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Posts posted by NeonTheCoder

  1. Followed the modding tutorial to the T and have my mod completed but am running into two assinine issues.

    The mod is a content mod and loads and works in the actual game, but in Visual Studio 2022 the game refuses to load into any map and proceeds to tell me one of the json files could not be found when it literally knows the name and directory of the file because it's loading the file directly, there is no reason for this but it just does it anyway.


    27.8.2023 13:41:39 [Notification] Server logger started.
    27.8.2023 13:41:39 [Notification] Game Version: v1.18.8 (Stable)
    27.8.2023 13:41:39 [Event] Launching server...
    27.8.2023 13:41:39 [Event] Server v1.18.8, network v1.18.7, api v1.7.0
    27.8.2023 13:41:39 [Notification] Entering runphase Initialization
    27.8.2023 13:41:39 [Event] Loading configuration...
    27.8.2023 13:41:39 [Notification] Entering runphase Configuration
    27.8.2023 13:41:39 [Notification] Loading savegame
    27.8.2023 13:41:39 [Notification] Create new save game data. Playstyle: creativebuilding
    27.8.2023 13:41:39 [Notification] Default spawn was set in serverconfig, resetting for safety.
    27.8.2023 13:41:39 [Notification] Savegame C:\Users\Ryan\AppData\Roaming\VintagestoryData\Saves\epic test story.vcdbs loaded
    27.8.2023 13:41:39 [Notification] World size = 1024000 256 1024000
    27.8.2023 13:41:39 [Notification] Start discovering assets
    27.8.2023 13:41:39 [Notification] Found 1 base assets in category blocktypes
    27.8.2023 13:41:39 [Notification] Found 0 base assets in category itemtypes
    27.8.2023 13:41:39 [Notification] Found 23 base assets in category lang
    27.8.2023 13:41:39 [Notification] Found 0 base assets in category patches
    27.8.2023 13:41:39 [Notification] Found 22 base assets in category config
    27.8.2023 13:41:39 [Notification] Found 0 base assets in category worldproperties
    27.8.2023 13:41:39 [Notification] Found 46 base assets in category sounds
    27.8.2023 13:41:39 [Notification] Found 97 base assets in category shapes
    27.8.2023 13:41:39 [Notification] Found 131 base assets in category textures
    27.8.2023 13:41:39 [Notification] Found 0 base assets in category recipes
    27.8.2023 13:41:39 [Notification] Found 0 base assets in category worldgen
    27.8.2023 13:41:39 [Notification] Found 2 base assets in category entities
    27.8.2023 13:41:39 [Notification] Found 322 base assets in total
    27.8.2023 13:41:39 [Event] Building assets...
    27.8.2023 13:41:39 [Notification] Entering runphase LoadAssets
    27.8.2023 13:41:39 [Notification] Will search the following paths for mods:
    27.8.2023 13:41:39 [Notification]     C:\Users\Ryan\AppData\Roaming\Vintagestory\Mods
    27.8.2023 13:41:39 [Notification]     C:\Users\Ryan\AppData\Roaming\VintagestoryData\Mods
    27.8.2023 13:41:39 [Notification]     F:\GameProjects\MooVSMod\MooMod\MooMod\bin\Debug\Mods
    27.8.2023 13:41:39 [Notification] Found 4 mods (0 disabled)
    27.8.2023 13:41:39 [Notification] Mods, sorted by dependency: game, moomod, creative, survival
    27.8.2023 13:41:39 [Warning] [moomod] Is a Content mod, but .cs or .dll files were found. These will be ignored.
    27.8.2023 13:41:39 [Notification] Instantiated 101 mod systems from 4 enabled mods
    27.8.2023 13:41:39 [Notification] External Origins in load order: modorigin@C:\Users\Ryan\AppData\Roaming\Vintagestory\assets\creative\, modorigin@C:\Users\Ryan\AppData\Roaming\Vintagestory\assets\survival\, mod@mod
    27.8.2023 13:41:39 [Notification] Found 394 external assets in category blocktypes
    27.8.2023 13:41:39 [Notification] Found 237 external assets in category itemtypes
    27.8.2023 13:41:39 [Notification] Found 1 external assets in category lang
    27.8.2023 13:41:39 [Notification] Found 9 external assets in category patches
    27.8.2023 13:41:39 [Notification] Found 54 external assets in category config
    27.8.2023 13:41:39 [Notification] Found 25 external assets in category worldproperties
    27.8.2023 13:41:39 [Notification] Found 348 external assets in category sounds
    27.8.2023 13:41:39 [Notification] Found 3181 external assets in category shapes
    27.8.2023 13:41:39 [Notification] Found 5244 external assets in category textures
    27.8.2023 13:41:39 [Notification] Found 356 external assets in category recipes
    27.8.2023 13:41:39 [Notification] Found 422 external assets in category worldgen
    27.8.2023 13:41:39 [Notification] Found 65 external assets in category entities
    27.8.2023 13:41:39 [Notification] Found 0 external assets in category compatibility
    27.8.2023 13:41:40 [Notification] Reloaded lang file with mod assets
    27.8.2023 13:41:40 [Notification] Compatibility lib: 0 assets added, 0 assets replaced.
    27.8.2023 13:41:40 [Notification] JsonPatch Loader: Nothing to patch
    27.8.2023 13:41:40 [Error] [game] An exception was thrown when trying to start the mod:
    System.Exception: Requested asset [moomod:itemtypes/spawn-moo-female.json] could not be found
       at Vintagestory.Common.FolderOrigin.LoadAsset(IAsset asset) in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VintagestoryLib\Common\FileIO\Origins\FolderOrigin.cs:line 54
       at Vintagestory.Common.AssetManager.GetMany(String partialPath, String domain, Boolean loadAsset) in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VintagestoryLib\Common\FileIO\AssetManager.cs:line 342
       at Vintagestory.Common.AssetManager.GetMany[T](ILogger logger, String fullPath, String domain) in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VintagestoryLib\Common\FileIO\AssetManager.cs:line 356
       at Vintagestory.ServerMods.NoObf.ModRegistryObjectTypeLoader.AssetsLoaded(ICoreAPI coreApi) in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VSEssentials\Loading\RegistryObjectTypeLoader.cs:line 89
       at Vintagestory.Common.ModLoader.TryRunModPhase(Mod mod, ModSystem system, ICoreAPI api, ModRunPhase phase) in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VintagestoryLib\Common\API\ModLoader.cs:line 624
    27.8.2023 13:41:40 [Error] Failed to run mod phase AssetsLoaded for mod Vintagestory.ServerMods.NoObf.ModRegistryObjectTypeLoader

    When I package the mod as a zip and move it to the mods folder it loads and I can get into a game and spawn in my entities using the spawn item.

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