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Posts posted by Smile

  1. 6 minutes ago, Philtre said:

    I'd settle for a way to reassign the default color to something other than black. It's really hard to see on most terrain....

    Being able to set default colour and default icon, that I would love as an option in vanilla!

  2. 17 hours ago, Bastez said:

    I think there should be a better way to choose map icon colours - having to type (or mistype!) the name of a colour, especially when time is limited or you're in a dangerous situation, is painful. Why not have say 16 colours that can be selected via a dropdown in the same way as the icons themselves? Surely that would give enough permutations....?

    If you're in a precarious situation leaving colour blank defaults it to black, so when you're safe you can go back and colour it later.

    A drop down box probably isn't the best idea and the current implementation for the icons as a drop down is not ideal either.
    I'd prefer to see the icons implemented like the cave painting UI is implemented.
    While a colour wheel/swatch/RGB sliders for colours. Leaving the optional words = colours too.

    Currently you can use # codes for colours if you know what they are off the top of your head or use the link above but good luck with that haha!

    I was looking into modding in new icons however have not been able to figure it out yet.

  3. On 1/5/2022 at 6:53 AM, Hal13 said:

    I think it would be nice to have some mechanic to prevent fall damage when falling deep.

    Building high in survival is rather tedious, sure one is able to put up ladders or scaffold with blocks, but even then one can fall to death easily.

    My suggestion is something like a craftable parachute, that slows one down to under damaging speeds over about 5-10 blocks (maybe reducing fall damage after deploying it to the damage you take when falling 10 blocks minus the fallen blocks since deploying, down to 0 at most) and perhaps keeps sideways momentum and/or can be influenced by wind.
    I think it should have to be deployed to use (use in hotbar) and afterwards it should need to be packed before being used again (maybe putting it down on a full block surface, craft animation for a short time and taking it up again).

    Or maybe some slimy fluid that can be used like water in Minecraft to break ones fall.

    If they want to go the more adventure game route (BOTW) where there are options for gliders I would love it, but I don't see it happening in vanilla myself. If so maybe some very late game content where you start to restore some of the old lost technology.

    There is also a mod (dated and possibly no longer functioning) that adds Gliders you can find here:


    On 2/10/2021 at 2:59 PM, jakecool19 said:

    This crudely put together flying contraption can help transverse mountainous areas much faster. Much caution and care must be taken not to land too hard or land in the wrong spot.


  4. Corn or Maize style plant would be awesome. I like that they would grow very tall and possibly be one of the taller plants in the game usable for privacy or cause a slower walking speed when trying to get through them (hinder enemies?).

    However I believe the landmass cultural history of Vintage Story is closer to Europe/England etc than the Americas, hence we don't have potatos since they came about much later than 1300's. Likewise, corn/maize originated in Mexico and wasn't until just before 1500's that it was exported back to Europe.

    It is quite likely that we won't see many plants from the Columbian Exchange period in Vintage Story vanilla. I know we have *some*.

    Source: "After the arrival of Europeans in 1492, Spanish settlers consumed maize, and explorers and traders carried it back to Europe and introduced it to other countries."

    I am all for more types of plants, however :)

  5. 7 hours ago, Philtre said:

    Thanks! It's definitely helpful to have an example to follow, thanks for letting me (try to) adapt your code. I've never tried to write a mod before, wish me luck...

    If you run into trouble adapting it let me know and I can help out, but just removing references to the existing cave music should be enough to prevent it playing. Also if you know the track titles you can just remove the files from the game install folder and put ones with the same name but different music in their place :) Much easier fix no code reguired just need music and a way to make them .ogg (Audacity should work).

  6. I am in the same boat, but upon looking into it the accesible code for Minimap Icons isn't just json files and images as I would have hoped for.

    I would love to make new icons for the minimap so if anyone works on the code side of things I'd be willing to help do some art for them :)

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  7. On 12/12/2021 at 10:42 AM, Philtre said:

    I like the happy music that plays above ground much more than the tense music that plays in caves, and I'd rather have the aboveground music play underground too. I poked around in the mod database a bit and didn't see anything that seemed like it could do that, but perhaps I missed something?

    Failing that, does anyone have an idea of where in the game code location-based music choice is controlled?

    You can probably use the code from my mod to find something that works, modding the music is fairly time consuming but otherwise should be able to use the file I replace with my modded file to change tracks played in different locations.


  8. On 3/5/2020 at 3:02 PM, Sparkle Kitti said:

    Isn't it white? Unless you're in a snowy area that should bee contrasting with everything. Not sure how difficult the coding would be but maybe an icon that changes to the contrast color of wherever it is on the map would help.

    Yes, and other players are a really really light grey colour which is very hard to see in most environments.

  9. The player icon does not contrast enough with the map, maybe even letting us customise the colours in the settings would be best for potential colour-blind users.
    As I was playing with my friend we had incredible difficulty spotting each-other in most environments let alone a snow covered biome.

    Thank you!

    Similar suggestion I agree with: 


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