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Андрей Нагорный

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Posts posted by Андрей Нагорный

  1. Hey !

    I wanted to ask a question. I made a mod called Dangerous Waters that adds fish. There is a problem, when a fish starts hunting a mob or a player, it jumps out onto land and chases the target. :) Tried to solve the problem, set stepHeight = 0, did not help. Then, when creating in the editor, he lowered the model itself by half a block from the zero point. This improved the situation, but when fish accumulate on one block, they still end up on land. Question: is there a way to prevent mobs from going out to dry blocks at all? 

    I posted the settings below. Thanks in advance for your help!

    I also wanted to ask where to get detailed documentation on all JSON settings for Vintage Story? Not just the relationships that the wiki has, but the documentation describing all the options?

    	code: "shark",
    	class: "EntityAgent",
    	habitat: "Sea",
    	"hitboxSize": {
        "x": 0.4,
        "y": 0.5
    	"deadHitboxSize": {
    	"x": 0.4,
    	"y": 0.5
    	eyeHeight: 0.4,
    	"drops": [],
    	client: {
    		renderer: "Shape",
    		shape: { base: "shark:entity/water/shark" },
    		behaviors: [
    			{ code: "repulseagents" }, 
    			        "code": "controlledphysics",
    			        "stepHeight": 0
    			        "code": "floatupwhenstuck",
    			        "onlyWhenDead": true
    			{ code: "interpolateposition" },
    			{ code: "harvestable" },
    			{ code: "despawn", minPlayerDistance: 24, minSeconds: 600 }
    		animations: [
    				code: "dead",
    				animation: "dead", 
    				animationSpeed: 1.0,
    				weight: 10,
    				blendMode: "Average",
    				triggeredBy: { onControls: ["dead"] }
    				code: "idle", 
    				animation: "idle",
    				blendMode: "Average",
    				animationSpeed: 1.0,
    				triggeredBy: { defaultAnim: true },
    				code: "meleeattack",
    				animation: "swim", 
    				animationSpeed: 1.0,
    				triggeredBy: { onControls: ["swim"] },
    				blendMode: "AddAverage" 
    	"server": {
        "behaviors": [
          { "code": "repulseagents" },
          { "code": "controlledphysics",  "stepHeight": 0 },
          { "code": "health",   "currenthealth": 5,  "maxhealth": 5 },
          { "code": "deaddecay",  "hoursToDecay": 1  },
          { "code": "floatupwhenstuck", "onlyWhenDead": true },
          { "code": "despawn", "minPlayerDistance":200,   "minSeconds": 30 },
           { code: "harvestable", 
          	drops: [
    					type: "block",
    					code: "bushmeat-raw",
    					quantity: { avg: 0.4, var: 0 }
          { "code": "emotionstates",    
    	      	"states": [
    	            "code": "fleeondamage",
    	            "duration": 10,
    	            "chance": 0.2,
    	            "slot": 0,
    	            "prority": 1,
    	            "accumType": "max"
    				code: "taskai",
    				aitasks: [
    						code: "wander", 
    						priority: 0.25, 
    						priorityForCancel: 0.5,
    						movespeed: 0.005,
    						animation: "idle",
    						animationSpeed: 0.05,
    						preferredLightLevel: 8
    						code: "meleeattack",
    						entityCodes: ["player","bandit-*","whiteshark","chicken-*","ampel-*","shintorickae-*","hare-*","tickling-*"],
    						movespeed: 0.1,
    						priority: 1,
    						damage: 1,
    						damageTier: 0,
    						damageType: "SlashingAttack",
    						slot: 1,
    						mincooldown: 500, 
    						maxcooldown: 1000, 
    						attackDurationMs: 1000,
    						damagePlayerAtMs: 500,
    						animation: "swim",
    						sound: "shark:creature/shark/attack" 
    						code: "seekentity",
    						entityCodes: ["player","bandit-*","whiteshark","chicken-*","ampel-*","shintorickae-*","hare-*","tickling-*"],
    						priority: 1,
    						priorityForCancel: 0.5,
    						mincooldown: 400, 
    						maxcooldown: 800, 
    						movespeed: 0.1,
    						seekingRange: 100,
    						animationSpeed: 2,
    						animation: "swim"
    						code: "fleeentity",
    						entityCodes: ["player"],
    						priority: 0.03,
    						movespeed: 0.2,
    						seekingRange: 50,
    						animation: "swim",
    						animationSpeed: 4,
    						whenInEmotionState: "fleeondamage"
    		spawnconditions: {
    			worldgen: {
    				TriesPerChunk: { avg: 0.1, var: 0 },
    				tryOnlySurface: false,
    				groupSize: { dist: "verynarrowgaussian", avg: 2, var: 3 },
    				insideBlockCodes: ["game:water-still-7", "game:seaweed-*","game:sea-*"],
    				minTemp: -10,
    				maxTemp: 30,
    				minRain: 0,
    				minForest: 0.5
    			runtime: {
    				group: "hostile",
    				tryOnlySurface: false,
    				chance: 1.0,
    				maxQuantity: 10,
    				maxLightLevel: 50,									
    				groupSize: { dist: "verynarrowgaussian", avg: 2, var: 3 },
    				insideBlockCodes: ["game:water-still-7", "game:seaweed-*"],
    				minTemp: -10,
    				maxTemp: 40,
    				minRain: 0,
    				minForest: 0.5
    	sounds: {
    		hurt: "shark:creature/shark/hit",
    		idle: "shark:creature/shark/idle",
    	idleSoundChance: 0.005



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