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Posts posted by Fluffems

  1. Thanks! Thankfully I didn't have a lot ATM I did notice though that when I tried to clear the snow off the block it would break the stairs and drop the block but I could clear the snow and by placing a block on top of the stairs and they would revert to their original position.

    PS. Thank you for the mod it has saved me a lot of chisel time :3

  2. When saving and exiting the game in single player 1.14.2 upon re-entry to the game stairs placed from better stairs are randomly rotated to a different orientation, Has any one else had this issue? I think it has something to do with snowfall as I did not have this problem unto it started to snow.


  3. You are right I was playing 1.14.2 sorry I had accidently forgot to add that  piece of important information. I have downloaded your update and everything is working perfectly. Thank you for your work and the mod. Cheers 

  4. Found the cause of what was happening as I was building around the elevator an item entity dropped onto the elevator It dose not cause a crash but it forces you out of the game and you cannot load into it unless you do what I stated by unloading the mod then breaking the elevators. before loading back up with the mod. 

  5. After using the Game.zip and compatibility lib file you posted which fixed the problem I was having with getting dust for your mod in my single player world . But I am still having an issue with the texture being broken for the top and bottom of the elevators. Is there any fix for this? Also thank you for the mod I love it.

    P.S. not sure if it's related unless it happens again but  I was forced out of my game and was getting the message that I could not connect I had to disable your mod load the game up break my elevators save then re enable the mod. This is all in single player, Ill let you know if it happens again. I'll do some testing in creative to se if I can find the cause 

  6. I'm just grateful that you made the mod. It added a nice RPG element to the game, also I did note that it was pre when I downloaded it. If I find out anything else I'll be sure to report it. Keep up the good work and thanks for the mod. 

  7. @GodogmaAnother thing you can try is what my friend did he deleted all the text in the Json file and left it blank. Then he started the game up with two mods off saved and exited and turned them back on. The game loaded up with them back on then and from there he used the commands to get back what he had lost. It took him a bit longer but he said his stuff is running fine now.

  8. Also had the same issue with the second hotbar causing a crash but I am playing in single player world  1.14  I tried doing what doing what Xandu suggested by modifying the save file by changing the tier to 0 did not work but just outright deleting the section completely worked for me. I guess Ill just stay away from the "Strongback"  skill for now.

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