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Very Important Vintarian
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Posts posted by Awutak

  1. Hello folks – I already wrote some lines about rope-mechanics in the “frequently suggested topic”

    Threads, strings and ropes reside without a doubt among the most original tools of humankind. Nevertheless, their use in games is somehow always rudimentary, because they end up as a crafting-item instead as a tool for itself(should be a programming thing).

    A rope alone is used for climbing, ropeways, bindings, as a leash, and so on…

    There are various things that one could attach to ropes: a hook, a ball of glue or a magnet… Further there are of course uses within mechanics like a pulley, a winch, hidden door mechanics, looped ropes/belts for mechanics like elevators and others, as well as uses within animal care, fishing and most important guided growth of climbing plants.

    There could be ropes of different length, which use up backpack-slots(50m - 1 slot, 100m - 2slots,...) and the longer the rope the thicker it has to be – the more material is needed to craft it. Finally, it would be nice to get some tool like a spindle for producing the stuff in an automated way.

  2. Hi - what do you think about a disease-system for vintage story

    For the disease-system the game would need a status for resistance, which could be a colored overlay for the HP-status or shown as its own bar. To fill up resistance one would have to drink tea made out of plants found in the world. To get the resistance-bar full diverse sorts of tea must be consumed over a period of time. Each tea helps with certain illnesses and if resistance is low those can be contracted easier.

  3. Wow - congratulations on that maior progress - can't wait to go through everything.

    At first sight I found out about nails and stripes - nice way to make chests more immersive. The several ways to get to the pages for books, seem to need more balance. Is it intended that bookshelves are not craftable? And what about that pump???

  4. A Hoe has two sides one for tilling as all seem to know.

    The other side is for weeding, to loosen up the ground aroung the crops and to bring fertilizer close to the roots.

    It would be nice to get better harvests by better fetilizer-input due to weeding and or loosening with the hoe.

  5. Hi there, 

    I'd like to bring up another issue. I always wish for rope-mechanics in such games. I think of ropes of different length, which use up backpack-slots(50m - 1 slot, 100m - 2slots,...) for climbing or ropeways, with a hook, glueball or magnet attached to pick up stuff from down where the head spins, looped ropes for mechanics like elevators and others, as well as uses within animal care, fishing and most important guided growth of climbing plants.


  6. I like the idea of bluebells as well as to  introduce some sort of sap/glue into the game, whereas there is a variiety of possibilities to do so: sap from bluebells, pitch from some special trees, glue from skin or bones

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  7. Sounds interesting, but if each tree grows individually - that will need a lot of data.... I'd like the pruning-mechnics to be augmented - better chances by using a special occulating knife and closing the wound with bees-wax. It would also be interesting if some of the trees' barks were collectable for either fibers and/or tinder. To grow fruit-trees from seeds should be possilble by a better chance than 40%, but one should have to successfully do the occulating  before there is any harvest...

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