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Posts posted by Arthurice

  1. I think it would be a fairly cool change to be able to obtain Aged Boards from breaking naturally generated Aged Planks. Another optional addition, or in this case subtraction, could be that you'd obtain a random number of boards up to 4 which would simulate the player "salvaging the usable boards." You could then use these Aged Boards to craft your own Aged Planks, Aged Slabs, Aged Stairs, and maybe even other more complex things such as Aged Doors and Aged Fences. This would go alongside a new relatively expensive crafting recipe for Aged Wooden Beds (I'm thinking it should require the additional use of Nails & Strips and exchanging the Hay Blocks for large quantities of Feathers) with the addition of it being possible to create these new beds out of any type of wood, with the design changing to reflect the wood (and Linen!) used. This would mean you could have a Red (sheet) Oak (frame) Bed, or a Yellow Ebony Bed, or a Purple Purpleheart Bed, etc. As a sidenote, any new naturally generated Aged Wooden Beds would instead be Brown Aged Beds.

  2. I like the idea of players being able to create a way to harvest Resin more efficiently, and I'm thinking of something like this: Instead of driving a Tap like you initially suggested, I would instead suggest being able to use an Axe to gouge into the tree and remove the bark from one side at the expense of some of the durability of the Axe, and then wait (for whatever would be a realistic amount of time) for Resin to leak out of the tree, which could be potentially semi-automated by placing Bowls or a Bucket at the base of the tree where you carved into it. Pine Trees release Resin primarily to fight off infection as a protective barrier over injuries, so the bark would eventually heal which would require you to carve into it again. While I am unsure to the accuracy of the article, it can be used as a reference point for the process due to the example images included in the gallery.

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