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Posts posted by Galejro

  1. This build is in Aura Fury Server, it's my official home there. It's supposed to be based of a gothic mountain monastery... With a horror twist. This is survival server but they allow extended workbench for block copying, perhaps it'll be inspiring for your builds. So starting off from the Exterior. My Mill, mailbox and the entrance to the long mountain path.2021-06-19_00-58-48.thumb.png.4d49df291dd49e9903d6c2c213d1b99b.png  2021-06-19_00-59-09.thumb.png.a856cc34ab1d49fba903902b98dac22f.png

    Next up is the mountain path to the place


    Then we come to the Mausoleum of the Vampires:


    Then we finally arrive at the place itself




    Now for the Interiors:





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  2. Not much, Like I said composite creative-survival. 1. I used creative to obtain base blocks for multi-blocks. 2. In survival I obtain the block. 3. Then creative to put the blocks for chisseling, they're infinite in creative. 4. After chisseling I hop back into survival to obtain the block again into inventory 5. Now in creative I can place that particular microblok infinite times.

  3. The game could be made to recognise the tool and the microchiseled blocks on a specific ID basis (if it doesn't already do it), this will allow item stacking if say... You combine 10x TinBronze Axes with 10x identical microchiseled bloks.

    This will not expand tool amount infinitely it will simply recognize a TinBronzeAxe + microblock skin.

    Than again I'm no programmer, I have no idea if this is possible or how it affects the game performance.

  4. So this is sth I noticed could be a very neat new feature.

    I was playing with microblock chisseling for quite some time. It already is a huge creativity engine I can make new floors, wallpapers new items, lecterns books you name it! But when I built chairs and tables they are simply treated as blocks, no function no use other than esthetics.

    Now what if we can combine chisseled crafted items with tables, chairs, weapons, potions, foods in the crafting menu? This allows our creativity be expressed functionally now.

    - That sword model looks bad? Want sth better?

    - There is no coffe/whine/beagles/buns/whisky/vodka whatever consumable in the game?

    - There are no fancy decorated chairs in the game?

    - Want a more complicated and different style medieval/greek/roman/modern table or bed?

    With this feature all those are now possible, only limited to your imagination.

    i just posted this image to show that I got wine in my room, that wine is just a decoration piece, why not allow players to make that into a functonal food item they can sell as their own brand in multiplayer for example?


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  5. All of this is multi-colour microblock chisseling. Simple thing and literally allows you to make anything, from new furniture to new wallpapers you name it. Only probem is this is all just flat stone blocks as basis. You cant combine those with items to grant them a functionality of a chair or potion or those.

  6. Hey I got a question regarding game stability and how to fix it.

    I start the game and it runs stable for about 30minutes after that the game starts to freeze on me, my character is teleported a bit forward cause the game still runs but it just doesn't show the game play during such a freeze. Over time these freezes become ever more common to a point at which it is simply unplayable. The game runs smooth all the time though, it doesn't seem to be hardware issue.

    Does anyone have any solutions to this?

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