: "block/plant/berrybush/ripe/{type}*" }, berriesup: { base: "block/plant/berrybush/ripe/{type}*" }, }, "*-ripe": { leaves: { base: "block/plant/berrybush/leaves/{type}*" }, branches: { base: "block/plant/berrybush/branches/default" }, berries: { base: "block/plant/berrybush/ripe/{type}*" }, berriesup: { base: "block/plant/berrybush/ripe/{type}*" }, }, }, sideopaque: { all: false }, sidesolid: { all: false }, replaceable: 3000, lightAbsorption: 0, resistance: 0.5, collisionbox: null, sounds: { place: "block/plant", break: "block/plant", hit: "block/plant", }, rainPermeable: false, dropsByType: { "*-ripe": [ { type: "block", code: "smallberrybush-{type}-empty", quantity: { avg: 1 } }, { type: "item", code: "fruit-{type}", quantity: { avg: 2.2 } }, ], "*": [ { type: "block", code: "smallberrybush-{type}-empty", quantity: { avg: 1 } } ] }, materialDensity: 200, vertexFlags: { zOffset: 2 }, frostable: true, combustibleProps: { burnTemperature: 600, burnDuration: 10, } } it all works except not finding purrberrybush in wild the blueberry bush and cranberry bush don't show up with weird names but purrberry does for some reason despite being in the same code.
  14. sorry this is the second time it post something in the wrong topic. I don't know why it does this sometimes. this was supposed to be in a different thread where someone else was also having trouble with the name of their items showing up as "game:block-so on and so forth. but for some reason it posted here.
  15. I know I made the same bad practice choices of changing game instead of making a seperate mod folder. I don't know much about vintage story and every game I've modded has been different. Skyrim, Kenshi, 7 days to die and vintage story are all very different from each other when it comes to modding them. what works for one doesn't work for another so I didn't know what to do in vintage story as I'm totally new to it. the purple inventory bags you see in this screenshot are also things I added. I also added compressed coal and a coal mix that burns hotter and longer than normal charcoal the compressed coal was mainly for allowing you to mine more and take up less inventory space. all the items I've added work to some degree. all the items and recipes I've added work except the knapping recipes and clay forming recipes I can't get to work. I added a new berry bush called purrberry and it's mostly a copy of blueberry bush but I changed the texture and the fruit and name and well everything about it just used blueberry bush as a base to work off of and it works but I can't find it in my world. I have to spawn it in via /gamemode2 (creative) but once I place it down it grows and works perfectly fine. it as well as a few counter crops I made as an experiment work but don't spawn in the world naturally so the only way to get them is creative at the moment. I would like to fix this but don't know how yet. I don't know why name is like that tho. all I did is add the purr berry to the existing small bush where blueberries and cranberries are. { code: "smallberrybush", class: "BlockBerryBush", attributes: { butterflyFeedByType: { "*-flowering": true }, beeFeedByType: { "*-flowering": true }, resetBelowTemperature: -1, stopBelowTemperature: 4, revertBlockBelowTemperature: -4 }, entityclass: "BerryBush", behaviorsByType: { "*-ripe": [ {name: "Harvestable", properties: { harvestTime: 0.6, harvestedStack: { type: "item", code: "fruit-{type}", quantity: { avg: 2.2 } }, harvestedBlockCode: "smallberrybush-{type}-empty" }} ], }, variantgroups: [ { code: "type", states: ["blueberry", "purrberry", "cranberry"] }, { code: "state", states: ["empty", "flowering", "ripe"] }, ], creativeinventory: { "general": ["*"], "flora": ["*"] }, renderpass: "OpaqueNoCull", renderAlphaTest: 0.4, shape: { base: "block/plant/smallberrybush_{state}" }, blockmaterial: "Plant", texturesByType: { "*-empty": { leaves: { base: "block/plant/berrybush/leaves/{type}*" }, branches: { base: "block/plant/berrybush/branches/default" } }, "*-flowering": { leaves: { base: "block/plant/berrybush/leaves/{type}*" }, branches: { base: "block/plant/berrybush/branches/default" }, berries: { base: "block/plant/berrybush/flowering/{type}*" }, berriesup: { base: "block/plant/berrybush/flowering/{type}*" }, }, "*-blueberry-ripe": { leaves: { base: "block/plant/berrybush/leaves/{type}_ripe*" }, branches: { base: "block/plant/berrybush/branches/default" }, berries: { base: "block/plant/berrybush/ripe/{type}*" }, berriesup: { base: "block/plant/berrybush/ripe/{type}*" }, }, "*-purrberry-ripe": { leaves: { base: "block/plant/berrybush/leaves/{type}_ripe*" }, branches: { base: "block/plant/berrybush/branches/default" }, berries: { base: "block/plant/berrybush/ripe/{type}*" }, berriesup: { base: "block/plant/berrybush/ripe/{type}*" }, }, "*-ripe": { leaves: { base: "block/plant/berrybush/leaves/{type}*" }, branches: { base: "block/plant/berrybush/branches/default" }, berries: { base: "block/plant/berrybush/ripe/{type}*" }, berriesup: { base: "block/plant/berrybush/ripe/{type}*" }, }, }, sideopaque: { all: false }, sidesolid: { all: false }, replaceable: 3000, lightAbsorption: 0, resistance: 0.5, collisionbox: null, sounds: { place: "block/plant", break: "block/plant", hit: "block/plant", }, rainPermeable: false, dropsByType: { "*-ripe": [ { type: "block", code: "smallberrybush-{type}-empty", quantity: { avg: 1 } }, { type: "item", code: "fruit-{type}", quantity: { avg: 2.2 } }, ], "*": [ { type: "block", code: "smallberrybush-{type}-empty", quantity: { avg: 1 } } ] }, materialDensity: 200, vertexFlags: { zOffset: 2 }, frostable: true, combustibleProps: { burnTemperature: 600, burnDuration: 10, } } it all works except not finding purrberrybush in wild the blueberry bush and cranberry bush don't show up with weird names but purrberry does for some reason despite being in the same code.
  16. where do you find your screenshots? I took a few using F12 but I don't know where to find them. I knew before but I forgot.
  17. same. I have the same problem with my mods that I have been experimenting with and my coding is limited to 1 semester of introduction to computer programming 101. introduction to C++ and basically all we did is learned how to do a "hello world" text output and a few other text based code like converting c to f and that sort of thing but never taught us how to make it run outside of the compiler program used to create it.
  18. this sounds great. I want to give some feedback but I haven't used it yet. what I see here is interesting and I look forward to checking it out. my biggest problem in this game has always been not being able to do much exploring due to limitations of travel terrain and inventory space to travel 15,000 blocks away for someothing that you can't really carry much of that you need lots of really sucks. being able to craft a teleporter will make this so so soo much less painful and more enjoyable. I was hoping they would make a craftable teleportation system in the vanilla game but I guess probably not. so this mod is a god send. thank you. also this gets increasingly painful when you start getting to distances in the 100s of thousands of blocks away. to some people 15-20k blocks isn't that far but for me and the terrain I need to go through to get there is a pain.
  19. one of the mods I've made for a current work around with the whole farmland thing still makes terra pretta being waisted but when you dig up farm land depending on it's fertility it would drop rot when broken. low fertility farmland would drop ave:10 var:5 so 5 to 15 with an average of 10 rot per block medium drops 20 rot on average with a var of 5 so 15-25 rot and terra pretta drops 64 on ave with a variable of 10 so between 54 and 74 rot. I also increased rot stack size to 128 but it still only takes 64 in a barrel to make compost soil. this can be exploited by making a bunch of low fertility farmland breaking it making it into compost and having a higher value farmland but it also takes several blocks of farmland to get enough rot to make a compost then you need to wait for the compost to get done. I wish I could have something like your spade but could dig up the whole farmland not just 1 block so when I go to move several thousands of blocks away I don't need to make a separate trip for every single individual farmland I could just dig it all up at once and relocate. relocating in this game absolutely sucks at the moment lol.
  20. interesting mods. I wish I knew more about making mods myself. I have made some small mods that I doubt anyone would be interested in like compressed coal where you put coal(brown, black and char) in the crafting grid filling all 9 slots with 1 coal each and it makes a compressed coal that has slightly longer burn times but not intended for using as a fuel source as it would be more efficient to use the coal chunks themselves but the point of this was when your mining coal and you get multiple stacks you can condense it down into block forms that will condense it into far less space so instead of having 9 stacks of coal you can condense it down to 1 stack. I wish I knew enough about coding because I would really love to make a form of shulker box. a chest you can put down put stuff in and pick up while maintaining it's inventory for purpose of relocating a base. or perhaps a mod that would give me something like an enderchest and an automatic sorting system so when I'm out 15,000-20,000 blocks away from home and can put down the enderchest sort of chest drop stuff in it and back at base it will be emptied via hoppers into the correct chest in the sorting/storage room so I don't need to waist several days of travel just to get a few things then need to run all the way back. it makes exploring and gathering far off resources nearly impossible or at least very frustrating and wasting of time.
  21. I like the sharpening stone idea for my own reason I want to take an item say a pick or axe that has been damaged due to use and just repair it. I have not tried this as I didn't think to much about it as of yet but your thread has me curious I'm going to take a random stone (doesn't matter what it is) copy it add a new name for it and do a durability on the stone and when you use the stone in the crafting grid with the damaged item it will act kind of like making fire wood with the axe. it will damage the stone like firewood would damage the axe and the input would be the damaged item/tool like a log for firewood and then the output would be the same tool but fully repaired like firewood while doing 1 durability damage to the stone. if this works I'll make an actual sharpening stone a crafting recipe for it and so on. that is if someone else hasn't already done that.
  22. thanks. been working on making a few mods already. grid crafting is very straightforward and easy. I'm having trouble with knapping recipes and clay forming recipes so I'll check out these links. thanks. sorry for the delayed response as I said I've been making mods already and troubleshooting some server greenhouse issues I'm not having in single player. so I haven't even visited the this in a few days. thanks for your responses and I'll be checking those places out. the server I'm playing on often tell me to check on discord for trades and such so I guess it's time to figure out how discord works. thank you.
  23. cool. it would be nice to make stuff useful again rather than just decorative. I mean it's not like copper is super rare or hard to get same when upgrading your backpack the hand basket can be broke down into half the resources that were used to craft it but the hunter backpack once you have the linen bag is just garbage and has no use other than wasting space so you basically just throw it out and let it de spawn. I'm weird when it comes to recycling old stuff you have no use for. again it's not like the resources for making a hunter backpack are rare or hard to get or anything I just don't like throwing things out. I would rather recycle them. make them useful in a recipe or make them upgradable so you don't have a garbage item you have no use for and serves no purpose. being able to re melt things will be nice when it gets here. it will take care of some waist.
  24. yeah still having trouble. the problem with sleeping is I'm on a server and there is usually always someone else one and it's hard to get everyone to try and sleep at the same time. everyone is doing their own thing most of the time. I took out the entire ceiling lowered it even more. now there is only a 3 black gap between the ceiling and the farmland and I replaced all the glass with clear glass blocks and made it all flat. I've done several test in my single player and in creative and the greenhouse works but for some reason it's just not working on the server. I appreciate your help and interactions and feedback. I am going to give up on getting it to work because like I said it's working in single player and in creative so I'm thinking it's a server issue of some kind that I can't do anything about. other people have theirs working and I had mine working when I first built it but after the first winter it stopped working and hasn't worked since.
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