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Kleiner Moses

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Product Reviews posted by Kleiner Moses

  1. Well, when I first watched the trailer I really thought this is to good to be true.

    But after a few days I decided to give it a try - and it was worth it. 


    However, this game is still in early access, so don't expect a fully complete project.

    Just like most of the players, I also came from Minecraft to get something similar, but more challenging. If you know Minecraft, most of the controls are very intuitive. But you should expect to die quite often in the beginning, since you need to watch out for hostile mobs - day and night. You also need to be aware of your hunger. 

    The beginning: 
    Just like in the old school times of minecraft, you start to build a dirt bunker. Since you can not effort to build a pickaxe in the first days, a cobble bunker will be a product for the future. But after a couple of days you will be able to get copper, which you can smelt into a pickaxe. It is a process way more komplex than in Minecraft, so getting to this point is a much more slower process than you might know. 

    Having a pickaxe opens actually a whole new world. You can mine resources much more efficient and in way bigger amounts. While doing so don't forget to eat. 
    You can do farming. You need to find vegetables or crops. The fertillity of the soil influences the growing time. But it will take a couple of days anyways, untill you can harvest you first onions - or whatever you have planted. Later in the game, you can automate farming and tool making - but thats definitely a long way ahead, when you start a new world.

    The world:
    The world is beautiful. There are no biomes like in minecraft. The landscape is actually influenced by the weather and temperature. You actually can divide the world into 3 major climate zones:
    1. boreal
    2. hot 
    3 arctic

    Each of these climate zones also has different regions, which can vary drastically. You can have big mountains and flat steppes. The world is quite big, so it will take you a really long time to enter another climate zone (I am not exactly sure how many blocks, but at least a couple 10k from my experience). Although the landscape is quite impressive, it gets a little repetetive after a time. 

    What I would love to see are big multiplayer server, in which resources actually have a value. You can have certain stones or woods only have from certain areas. Since the world is so big, it just doesen't make sense in single player to travel that far, only for getting a certain stone. Multiplayer could benefit from those distances. One big plus is the creation of custom blocks with a chisel. You can combine up to four different blocks into one custom block. You can make a statue, your indivudual furniture or a really impressive house facade. But having those things in singleplayer gets quite boring after a time, since you can not show or share it. 
    Making custom blocks as a profession in multiplayer server and trading resources, could lead into to a interesting simulation. 

    I am really looking forward in which direction the game develops. It is a game which can offer so much depth. In the current state, the game is in a good position to become something great. Sometimes the game feels a little empty, because of it's repetitive landspace and the relatively few mobs. But the road map offers everybody a good overview what will be implemented hopefully soon. 






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