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Posts posted by Morfs

  1. Sorry to bump this thread over two years later, but I adore the idea of being able to fabricate glass in an alternative way to just molding it for window pane use.
    What spurred the idea on was seeing the use of olivine, amethyst, and rose quartz to make colored glass. I know that historically people discovered that the use of certain element oxides and other compounds would create the pigments they would use for, say, stained glass windows.

    My suggestion at least in that regard is to incorporate more chromatology into the creation of the glass during the melting phase, so regular glass can remain more or less the same but getting creative with glass coloration and shaping (for more intricate lamps decorations and otherwise) would incorporate unique workstations, tools, and expending of certain minerals. Alternatively, there IS dye, and seeing Cinnabar be a viable dye option (despite the toxicity which may be superseded by Seraphine "natural" resistances) could already be incorporated into the process.

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  2. There's the XSkills mod, which seems itself modular enough to have more perks added which can do what you ask, though I'm no modder and I'm illiterate to code. But the default ones do allow you to extend the lifespan of tools and also improve smithing quality based on how many levels you've gained in the skill (though it takes quite a bit of time to get to a point where the quality won't be bad lol practice makes perfect)

    Personally I think that adding sharpness with a whetstone would be fantastic, adding a temporary bonus to damage for a number of swings perhaps at the cost of a point or two of durability. It'd make you resharpen your weapons and tools before embarking on each journey, or can be entirely ignored to retain the current system. It'd have to be toyed around with; I dunno what would be a good addition in that regard either, but it would be nice to have a means of repairing tools or at least displaying them on a wall or smth if you've grown somewhat attached to, say, your very first pickaxe.

  3. I really feel your sentiment about death and spawning, I really do.
    My personal opinion is when you're starting out, accentuate your gameplay with a few mods to make it easier on yourself. No need to torture yourself like I did on my first run.
    I grabbed a "server utilities" mod which gives me popular Minecraft server commands like /sethome and /warp so that I can get a better grasp on the game's mechanics before I do a more pure and unforgiving run myself. If you hate having to spawn hundreds of blocks away repeatedly, I would recommend either using a mod like this, OR changing the default settings to reduce the spawn range so you have a set default area you can make a starter base from for expeditions back to your true base.

    But comparing 2B2T to VS is like bananas and walnuts. The survival strategies you employ dealing with the advent of an overrun uncontrolled anarchistic society aren't anything like the struggle against an everlooming threat that can appear right in front of you at the drop of a pin. Both of them have their unique challenges and the knowledge doesn't really overlap or bleed over well. All I can say is that you learn and adapt over time. Apologies if that's a tired expression and it's just upsetting to hear, I just want to offer a different perspective.

    I do hope you take my suggestions to heart Yozo. My RNG isn't the most pleasant either but I'm swimming in gears at this point now that I've upgraded my weapons. I don't even have armor yet, takes too much material IMO, but I'm a wizard and I played a TON of Vermintide, so I know how to dodge and weave in melee.

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