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Everything posted by LazyRoll

  1. LazyRoll

    Class survey

    I wish we could just switch classes/professions easily at least in a singleplayer world. Like maybe investing something into it. Getting permits from the traders via gears or something like that.
  2. Yeah I'm stopping with this game for now too... Although there are a lot of neat stuff in this update, other things left to be ignored, or a raised difficulty of some mechanics are not cool... Can't blame them though, they're the creators, but the whole horror & mega-grind theme is not for me as well... I've lost my patience when I lost my only watering bucket (since It's harder to make clay products for now & the bug of disappearing stuff still exists), on my first wilderness survival world...
  3. Chiseling should be activated on a block differently... Also, easy copying, like from a workbench mod. + for the 2 states as well.
  4. + when someone mentions you in-public-chat window, you get the message delivered in notifications channel as well.
  5. Surface TL's (maybe DIY?), costing temporal gears for every travel, but letting you to choose where to go exactly. That encourages temporal gears farming & makes travelling easier. Other TL's (that others made or randomly generated in the world) needs to be activated/fixed first. Construction or fixing costs extra parts & temporal gears (like with the regular ones).
  6. Talking about food spoilage only, everything would be kinda fine if there would be horses (or other mounts)/hot air balloons/gliders/surface TL's (custom ones?) for faster travelling & extra storage... Everything else is just 1 step forward, 2 steps back, they should introduce some buffs with every nerf to the game for staying or becoming more enjoyable IMHO.
  7. Reward players instead of punishing them, that's what makes games great!
  8. Make drifters more like monsters from "A Quiet Place" movie, or like a Warden from MC. That they only react to noise (digging, running, higher jumps, etc.), or when you get to a really close proximity, like in exploration (passive mode). That way caves exploration would be better for more people, still scary, but more possible if you are careful enough. And program that they "moan" only when they're after you! Spotting them in silence would be much scarier.
  9. I think it's enough that we have storms, unstable areas on the surface and that stability goes down underground. Give builders and casual players a place to relax & build, if they choose so. And if you want challenge, well, go to the unstable areas, there are plenty of them. Also, tweaked light level spawning would be a nice addition.
  10. Drifters are annoying... From sounds, to the AI and etc. Whole combat to me seems off the balance. I've posted a suggestion to turn them off at all for the more casual gameplay.
  11. I cannot agree more! Even more impossible to explore further when you play standard. Some mechanics needs to be reworked for better player experience, not punishment...
  12. Thanks, that's cool, but I like to play "Vanilla"...
  13. Nature (animals) can be hostile. Not everyone wants "monsters" in this game. I like the survival aspect, just not the monsters and those storms... I don't like combat that much. It's good to be challenged sometimes, but that's it. Detailed world customization before & after generation (in the menu) would be a huge advantage!
  14. Wouldn't it be cool to be able to relocate the traders to your desired locations? Having a "Trading Trailer Park" or a nice little marketplace/settlement nearby? Checking for the inventory stock/prices almost instantly of every category?
  15. Option (before and after a world generation) to disable monsters spawning in the world. Either one of them (certain type), or all of them (I really hate that constant moaning around me)... It even discourages me to explore the caves at all (and for me personally, caves are already scary without any monsters, strange noises are more than enough), and without exploring them - what's the point? Also the same with the temporal storms. Nature & animals are more than enough for me to be challenged . Especially, since the bears are coming to town... Most of the people are too sensitive, but still want to play this cool game, to chill & relax (survive in the nature) with the lower level of challenges. Those options should be easy to on & off from the menu. Thank you for reading!
  16. No birds, no new animals, no fruit trees, no alcohol https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/479736466453561345/821719850791337994/hawk_flap2.gif?width=847&height=609
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