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Posts posted by Exodiusk

  1. Here i'd like to suggest an idea of cooking. A lot of food i've come across in game only restores stamina and not health. That's where i bring in cooking. To start off you'd make a cooking pit. That would require metal ingots or stone in a square of 8 with a fire pit in the center. After that you would require a fired pot made with any kind of clay. That would just be made with clay in a circle lol. In this, you're basically making soups and stews for the most part...but also boiling meats and veggies. You can use any kind of fuel in the fire except coal bc that would be nasty, and the layout is similar to a fire pit with a crucible. However, you'd need to fill the pot with water to work. Other than that, cooking is the same as melting metal in the crucible.


    Broiled bushmeat

    Veggie soup: boil any veggie

    berry juice: boil an berry

    Game Stew: raw bushmeat + carrots + wheat

    and more to add onto

  2. Basically it would be great if someone could make a mod off my idea to have Lumbermills, Stone mills, Grain mills, water wheels to power them, horses and donkeys to breed into mules to power them, and so on. Here's a link to what im talking about if interested
    Link 1:

    Link 2:

    You can message me here on on discord at wolf...#5157 if you're interested in making the mod....i can explain the mechanics and crafting capabilities i have in mind. Thanks!

  3. So basically, this idea would be to incorporate a tanning rack system into the game. First off, you should be tanning hide through a rack to create leather. That also leads to other creations from my other suggestions. You could use it to create handbags (cheaper alternative to backpacks), leather armor, custom grips for tools and weapons, art, and so on. The leather rack would be crafted by placing three logs on the bottom of the crafting inventory in a line. Next you would put cobweb or string in the middle block. And finally surround it by sticks. Once crafted you would hang hide on it and wait for it to cure in maybe half an in game day. After that you would use your knife to tan it. The mechanics would be in a way similar to crafting a flint knife. Instead of knocking out pieces you would drag over the entire piece two or three times, each time making each individual block of the hide lose some color. In the end it would finally result into a leather piece. You could then dye it if wanted thru other systems to be discussed later on.

    That's all. Let me know if you like this idea or not, comment why you did or didn't, and let me know if i should continue with ideas as i have a LOT for this game lol.

  4. So basically I was thinking the AMAZING devs that brought such a wonderful game could add new mechanics for making materials. Starting off i thought it would be cool to integrate a unique Lumber machine like the ones in skyrim. You'd get the log of your choice and crouch+click to make a long variation of multiple logs inside a long cutter that you could power manually or through water rotation(next topic). I like how this game has its own unique crafting mechanics and it makes the game quite wonderful. I'd like to see this game mostly stay around the medieval ages and maybe into steam powered orientations.

    Next we have Watermills. For this you would require a natural source of falling or flowing water. Creating such source would not work. You would need to make craft a frame for the fins on the mill and a frame for the rest and fill it out with the materials. This could then be attached to Stone mills, Lumber mills, Grain mills, and so on. It would require stone, cobble, brick, or any of that that suits your aesthetics for the base. However the actual rotor and fins would be made from a sort of Primitive Planks that could be made with an axe or saw. However actual Logged planks would still be made in the Lumber mill.

    Time for the Stone Mill: While we already have chisels and such, i feel using a mill would just make the game much more enjoyable overall. How this is made would be up to you guys and final decision by the devs.

    Other sources of power besides the Water mill would be adding horses and donkeys and breed them into mules. I don't think mules should automatically spawn...just to keep it as more work for the player. You'd lead them on rope around the spinning thingy that would rotate and provide force for the machine. Rope leads have a chance at breaking meaning the animal could ride off. That's where copper+ chains come in. Smelting and Forging animal equipment like such required to hold horses, donkeys, and mules would provide much better security than a simple rope. Of course this would also mean you could use horses and the likes for stuff like mass tilling for creating large farm plots and also carriages and caravans for moving large quantities of items and equipment. This especially would help if they bring in NPC's later on. Just imagine driving a merchant carriage with tools and gems to a city far away to sell and trade and come back home. Gives you something to do, right?

    As I mentioned mass tilling....this would again require more items. Whatever they called that tiller that the horses dragged across the land back in the day would need to be crafted. Wheels, blades, and so on. Maybe they should add a workstation that you have to build. Not a crafting bench, but an actual room made of certain materials with certain items in certain places to make it. There you could assemble stuff as if assembling on an anvil...but not tools as you know.

    NPC"S. If they decide to add NPC's (while this would bring it closer to minecraft) I would surely hope that they make it more like a quest type rpg line of NPC's, not like minecraft. They'd have dialogue that the community would be able to add onto in suggestions to ever increase the time you can spend on a single entity. Hell, I'd like to see to it that the NPC's have so much to talk about that you could go for hours if intended. Other than that you could sell, barter, do countless quests like bring certain materials or kill certain mobs and such all on a single NPC. Of course, the type of jobs and dialogue would depend on the NPC type. Hunters, Weaponsmiths, Smelters, Miners, Clothing Crafters, Odds and Ends NPC's, Fishermen(another thing to add), and so on. Maybe NPC's would even come to your settlement and you could officially create a town. Though that would require stuff like specific buildings and paths per NPC...and lighting and beds.

    Last thing would be Fishing. This is a MUST HAVE in my eyes. The fishing system i think should be different than minecraft. For one...you'd need bait like worms or caterpillars and other bugs...even makeshift lures. You can decided different ways to fish ranging from bobbers, bottom fishing, net fishing in rivers, and so on. Many different variations of fish and stuff like lobster, shrimp, and so on. Rather than just right clicking when it goes under or when it tugs, i feel you should have to actually reel it in. With a reeling method like real life fishing. And each fish would be different when it comes to fishing. Not to mention each fish can come in different sizes and does not require specific tier bait. However if you don't have a good line or rod or even a hook, then the fish could just snap the line. You could use caught fish as bait for higher chances at bigger fish...but not required.


    That's all for now...and this is my first post. I really hope to see this game grow and if i get permission i could even advertise it. Please let me know what you guys think and let me know if i should continue with suggestions and topics! See ya!

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