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Posts posted by Seryi

  1. how about a couple of little animals.
    ermine, peacock, beavers, squirrels
    1. The ermine can be the first tamed pet, in addition, it is very curious and can follow you to your base.
    2. peacock is another source of meat and new feathers to decorate your character or home and just a beautiful bird to add to your livestock collection
    3. beaver builder of forests, dams as new places like ruins
    4. squirrels a new block of wood like with a bee hive, from this block you can get a lot of nuts and tree seeds, possible theft of your seeds?

  2. I want to offer an idea for a couple of mobs.

    1. in the books that can be found (lore of the game) I noticed a mention of one mob - this is a squirrel, so I'm waiting for the appearance :)
    2. frogs and crickets. Firstly, these are atmospheric sounds near water bodies. Secondly, crickets can be caught and closed in jars (a small decorative light source).
    It's all.

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  3. как насчет добавления в игру 3 новых видов ягод: малины, ежевики и желтой малины. с новой механикой. 1) можно будет сажать ягоды в определенный период года, осенью (сентябрь-октябрь), если посадить ростки в другое время года они не вырастут, ростки погибнут. 2) Со временем ягодные кусты дадут побеги, их можно срезать, чтобы не расти. Размер кустов в блоках составляет от 1/2 блока до 2,5. 3) кусты можно собирать только ножницами (не только этими, но и существующей черникой, клюквой и смородиной. еще один повод сделать ножницы. Я не очень хорошо владею английским языком, надеюсь, что написал его четко.3000x2013_750497_[www.ArtFile.ru].jpgvse-o-lesnoj-ezhevike.jpgmalina-v-podmoskove.jpg

    • Like 1
  4. some changes about trees. very few seeds fall from trees, I suggest changing this, for example, a small tree would fall from 5-10, an average 10-20, from a larger 20-40. At the same time, the trees grew more slowly instead of 10 days, let's say 30 or even 60, and maybe even more. in addition, not everyone could germinate, the chance would be either 75/25 or 60/40. Sorry if not clear, I'm not good at English. Thanks for attention.

  5. good afternoon. I have a small suggestion, how about adding ruins created by players to the game. here, for example, are my ruins, called the "altar of longevity"шое предложение, как насчет добавления руин, созданных игроками, в игру. Вот, например, мои руины, называемые «алтарем долголетия»






    • Like 4
    • Amazing! 1
  6. Good day to everyone. not long ago I saw a minecraft mod called (physics mod pro) and I think the mechanics of interacting with blocks would fit into vintage story. The interaction of the player and mobs with vines, algae, grass and foliage looks very beautiful. this would be a big load on the computer, so this function can be done both with the physics of blocks, (either gravel, or gravel and soil with a slope). Also now all mobs and the player have clumsy animation, movement and death. I think we need to add Ragdoll to make them look natural. Thank you all for your attention.

  7. I have been playing for a long time, and there are a couple of problems, this is the fall of dirt blocks from the garden bed and the search for sticks. sticks could be obtained from boards (2 pieces), or from firewood (4 pieces). and the garden bed finally began to drop blocks. Another change is the drop of seeds from trees, I think it is necessary to increase the number of seeds at least 16, maximum 64 (this is approximately), Especially important for walnuts. And there are also ideas about trees . 1) in the forest, under the trees, the seeds of trees could lie, they could be collected. 2) if you cut down a tree not at the root, but leave a stump, then after a while a seedling could sprout from there, and then a tree. can also add new trees, 1) Chestnut, its fruits can be consumed as food. Trees (the mechanics of growth are the same as in fruit trees): Hazelnuts, pistachios, almonds.

  8. Как у вас эта идея? Сообщения о временных штормах не будут отправляться в чат, вместо этого будет визуальное сопровождение предупреждения о скором наступлении шторма. Думаю, странное поведение животных тоже было бы интересно, например, волки не нападают, а убегают, а зайцы, наоборот, пытаются напасть на вас. Также можно было бы собрать устройство, которое могло бы предупреждать о шторме. к сожалению, Крафт этого не придумал.

  9. Добрый день, у меня есть некоторые идеи о животных. 1.1) Все животные должны иметь 3 стадии, а точнее 2 между малышом и взрослым. 1.2) Кости должны упасть со скелета. 1.3) Разные виды шкур, разные шкуры выпадают с каждого животного, из него можно сделать одежду (зимняя шуба и тому подобное) или продать торговцу. 1.4) Кроликов можно ловить и размножать. 1.5) Волки должны охотиться на толстых рогов, и они всегда должны охотиться стаей, а также они не должны нападать на игрока, если у него есть факел или он у костра. 2. Новые животные: ежик, олень, лось или косуля, рысь, сова, орел, вороны, лебеди, цапли. (Это всего лишь предложения, я не прошу вас добавить все это). Ну вот

  10. в общем, идея такова: в игре есть 3 вида булыжников, обыкновенных заросших и в лишайниковых. Итак, давайте представим, что вы построили себе жилище из булыжника, и через определенное количество времени, месяцев (без разницы, вы можете настроить его при создании мира) вы начинаете зарастать булыжником, на нем появляется первый лишайник, если его удалить, разрастание прекратится, а если его оставить, то сам блок превратится в булыжник с лишайником. Я также хотел, чтобы эти блоки были добавлены из руин, и некоторые цветы и трава также могли прорасти на руинах, а также листва деревьев. а также за счет лишайника на деревьях, он также мог расти.

  11. first of all, hello. I got a couple of ideas for fauna in the game, and I wanted to share them. 1) A new relatively harmless mob is a hedgehog. by behavior, he would resemble raccoons, but when the player approached, he did not run away, but twisted into a prickly ball, also causing damage (I think equal to the damage from hunger). since he is an omnivore, he would also eat berries, and apples with pears, as well as butterflies (not necessarily) 2) Owls. aggressive if you decide to touch them. owls, as in life, would be active at night, and during the day they slept in nests. owls hunted mainly rabbits, raccoons and hedgehogs. also at night you could hear owl sounds (hoot). 3) Crows. they feed on butterflies (not necessarily). these birds are smart and vindictive, so I do not advise touching them (they attack the whole pack). the peculiarity of these birds is that they could steal small but valuable things (bracelets, chains, and so on).Separately, I wanted to offer crickets, they can be heard closer to night and at night. That seems to be all, thank you for your attention. also sorry for my knowledge of the Angi language.

  12. hello. I would like to offer a couple of ideas about plants. 1. vegetables. 1) corn. you can cook it or grind it into flour. a sunflower would look like both the stages of growth and externally. 2)potatoes. you can cook,stew, and so on. it would look like a carrot or a turnip. 3) this change in plants consists in the fact that when collecting so many vegetables fell out, how much is reflected in the texture on the bed. 2. trees 1) apple trees. blocks would have spawned in the foliage with branches and they could have been collected with the right mouse button, as with currants. or when cutting down a tree. 2) cherry. the fruits also grew and were picked in the same way, but the color of the foliage changed from the seasons, then in spring the foliage would be pink. 3) it would be beautiful if the trees were like in Dynamic Trees. 4) it would be beautiful and atmospheric if small trees and foliage appeared on the ruins 3. mushrooms. 1) more different mushrooms, for example, syroezhki, chanterelles. 2) mushrooms could grow in shallow caves and on ruins. Thank you for your attention, and sorry for my English (I'm very bad at it).

    • Like 3
    • Haha 1
  13. Good afternoon everyone. I would like to share some of my ideas. I just want to apologize for my English. 1) When you create a world, you usually customize it, the fact is that after creating the first world, its settings are saved, and when you create the second world, the settings that you used in the first world are saved. 2) this is not so important, but it would be useful, the point is that when you die, a mark appears on the map where you died. Thank you all for your attention.
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  14. Add a label after death, when I left far away from the house, then the wolves bite me, and after when I came instead I generally got lost and lost my things.

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