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Posts posted by Gaunter

  1. 2 minutes ago, Stroam said:

    Some of the features you are suggesting can already be done such as rotating and exporting the shape. We are apparently missing information about that feature on the wiki so I'll see what we can do to add that so you know all that is possible with the chisel and chisel related commands.

    Thank you a lot for your fast answer, yeah i was stupid and blind not seeing i can rotate chisel blocks with the chisel tool itself :D. Oh that would be really awesome! Because the wordedit json is not the same format! Would be really helpful for me creating custom blocks! :)

  2. Hello Community,

    i am playing the game since some days and recently discovered the chisel tool in creative mod, of course this tool is still wip and maybe the following things are already on the todo. If that is the case just ignore my obviously unnecessary suggestions.

    So the first thing, when i chiseled a block and pick it up i want to be able using a default rotation mechanism, my solution so far was exporting the block with world edit, then import it, rotate it and place it on the ground for all rotations.

    The second thing is when i chiseled a block and i export it, i maybe want to use only the shape in a mod. So in theory the exported chiseled block contains, shape and texture information right? What would be cool to be able as a modder taking the shape information and use it as a base for a new block mod.

    And that leads to a third suggestion, when we are able to extract only the shape wouldn't it be cool to change textures on the fly as well? So making a chiseled block and then apply different textures to it? Like the archway i append, only made out of wood? The uv information is already there.

    Anyway this game is awesome i love everything about it, it is totally different to another voxel based game i don't want to mention here.

    Best Regards



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