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Posts posted by Paradigmshift2020

  1. Hi there :)

    I am certainly no expert on this subject but my impression is, that it might be a mistake not to sell it on gog and/or steam (fuck epic tho).

    From a refund perspective I can understand why you dont want to go to steam tho (but listing it as a reason not to go for a steam release seems kinda contradictory when selling it over humblestore or itch.io which have their own plolicies as well).

    I'm not writing this because I want you to realease it there so I have easier access ;)

    I'm writing this because I really like your game and your attitude and want you to succeed!

    From my gutfeeling alone, it would easily make you more profit if you went to steam and/or gog, because the increased amout of exposure your game gets will increase the number of sales and this will by far outweigh the 30% you loose to those platforms. But since this is a question that has left me wondering for a long time, I will now try to finally answer it.

    Let me try to demonstrate my thought process:

    For simplicities sake I'll use 33% (instead of 30% they actually take) for the stores because it makes math with the price of 15€ a lot easier:

    You get 15€ when they buy from you, you get 10€ when they buy from them.

    Now there are several different types of potential buyers:

    1. Those who learn about this game outside the stores and want to buy it no matter what (called "z" in the maths), split into two groups: 

    1.1 Those who proceed buying from your homepage (GOOD!) means +15€  (x)

    1.2. Those who proceed buying from steam/gog (BAD!) -5€ (y) (because they would have bought it from you if it wasnt on steam/gog)

    2. Those who learn about this game outside the stores and only buy it because it is on steam/gog. (Don't underestimate the lazyness of people who simply move on when they can't find it on their favourite store!) (GOOD!) +10€ (a)

    and 3. Those who learn about this game in the stores and buy it. (GOOD!) +10€ (b)

    So the question is:

    What does it take for a realease on steam/gog to be more profitable than staying independent? There is no other way for this to answer then to estimate (because obv. you can't test it), but to have a better idea what values have to be weighted against each other we need maths:

    Scenario 1, current state: P1 (profit) = 15z (number of total buyers); z=x+y  (clarification: this is true only for Scenario 2 tho, so it seems wrong to put x+y as z into P1 since y does not appear in Scenario 1, but going forward Scenario 2 is the one for which we try to find out what it takes to make more profit, so it makes sense - for me at least ;)

    Scenario 2, selling on stores: P2 = 15x - 5y +10a + 10b

    P1 = P2

    15 (x+y) = 15x - 5y + 10a + 10b       / divided by 15

    x + y = x - 1/3y + 2/3a + 2/3b          / minus x

    y = - 1/3y + 2/3a + 2/3b                   / plus 1/3y

    1 1/3y = 2/3a + 2/3b                        / multiplied by 3

    3y = 2a + 2b                                      / divided by 2

    1.5y = a + b

    Sooo.. if my maths and my brains have not failed me (can't remember last time I did such an equasion), this is the conclusion:

    In order for a release on steam/gog to be more profitable, the number of people who buy it from steam/gog after finding the game there, plus the number of people who buy the game because it is on steam/gog has to be 1.5 or more times higher than the number of people, who would have bought from you but now buy it from steam/gog instead.

    Fuck my brain is cheese now, I don't even know if this helps at all xD ..at least it puts things a little bit into perspective...

    Maybe others can provide additional insight or estimates (maybe even statistics?), because I really have a hard time guessing how many people would be in which category and I think that things like a faster growth by more exposure should also be considered..

    What do you guys think? Did I miss something? Did it make any sense at all? I'm curious what you say ;) and thanks for reading btw!




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