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toast 360

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Posts posted by toast 360

  1. 19 hours ago, Quacksol said:

    There is a bug where the first note is not played, but that is to synchronise all the players of a band. All players should play together, unless not in a band or the songs you are playing do not match up.

    Can you give more info? What song are you trying to play?

    Well. i just split the song on three partys. And it mey work quite well but...  Song doesnt feels a startins "zX" were the X-number.  "zX" means a pause in abc file, and if i play it solo it reads "zX". If i play in band "zX" wasnt reads.

    Here the partys of the song.

    tGF-Dulclimer party.abc tGF-piano patry.abc tGF-accordeon party.abc

  2. Strange thing. but when i and my friends trys to play in band, sinchone are bugging. I found thats becouse some lines starts with empty beats. whar means a pause. And if the main party of shong (who started play first) read this pause, the other lost it. even it have it and it readed if plays without band. 

    Sory for my bad language. but i wish. to you understand me. 

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