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Posts posted by Tsuochan

  1. 22 hours ago, LadyWYT said:

    Not exactly a seraph, but the main character I generally play as in a lot of games, Vintage Story included.

    I also doodled a picture of Thunderlord Dave for a thread the other day, which you can find here:

    I like those colors too! 😀 Blue happens to be my favorite color! Although I generally pick one of the other options when it comes to skin tone; it's hard to pick a good eye color that contrasts well. I like the extra detail on the hairpin as well. Makes me wonder what the character's backstory is. A scout with a taste for the finer things, perhaps?

    - I noticed there are a lot of mods that add more customization so that's neat!


    -Siiiick, just checked it out, your linework is great.


    - Blue rocks, the palette they have in general, wish there was a bit more purple, the seafoamy green they have rocks too though.
    And thank you! Who knows haha, I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case.

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