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Posts posted by brndd

  1. On 6/14/2023 at 8:37 PM, Thorfinn said:

    Is anyone else finding medium fertility soil much less common? Or maybe it's just my perception? I've started grabbing a stack of medium fertility as soon as I find any because it seems otherwise I have none.

    I travelled about 5000 blocks the other day to find medium fertility soil. Once I returned home via another route, I found another area with it 200 blocks from my house.

  2. On 6/9/2023 at 10:32 AM, 1Joachim1 said:

    it's not only not viable for me, but a nightmare in a steam deck...  (stepUP mod gave me troubles last night when i tried to install it. the comments say it works 1.18 but doesn't seem to do it for me)

    StepUp runs into a strange Vintage Story bug on Linux in that it fails to work if any shared libraries (read: DLLs) are injected into the game with LD_PRELOAD. Steam Deck does this for some of the overlay features and such. On desktop Linux it can be triggered by running the game with Gamemode.

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  3. 34 minutes ago, Echoweaver said:

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but drifters don't spawn every night. They spawn on nights where the temporal instability is Medium or higher. I like this mechanic. I can stay out some nights without much concern, while others I need to get back to my base or build one quickly.

    I appreciate the sense of safety that comes from my base, but for that safety to matter, there has to be danger out there to protect myself from.

    Also, it's worth pointing out that until you get to very nasty drifters that I've only seen from high-level temporal storms, wolves and bears are more dangerous. In some ways, I find that to be an odd choice. OTOH, it does me that on the surface, the biggest dangers are unrelated to whether it is dark outside or not.

    Yeah they don't spawn on Calm nights, which are fairly common. AFAIK they also only spawn near temporal rifts rather than randomly everywhere, though I could be wrong on that front, and even if I'm not the distinction would be somewhat meaningless given that temporal rifts spawn randomly around the player.

  4. I find the new worldgen to be way too bumpy and jagged 90% of the time. Seeing terrain like this makes me wonder if it's actually even supposed to look like that or if it's a bug.



    It feels like there's too many "extreme" terrain features competing for attention, and as a result almost all terrain ends up being extreme. I prefer using the Plains and Valleys mod (or the Fields and Plateaus mod) since that gives more naturalistic worldgen.

  5. 13 hours ago, PhotriusPyrelus said:

    Gotta say, the thread title had me ready with my pitchfork, but the content makes some degree of sense.  I remember installing a "spawn" install from StarCraft to play multiplayer via LAN.  Genuinely perplexes me that more games didn't have that kind of an option, though LAN parties seem almost non-existent now (no, internet cafès and similar places don't count).  Which is kinda strange to me what with how powerful and comparatively trivially transportable laptops can be now.

    At the very least, it would be nice to eventually have a demo, but I'm sure they have much more important irons in the fire right now.

    Online gaming is so convenient these days that LAN parties don't really exist. I feel like we sort of lost some of the culture of trying out new games with friends in the process, which was, let's face it, mostly enabled by piracy at LAN parties.

    In a couple of friends circles/gaming communities I am a part of, we try to keep that tradition alive with semi-regular "Friday game nights" (not necessarily occurring on Fridays) and, for longer-term games, private servers, and the hardest part is always finding a game that 5-10 people actually own and want to play. For the obvious reason that people tend to not want to pay money for a game they will probably play exactly once, most of the games we end up playing are free-to-play titles and older titles with no DRM.

    I feel like the Minecraft offline server thing strikes a pretty good balance here. It's inconvenient enough that it's very much inferior to actually buying the game (painful to install mods or even launch the game, servers get little in the way of user verification so cracked public servers are difficult to moderate, etc.), but is sufficient for LAN parties and private online games among friends.

    As it stands, it's pretty difficult to convince people to try a niche indie title like Vintage Story ("looks like minecraft? no thanks, i don't like minecraft i'm not twelve"), so I think some kind of try-before-you-buy solution would be beneficial to the game.

  6. I figured I'd not mince words with the title.

    In Minecraft you can set a multiplayer server to "offline mode" to allow clients to connect without a valid game licence. AFAIK Notch basically added this feature to enable small-scale piracy of the game for LAN parties and such, and it's a small miracle Mojang-Microsoft haven't removed it from the game yet.

    Vintage Story doesn't seem to have such an option, and I'll be frank, I wish it did. It's very difficult to get friends who aren't the biggest fans of block games to try the game out with you in multiplayer. I think it's one of those situations where piracy can actually increase sales: these people are very unlikely to buy the game without trying it, but some subset of them might buy the game after trying it out in multiplayer with friends.


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  7. Hey, newbie here, and one of them dreaded Linux grumps to boot.

    Noticed the game currently uses .NET Framework 4.x and runs under Linux using Mono. Any plans to upgrade to the brand new .NET 5 which has native support on all three platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux, and I suppose mobile to boot)?

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