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Posts posted by mossy

  1. On 8/1/2021 at 3:47 AM, Saricane said:

    Using the same seed (even with the same game version) will not grant you the same exact world. You'll have the same rocky landscape, but the trees and plants placement will not be exactly the same.

    Isn't that an inefficient design? If the seed doesn't determine vegetation placement, doesn't that mean that uncovering more of the world requires much more storage space and network traffic, since randomly generated map elements like that, which can't be determined by seed, would need to be saved, synced, etc. even if they haven't been modified?

    By comparison, map elements that are seed-deterministic would not need any of that unless some modification happened to them post-generation.

  2. As it is, it's really not a good effect. In any first-person game, pressing forward should always make you go forward. Never slightly off to one side or the other. That's instant motion sickness.

    One way this could be improved is to remove the part that changes a player's movement direction, leaving only the part that changes their speed *based* on direction. So if you're trying to move into the wind, you might struggle a bit, and you might go a little faster running with the wind. That much already works. The main issue is when moving *across* the wind. You should never push "forward" and not go forward.

    So instead of adding a "wind vector" to the player's "movement vector" which it seems to be doing now, take the dot product of the wind vector and movement vector, add some value greater than one to it, scale the result a bit, and multiply that result into the movement vector component-wise.

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