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Posts posted by Dra6o0n

  1. Have you tried adjusting resolution, and tried to toggle the full screen functionality to see if it reverts whatever setting your OS is trying to utilize for the game?

    Note that for your screenshot, it's using 1 quarter of the game window's resolution, meaning its using half the resolution.

    I am not familiar with MacOS but if you increase the resolution it should change something, especially if you toggle fullscreen or windowed modes.

  2. For people who don't know, a very common source of issues for PC games is when the RAM being managed by your OS, has access violation because a game or other program tries to access the same address that the OS thinks it has no permission to do so, so your OS basically 'crashes' the program instead of trying to resolve it (typically in older OS this results in a BSOD).

    It's something called Memory Access Violation.

    It also happens if your OS has corrupt files, and the longer you use a PC, installing programs, playing games, and moving files around, the higher the chances of these corruption appearing without you noticing.

    Only a clean reinstall of Windows clears them temporarily, because these are inevitable when a system starts to get old.

  3. Since blocks can be chiselled now, I wonder if generated trees can have 'branches' and connections that looks like it's chiselled to look more realistic?

    So a way to generate is to do the base of the tree first, and have prefabs for the branch connections, which are in a different voxel shape than blocks? So you 'generate' one of the few branches that is designed ahead of time, onto said connection of the base of the tree. And for the top, one of few prefabs that connects and spreads a canopy at the top?

  4. Makes sense, it'd be kind of weird for some things to not have the code handled with an exception, and the overflow could also happen if the OS messes up the interaction in RAM due to corrupt files. The mod itself triggered it.

    Also since Windows 10 isn't supported anymore, I'd expect more crashes or issues later down the line so long as Microsoft can force security updates or whatnot.

  5. On 9/22/2023 at 5:36 AM, Txonsu said:


    Games being bought out is because developers had been seeking funding and ends up agreeing to some sort of deal without the community knowing.

    Steam doesn't influence whether a game gets bought out or not, it just brings awareness to a market. It does mean that the steam platform would be pricier since they take a cut of profit.

    For this thread, I'd suggest some sort of drop down list for a list of frequent suggestions, so that you can categorize them, but also open and close them with a click.

  6. You could have a lantern attachment that you craft to combine with a lantern, and wear it. It can count as backpack space with a lantern hanging above you.

    You equip it into a backpack slot, but it gives less inventory slots than a typical one. Travellers have many ways of having a working lantern hanging off their backpack or mounted on the backpack itself.

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  7. A suggestion to make long range attacks more challenging, and a maybe a slight tweak to AI:

    - For a sling to feel challenging, when you use the sling you are suppose to 'wind' it up and whip it around, instead of shooting like a slingshot... So a circle crosshair that starts off large (maybe like 1-2 inches radius) and shrinks slowly over time would be suitable. And even when you shoot it, it flies in a cone arc, so at longer distance the accuracy is fairly bad to hit anything at that range.

    - But if you start using improved materials for a better sling (or a staff sling), and use 'bullets' crafted from stone or metal, then your accuracy and lethality also increases.

    - AI should generally go from passive mode into a cautious mode when they are attacked but cannot see or detect their attackers, meaning they should flee from the current area they are in, at a random direction (choosing to go via land, not water). For instance hares are skittish so they'll flee to a random spot 5 to 10 blocks away from the area they are currently at.

    - Some AI might not care (like non-animals), and other creatures might go full hostile and investigate where the player's last position is (eldritch types?).

    - Hitting targets far away accurately will inflict bonus damage as 'stealth damage'.

    - Missing targets by landing hits around them (within 1 to 3 block radius) will trigger the same AI as if you hit them. It also cancels out any stealth bonus you have against them.

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  8. For VR support, there is the OpenXR API that the devs can look into, as SteamVR is generally older and isn't as versatile.

    You can have SteamVR support in the game even if it's not a steam game, 'A Township Tale' does the same thing with their launcher being non-steam related, it launches a SteamVR when you click play on their launcher.

    Of course this does mean integrating the whole UI and stuff for OpenXR to work with this game means a lot more work for the devs too, but it might be possible for modding if said mod integrates OpenXR related files in some way (not familiar with this game's modding systems).

    In short, it's basically a bunch of dll files that if the executable or mod uses it, can access the functionality while the game is loaded.




    Unifying Reality

    OpenXR is a royalty-free, open standard that provides high-performance access to Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)—collectively known as XR—platforms and devices.


    It seems that SteamVR's own webpage indicate a different SDK to utilize:


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