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Posts posted by voxhaul

  1. I have only come across four temporal gears in the 180-odd hours that I've played so far, so they do seem quite rare to me.

    Having said that, the wiki has this to say:


    Temporal Stability can be restores through the user of a temporal gear ... Please keep in mind that using a temporal gear in this way will destroy the temporal gear, damage the player for 2 HP and only recover about 28% of your temporal stability.

    If a single gear can be consumed for a one-off 28% increase in one character's temporal stability, it would seem a bit odd that the same temporal gear could counter an ongoing — and quite possibly very strong — drain on the temporal stability of multiple characters (in the case of a MP server) forever.

    The issue of balance (how long a single gear would power an obelisk) is one that Tyron would have to decide, were this suggestion adopted.

  2. Temporal stability is an important part of the game, and seems set to play an even greater role.  Sometimes, however, you end up with majestic scenery in a zone of negative temporal stability (temporal instability).  That effectively prevents you from building a base there.

    Since "building a base in a nice place" is core to the game, I suggest introducing a mechanic that at least gives players an option when beautiful scenery and temporal instability clash.

    I propose an obelisk — a very large rock, essentially (perhaps 2 or 3 blocks tall) — that can be relief-cut from suitable stone, carried like populated skeps, and placed in a desired location.  Once in that location, one could "use" one or more temporal gears on the obelisk to 'infuse' or 'charge' it (much in the same way that one uses fuel on a forge).  The obelisk would then consume the temporal gears over time to dampen nearby instability.

    • A charged obelisk could have a glowing gear symbol spinning clockwise on it.  The more gears it is infused with, the more brightly the gear glows and the faster it spins.
    • A charged obelisk would emit light at a brightness proportional to the charge level.
    • A charged obelisk would dampen instability proportional to the charge level.  Either (simplistically) creating a stable zone out to a varying radius that depends on the charge level, or (more realistically) periodically granting positive stability 'points' to players proportional to the charge level, but inversely proportional to the (square of the) distance between the player and the obelisk.
    • Multiple obelisks could be placed and charged to stabilise larger areas, or areas with more complex geometry.
    • As the gears are consumed, the glowing symbol would dim and slow.  Once all temporal gears were fully consumed, the symbol would be black and stationary — providing clear feedback to players that more gears are needed.
    • Temporal gears used to infuse/charge the obelisk disappear immediately from the player's inventory.  It might make sense to be able to retrieve some fraction of the (yet to be consumed) gears from the obelisk by smashing it.

    Such a mechanism would make use of existing code (moving populated skeps, relieving rock, fuelling forges) to counter one of the negative effects of random number generation, place more value on (boosting the market for) temporal gears, and can easily be wrapped in mysticism/lore (e.g. "regular sacrifices to the gods at a shrine").

    Please consider.  Thank you.

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  3. 7 hours ago, l33tmaan said:

    I would enjoy more than one kind of ranged weapon. Like a sling! That's a good early-game weapon with plentiful ammo lying around, waiting to be pelted at wolves.

    Oh, slings... I'd completely forgotten about those.  What a great idea!  I'm always throwing away stacks and stacks of stones of various types.  It would be nice to be able to actually make use of them.

  4. I average a steady 72 FPS with a GTX 1050Ti and HIGH graphics settings when playing v1.13.4.  GPU load spends most of its time in the 80-90% band when actively moving and doing things.

    My Ryzen 5 1600 lopes along with load mostly in the 15-20% bracket, so CPU is definitely not the bottleneck.  (cpu.userbenchmark.com rates the R5 1600 as quite similar to the i5 3470 when it comes to gaming performance — make of that what you will.)

  5. I don't know the answer to the question, but I sure hope they don't add firearms.  Crossbows I'm fine with.  I'd also be happy with ballistae for static placement and defending against more dangerous foes (esp. during heavy temporal storms).  But portable, offensive pew-pew sticks?  Not my cup of tea at all.  There are a squillion first-person shooters out there.  I don't think the world needs any more.

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  6. Greetings one and all.

    A few days ago an announcement was made (Java Edition is Moving House) that basically boils down to this:

    • All Minecraft Java Edition players are being forced to migrate their legacy/Mojang accounts to Microsoft...

      Now just to be clear, migrating from Mojang to Microsoft accounts is mandatory. If you don’t make the move, in several months you won’t be able to log in anymore – which means you won’t be able to play either.

    The FAQ associated with the move says that players will have to set up a MSA (Microsoft Account).  Since "security" is being touted as the main reason for this forced migration, it would seem likely that two-factor authentication will be forced as well.  A WindowsCentral article about 2FA states:


    If you're using a Microsoft account, you can use three ways to enable two-step verification, including using an alternative email, phone number, and you can even use the Microsoft Authenticator app.

    So, in essence, it is looking like — in order to continue playing Minecraft — Java Edition players will not only have to hand over a bunch of personal information, but create and give Microsoft another email address and/or telephone number and/or install Microsoft malware on their phones.

    Many players are unlikely to want to do so.  The pathetic compensatory offer of a cape is unlikely to change their minds.

    Does this present an opportunity for Vintage Story to expand it's player base?

    Other thoughts on the move?



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