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Posts posted by Hovdavic

  1. Loving the 1.16 update. How will I know if a fruit tree is going to make it or not, like what are the indicators that a tree is destined to not grow? Also, can I plant fruit tree cuttings in the winter with the same success rate as in any other season? I'm trying to plan out an orchard, which is hard to do if only 25% of the trees I plant will take and grow. Any suggestions are appreciated. 


  2. I didn't update anything *on purpose* but the only thing I can think of that might have updated is my antivirus definitions, or *possibly* windows, although I have had those updates blocked for a couple of years - something could have snuck in somehow... who knows. After trying to reinstall the game program (no change, it still crashed) I decided to mess with the graphics settings in the game settings before opening a world. I lowered the graphics from "high" to "pathetic" and loaded a simple creative world, and... it worked! So I exited, and upped it one level, reopened the world and it loaded. I did this repeatedly, each time upping the level. I got to medium, the one below High, and it loaded. Then within the world I escaped to the menu and changed the graphics from medium to high, and it didn't crash. I exited the world and tried to open a the world (with the graphics set to high) and... it crashed like before. 

    So my "solution" is to run the game on Medium graphics setting instead of the High setting and it seems to work just as well as it did before this weirdness started. I can't imagine what could have shifted in my PC environment to create a conflict where none existed before. But, at least I can play the game again, which is the most important thing. 

    Thanks for responding. 

    If anyone else has a sense of what it could be I'd be interested to hear from you, but the intensity of this post has gone from "HELP!" to "I'm curious..." 

  3. Weird problem here. I think something must have happened to my machine, because I have been playing the game with no issues for months, and even played earlier today with no issues. But just now when I tried to load a world after the game started I got this message at the end of load:


    Here is my client-main.txt file

    Any ideas?

    I tried loading another world and had the same error. I restarted the machine and got the same error. It just seems so random. I know this might be a tough one but I thought I'd give it a try. 

    thanks in advance


  4. Cool! This is helpful. I am still not clear on how this practically plays out though.

    The default distance from pole to equator, which I use, is 100K blocks. At spawn if I choose a hot climate, does that mean I am placed closer to the "bottom" of the world map instead of in the center, so If I go south I would hit the equator (and the edge of the map??) soon, but have to travel ~90K blocks to get to the pole? Also, operating with the 100K setting, are the zones evenly distributed more or less, meaning each climate zone is approximately 100K / 6 blocks ~17K blocks "tall" so to go from warm to hot would require at 10K-15K trip south. or 10K-15K trip north to hit temperate?

    This isn't critical to my gameplay, but I like understanding these kinds of things as it helps me plan how to play the game. 

  5. Leather making has the following steps:

    • put water in a barrel (up to 50L)
    • put lime/borax in the water to create the lime-water (I'm pretty sure Lime:water is a 1:1 ratio, so 50L water + 50 lime) I know you can use crushed borax instead of lime, but I've never done it. This gets created instantly.
    • put your hides in this solution to soak. Different size hides require different amounts of lime water. For example, I usually stick 8 large hides in 50L of lime water. Each large hide requires 6L limewater so in the end I will get 8 soaked hides and 2L limewater left. (which I usually pour on the ground so I can make 50L more)
    • Next remove the hides from the barrel and put them in the crafting grid with a knife off to the side. This will create scraped hides. 
    • These scraped hides then go into a weak tannin solution which is created by placing 1 oak log/10 L water in a barrel. (I usually do this at the same time that I soak the hides in lime) So, 50L water, 5 Oak logs for example. Now hit seal barrel to create the solution over time. Once you have the solution prepared, put the scraped hides in the barrel of weka tannin and hit seal.
    • When they are done soaking you will have prepared hides. These need to soak in a strong tannin solution which is created by soaking Oak logs in a weak tannin solution. 

    So for leather making I usually have 3 barrels going: 1 with the Limewater, and 2 making weak tannin. When one of the weak tannin barrels is ready I create strong tannin with it. This way, I can be creating the tannin while my hides are soaking in the Limewater. 

    It sounds like what you were doing wrong, is that you were trying to soak the oak logs in limewater, they need to soak in regular water, or weak tannin depending on if you want weak or strong (both are needed)

    It sound like a lot, but once you do a couple of times it's really not that bad. The most challenging part can be finding the limestone or borax! 

    Good luck!

    • Thanks 1
  6. Did anyone else kind of freak out a little bit the first time they heard this thing in the depths of a cave? If my character could have tripped and dropped things as it scrambled to get back to the surface, it would have. Nice job on the sound design!

    I still haven't been brave enough to try to find one and kill it. I thought about it once but then a tainted drifter spawned right in front of me, heeding the call of the bell, and I got out of there.

    • Haha 2
  7. At world creation, one of the options you can choose is what sort of climate to spawn in. I love this option. I always accepted the default (temperate) and it made for a long, harsh winter.(harsh winter enabled, of course) For my latest world I selected starting the climate as warm. It was like a different game! Food spoiled quicker, the growing season was effectively all year long, etc. So my question is basically this: If I were to start in a temperate climate, approximately how many blocks do I have to travel south to get to the same sort of climate I would spawn in for a warm climate, and how many blocks again to get to where I would spawn in a hot climate setting? (I assume the cold and icy variants would be comparably far in a northerly direction) Also, if I go far enough south will I eventually exit the hot climate back to warm, back to temperate, etc? And are the sizes of the zones dependent on the size of the world, or are they proportional based on the size of the world? 

    If there are other things associated with climate zones that you can add that I didn't ask, please add those to this thread as well. 


  8. what's the dynamic for traders to restock/change up their inventories? For example, I go to an Artisan, buy all his tapestries, sell him everything I can and he is left with a few items and a few gears. The interaction window shows red X's through all the stuff I bought him out of, and all the stuff I met his/her demand for. So what I am wanting to know is how does his inventory get restocked? Is it based on a timer? (x number of hrs/days) Also, is there a threshold for number of items bought/sold to trigger a restock? Does the trader randomly change up his/her inventory even if I don't buy anything (like if 2 months pass between visits) Any general or specific information regarding this dynamic is appreciated. 


  9. 3 hours ago, Ivan Stamenov said:

    You can always jump in creative mode and try some ideas...

    I was thinking of doing this.

    So, forgive my ignorance, but how do the clutch/transmission work together? Is one of them effectively a switch for the other? Are there rules on how they need to be placed? I did watch a video on how to make a gear box, but it went really fast and assumed a lot of basic knowledge that I lack. So if someone could explain how the clutch and transmission work, that would get me headed in a good direction, and will make it easier to understand the youtube stuff. 

    Junawood, thanks for taking the time to put together the description and pictures. I am inspired to try something and your model is a good place to start. 

    Wish me luck!

  10. I have been using one windmill to power a helvehammer and it works seamlessly, and I have successfully operated a pulverizer with wind power. What I don't have a clue about is how to implement a large gear, clutch, transmission, etc. using multiple windmills to get more speed or torque, or power more than one tool. Has anyone made a guide or tutorial for using these things? I have looked at the wiki, but I want something a little more step-by-step with practical examples of creating functional setups. 


    • Like 1
  11. I have found a couple of books in underground ruins, but I have found A LOT of books by panning boney soil. It can be a bit grindy (standing in water panning literally all night) but you get other cool and useful stuff as well. Frankly, the search for more of the story has kept me engaged in a world I have nearly 120 hours poured into. And finding a book feels like such a rush. I'm glad there isn't a ton of information outside of the game on the backstory, to make me discover it while playing. 

  12. This is all helpful info. Thanks. I have easily found borax in about half of my worlds, but in the other half it has been more illusive. I think that's why I love this game so much, you never know what resources you are going to easily obtain, and so you have to improvise with what you have until you discover something else you need and can incorporate it into your game. 

  13. 1 hour ago, junawood said:

    But of course you need the right type of stone in the area, so sandstone, shale, chert and some others are what you should be looking for.

    So you need sedimentary rock for borax to spawn? I actually am in a space with chert as it's surface rock, and lots of sandstone nearby. I'll just keep looking... 

    Does the propick detect borax?

  14. 40 minutes ago, Evolush said:

    Если вы установите генерацию руды и ее распределение намного выше стандартного при создании мира, есть шанс, что вы не найдете буры.

    This is good to know. I have not adjusted the ore distribution from the default for this particular world, but it's good to know this for future worlds when setting the world parameters. Спасибо.

  15. That's all I need to start working with the stack of meteoric iron ingots I have ready to go. It's frustrating. But...

    I just want to say that the diversity between different play-throughs in this game is incredible. I have now made it to iron (and more recently, steel) in more than 10 worlds. And while I have loved it when I have found all I needed within a 1000 blocks of my home, I have also become bored more quickly in those worlds. The world I am in right now is a fun one. But I have not been able to find Borax or Bauxite - two key components for working with the better metals. This has forced me to explore this world, and I am loving what I am discovering (I just found some crazy pit ruin that had a little pond with boney soil for its bottom, and a small treasure chest in the corner of the room, for example) There is SO much to see in this game, not to mention the back story being revealed as you go along So even though, at the moment I feel a little frustrated at not having found what I need yet, I am actually really enjoying the process. Maybe THIS propick sample with say Borax... Maybe on the other side of those mountains I will find Bauxite... I may change my tune if this goes on for 100 hours of game time, but for now I am loving it, anticipating that moment when I can say FINALLY I found what I need...

    But I'd be lying if I told you I don't sometimes under my breath curse the developers for requiring that flux to weld the iron anvil together. 😁😁

    Good work, and keep the goods comin'!

    • Like 2
  16. I have a little bee setup with 4 skeps surrounded by flowers. All four skeps had a large population and were indicating that they were ready to be harvested. I broke the first skep, and instead of dropping honeycomb and reeds, it just dropped a mini skep that I could not pick up. I tried it with a second skep, this time the bees swarmed and stung the dummy, but again no honeycomb or reeds, only the small skep that I could not pickup. I have broken skeps successfully in other worlds, and even once I broke two skeps in this world and they dropped the stuff they are supposed to. I think that was in version 1.14.3. I have since updated to 1.14.4, then 1.14.5. The problem happened to me today playing 1.14.5. I am playing single player. 


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