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Posts posted by Ferklk

  1. So Firstly I want to start by apologizing since this is gonna be one of those 'ideas man' post, but i don't have the skill set nor the time to work on this idea i had on my own. im making this post as a way to "start a discussion" and maybe stir interest in someone that could realize the idea i have.

    Second, English is my second language.

    Now I know what you must be thinking "monster hunter in VS why would you want that in a survival focused game?"

    Well you see my noble strawman Monster hunter was (in is infancy) actually really close to a survival game with its combat being much more deliberate that it is today. You can still see its root in stuff like the 50  minute timer, a normal hunt takes to the average hunter 15-20 minutes so why is the timer 50... well that because you were supposed to use that timer to its fullest gathering materials for your consumables and equipment, in a sort of survival loop.

    The other side of the coin is the narrative side. Monster hunting in the lore isn't like an epic quest against the dragon, is more like calling pest control on the local bear that keeps rummaging the dumpsters, monster are a natural cog in the environment, and nowhere is this better reflected that in the villages that pay hunters to deal with these critters if the village seem to be endangered by them. From a gameplay stand point imagine playing in a server with your friends and one of the big ugly monsters (like a deviljho) spawned near your village, now you are the only one of your friends that picked the monster hunter origin (that heavily penalizes anything but the gathering of materials, fighting of monsters and making of healing items) so you are enlisted by them to put an end to the reign of terror of this terrible lizard! after the dust settles you are victorious and carve some scales which after some taxes by the village chief, you give to the blacksmith and make a Devilknife!

    It all just sounds right in my head, as long as you give the monsters slower attack patterns to account for the lower player mobility in VS.

    As for ideas the list of features i can imagine a mod like this having are:

    -Monsters (duh) the big ones, but more importantly actually the smaller and more peaceful ones like aptonoth. monsters are nothing without a believable world, and having to throw hands with a rathalos would get boring if you had to fight one every 10 steps.

    -Uses for monster materials, not only for the hunters (like equipment) but for the vilagers, like better plow, better windmills, hotter furnances, etc.

    -Ruins, A mysterious tower made of the remains of powerful monsters that attracts only the meanest of monsters and the most foolish of hunters.

    -Hunting and ecology behavior, a monster shouldn't just attack any player it sees, they are animals not kaijus.

    Sadly like i said, im not in a point of my life where i could spend the time needed to make this to a standard i would like, so im giving this idea to the people, and i ask only that if you decide to make this idea into a reality, make it great.

    I added the first image i got when i searched for "rathalos minecraft" as an appetizer, have agod one.


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