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Posts posted by BavarianViking

  1. Hi, Vintarians!

    Got a problem. I missed cave-ins during world gen. the world comand "/worldconfig caveIns true" or "/worldconfig caveIns Enabled" don't change the ingame configurations.
    New generating is not really a option, because i play with a mod with knowledge system with 1 point for every 4 days (potting = 3 points; smithing copper = 5 points); i just built my house and started to build a cellar.

    What I'm doing wrong?

  2. Found a recipe for water glassed eggs online. I can't code, so can somebody make such a mod?


    " [...] homegrown, unwashed eggs stored in lime water. The lime water fills in all the pores of the egg and encases them in a shell of "glass". Water glassed eggs can last stored at room temperature like this for up to 2 years. This method of preserving raw eggs has been used since the 1800s and was common even into the 1940s and 50s. [...] You cannot use commercial eggs for this because they have all had the protective coating (bloom) washed off the shell and will quickly go bad. [...] When you do use the eggs, be sure to rinse them thoroughly before you crack them or they will taste like lime. [...]
    FYI: a gallon size container will store about 40 eggs. Lime is also known as calcium hydroxide. You can buy it in 50 pound bags in the masonry section of the hardware store, or in 1 pound bags in the canning section of the grocery store....often labeled as "pickling lime”. "

    so ingame: one barrel (10L) is roughly about 100 eggs?
  3. Albion (by blue byte) - the inofficial scifi Ambermoon "continuation".

    or maybe

    Vampire - The Masquerade Redemption (my mother laughed 'cause it's only in english language and there's no german version like in Bloodlines)

    By "boardgames" it's also D&D4 or 5. Or the "german D&D" called Das schwarze Auge V4.1 (the dark eye)

  4. 3 hours ago, Filip Nowak said:

    Awesome, I'm looking forward to the new version!

    I've only one important question regarding of the this part:

    We've a two years old world, where we've a lot of work done, so we don't want to leave the world and start from the beginning. We would probably prefer to keep playing on this world. Please, would it be possible to implement some smooth terrain transition between the old and the new generated terrain? So it's not jarring but smooth...

    We would like to enjoy the new terrain generating as well as the oceans, but we don't want to start again. Pleaase think about it, it would be highly appreciated.

    Or, if there would be some multiworld support, it would be nice solution. We would keep our old world and add a new one to enjoy all new features.

    If you understand german; Julius describes all steps to copy your buildings and animals:



    • Cookie time 1
  5. my map. Due to "Ores-o-Plenty Mod" it probably looks a bit different in the coloring of the altitude levels:

    Besides that i found an small area with stable time close to the mountain (see the blue house icon) 🥳🎉

    I meant a mod like shifting the time instability or for a wandering instability and some gears to create stability like the beacon in MC (i hope this will come in the future)


  6. No, have the same map. With some new mods, it's a bit different in ores and ice, but still nearly the same.
    Sadly, time instability isn't changeable and i'm a noob in making mods.

    Your settings are also nearly the same of mine.

    Ok, i try with lesser trees. That will be hard with growth time "extremely slow 16x", but i will try.

    PS.: your location is the only one with positive time stability.

    • Like 1
  7. Really beautiful map goaliemagics, but where di you settle down? The only plain areas near the mountain are small, have negative time stability OR have plenty of wolves... maybe you "recommended setting it to -50% less forested" is because of this spawns of hell?

    • Like 1
  8. Seed: 739480581

    - nice big flat area southeast of spawn area (see the violet house! pink house is an outpost [i won't spoiler 😉 ])
    - Trader nearby
    - many berry bushes (but mostly cranberries)
    - some small lakes/pools nearby (nice with "PrimitiveSurvival")
    - some brown coal notheast
    - bauxite in the east

    - rock is mostly Conglomerate (flint is rare; some blocks underground there is peridotite)
    - haven't found Limestone or Halite yet

    world settings:
    - see schreenshot






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  9. Is there a way to get the mod "capture animal" to function with the aurochs?

    With the text section ( {  "type": "item", "code": "game: resource-drygrass", "entities": [  {  "code": "game:aurochs-*", "capturechance": 0.8  } ) it doesn't crash anymore, but the entity "aurochs" can't be detected (craftig grid message " "no suitable animal").

  10. original post:
    Can you assign a food for two different animals (one vanilla and one from mod)?
    Alternative: code for "drygrass" leads to crash ( {  "type": "item", "code": "game:drygrass", "entities": [  {  "code": "game:aurochs-*", "capturechance": 0.8  })

    Edit: Ok, with "game: resource-drygrass" at least it doesn't crash anymore. Search continues with ingame message "no suitable animal"


  11. 13 hours ago, Super3 said:

    I can't get this to work. I tried shift + RMB with the gui open but nothing happens. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong.

    Put cage and one food item in quickbar. SHIFT (duck/cower) an select the cage, then press Right mouse button and a special menue opens. There put the food item and close window with "X". Voilà, specialized cage.

    I also edited baits.json (config folder) and cage.json (itemtypes folder) for lower breaking chance.

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