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Posts posted by DoctorVanGogh

  1. Okay - some more bugs 😸

    1. Yogurt and bottles dont play nice.

      Stick Yogurt in a bottle and it will cure ages before it ever goes bad.

      - Will go bad in 50 days.
      - Will also no longer be yogurt in 10 days...
      Now imagine that in a bottlerack in a cellar: "Perishes: 1+ years, Cures: next week" 🤡

    2. Yogurt is f***ed
      Having yogurt cure in a bottle will multiply sat values to insane numbers.
      Fruit (syrup) yogurts that cure in a bottle get extra extra spicy:
      I gotta try re-curing that bottle a few times. See what numbers I get 😆
    3. The mixing bowl can produce over output capacity and loose products
      I've had it happen with solid outputs where I left the output in until 1 full stack was in there. Then the "next" output gets ejected similar to a quern? But some items went missing.
      It's definitively bad with liquids:
      Stick 3L of wild yeast in there, plus two 3L stacks of water, plus two stacks of 3 bags of flour each.
      Mix twice. Max output capacity is 3L. The second stack of 3L of yeast simply drips to the floor. That should not happen. Maybe block with an error?
    4. Pressing pink or red apples will yield dehydrated yellow apples from the screwpress.
      Seems pressed apples always give dehydrated yellow apples from the mash. But I like my pink apples!
    5. The 8x hook clay molds forms are not aligned
      The clayforming voxel model & the final completed (unburned & burned) model for the 8x hook mold are not aligned. One has the hooks in east/west orientation, the other in north/south.
      Suggestion: rotate the clayforming pattern 90°.
    6. Some ingredient texts are missing:
      Presumably all chopped mushroom (all chopepd veggie?) texts for double (maybe also tripple?) soup ingredients are missing:
    7. Salad ingredients seem to be able to "rot" inside a meal
      Same meal, slightly different times. Seems the deluxe rye balls are rotting? (Because the only other fruit sat item is the syrup, and that has decades of time)
      Other thing, which I think was a salad:
    8. Sat & Hp numbers can get really "precise"
      Numbers should probably be trimmed.
    9. Bread-crumbs discard any extra nutrients.
      Grind this and it will ignore the dairy extras.
    10. The meat rack can sometimes give negative numbers for curing duration:
      It seems this can happen if the item has not yet ticked. Maybe the info text could just display something "Should be about done" if the actual number is negative.





    • Like 1
  2. I can't get cottage cheese in salads to work.

    According to the recipe it should work

    			code: "cheese-extra...", 
    			validStacks: [ 
    				{ type: "item", code: "cheese-cheddar-1slice",  shapeElement: "bowl/cheese2/*", textureMapping: ["cheesebase", "cheese-cheddar-1slice"]  },
    				{ type: "item", code: "cheese-blue-1slice",  shapeElement: "bowl/cheese2/*", textureMapping: ["cheesebase", "cheese-blue-1slice"]  },
    				{ type: "item", code: "cottagecheeseportion",  shapeElement: "bowl/cheese2/*", textureMapping: ["cheesebase", "cottagecheesemelt"]  },
    			minQuantity: 0,
    			maxQuantity: 1,

    but I cant get the recipe to snap. Tried 0.1L per veggy stack... no salad. Tried 1L per stack, no salad. Tried both quantities both directly as liquid and in a bowl. No salad. Tried both quantities in a bucket. No salad. Tried any liquid quantity between 0.1L & 3L in 0.1L increments. No salad 😒

    Removing the cottage cheese the mixing bowl correctly indicates a salad output.

    Something... something... weird. Or it's me. One of those.

    • Like 1
  3. Did you mousewheel off and then back on to that hotbar slot? Because the interactions only show for a few seconds (same with honey from vanilla).

    Also: Have you disabled all other mods except Expanded Foods & A Culinary Artillery and does this "nothing works" issue then persist?

  4. On 1/18/2023 at 3:49 AM, Pamela Wild said:

    The only interactions shown are for the bowl itself.  It's just not working.


    On 1/18/2023 at 3:08 AM, DoctorVanGogh said:

    with an egg on your hotbar, simply select that slot (mousewheel up/down). Should give you the interaction items & keybinds at the bottom of your screen




  5. On 1/17/2023 at 1:16 AM, Pamela Wild said:

    How do you crack eggs?

    Turn on Block interaction help - it's either B or N can never remember which is which. Then with an egg on your hotbar, simply select that slot (mousewheel up/down). Should give you the interaction items & keybinds at the bottom of your screen.

  6. 20 hours ago, Hells Razer said:

    Expanding on that thought, rice could require furrowed farmland to be planted...

    Expanding on that thought... 😁

    Is there a design reason why pumpkin (vines/pumpkins) can't grow on top of furrowed farmland? Or is this just how things currently work out? "Vanilla checks if there is liquid water underneath, if so, cant use the tile".
    Because if that is not intentional (and I'd argue it shouldn't be) then pumpkins should be happy to use furrowed farmland. Because if the terrain can support a 1000 pound bear, it should be able to support a fricken plant.

    Furrowing a tile under the player is slightly wonky. The player will fall into the block. Seems there are multiple distinct updates of "remove farmland, make furrowed farmland, make water" and player position gets processed after step #1. If there a way to batch block changes?

  7. 17 hours ago, Spear and Fang said:

    Thanks for the detailed report.

    Well, as much detail as there is 😀

    I think easiest reproduction case would be a winter biome. Have a line of water source block (W) & farm blocks, wait until that freezes, then furrow in the order 1,2,3,4:

    W 4 3 2 1

    For fun: have a second (frozen) water block left of that, but unfreeze (punch) that before you furrow.

    W F 4 3 2 1

    (W: liquid water, F: frozen water, 1,2,3,4 farm tiles to be furrowed in order)

    Edit: Maybe as a workaround for this (and potentially other similar issues) you could add an "unfurrow" interaction the the furrows. Assuming the block retains its nutrient levels when furrowed there should be no harm being able to toggle from normal to furrowed farmland with the hoe.

    • Cookie time 1
    • Thanks 1
  8. There's some bug with furrowed farmland and freezing:

    If the water in a furrow freezes and an adjacent farmland is made "furrowed" then whatever "normal" irrigation happens on connecting a channel does not happen.
    Sadly it also does not happen when the original frozen tile thaws (or gets manually defrosted).

    "Construction" while frozen:

    I think this is some edge case with blockages and freeze order:

  9. On 12/4/2022 at 12:18 AM, Barnaby said:

    I'm having trouble getting Bone Broth out of the Cauldron on a fire pit.  I can't pick it up with a bucket, or a bottle, I've tried all variations of ctrl, shift, left and right clicking.

    Can also confirm that this is still happening.

    Making broth (at least in a large cauldron) is bugged. It will create a stack of liquid in the output slot while leaving the cauldron in the input slot. Taking the cauldron out... will give you an empty cauldron and liquid in the output slot ;)

    This is different than for example condensing fruit juice to syrup with a cauldron. Here the cauldron moves to the output slot and will contain the condensed liquid so taking the cauldron out actually works. Not with broths 😒

    Edit: Well duhh... It does not always happen. Most of the time, things work correctly. I think I remember stuffing things in the cauldron and then walking away. Possibly even leaving the chunk. But I came back, added more stuff, then cooked the broth... Weird stuff happened.

    Workaround: Take liquid out with your hands, put it into the item slot of an empty barrel. That will make it a "normal" liquid again, which can then be picked up with containers.

  10. More bugs.. all the bugs 😆

    Handbook is lying about compatibility with Primitive Survival:
    - From Cooking 105 - Compatibility:
    - From Cooking 104 - Expanded Liquids:

    Part baked crab does in fact not work in making a broth 😒:

    	Ingredients: [
    			type: "item",
    			code: "waterportion",
    			quantity: 100
    			type: "item",
    			code: "primitivesurvival:fishfillet-partbaked",
    			quantity: 2
    	Simmering: {
    		meltingPoint: 200,
    		meltingDuration: 110,
    		smeltedRatio: 1,
    		smeltingType: "bake",
    		smeltedStack: {
    			type: "item",
    			code: "expandedfoods:brothportion-fish",
    			"quantity":  50
    		requiresContainer: false


    I'd suggest fixing the handbook or re-labeling the broth to "seafood broth" and modifying the recipe to

    			type: "item",
    			code: "primitivesurvival:*-partbaked",
    			allowedVariants: ["fishfillet", "crabmeat"]			
    			quantity: 2


    although I'm not 100% certain if those item codes are correct.

    Edit: https://github.com/l33tmaan/EFRecipes/pull/4 🥺

    • Sad 1
  11. Aaaand another - even a crash 😆:

    Opening the handbook, clicking on "Breaded rye fish" (needs Primitive Survival), then clicking on "Breaded rye fish (part baked)" will crash the client:


    Loaded Mods: aculinaryartillery@1.0.11, primitivesurvival@3.1.1, game@1.17.9, expandedfoods@1.6.4, creative@1.17.9, survival@1.17.9
    System.Exception: Can't create itemstack without collectible!
       at Vintagestory.API.Common.ItemStack..ctor(CollectibleObject collectible, Int32 stacksize) in VintagestoryApi\Common\Collectible\ItemStack.cs:line 186
       at Vintagestory.GameContent.CollectibleBehaviorHandbookTextAndExtraInfo.GetHandbookInfo(ItemSlot inSlot, ICoreClientAPI capi, ItemStack[] allStacks, ActionConsumable`1 openDetailPageFor) in VSSurvivalMod\Systems\Handbook\CollectibleBehaviorHandbookTextAndExtraInfo.cs:line 926
       at Vintagestory.GameContent.GuiHandbookItemStackPage.GetPageText(ICoreClientAPI capi, ItemStack[] allStacks, ActionConsumable`1 openDetailPageFor) in VSSurvivalMod\Systems\Handbook\Gui\GuiHandbookItemStackPage.cs:line 110
       at Vintagestory.GameContent.GuiDialogHandbook.initDetailGui() in VSSurvivalMod\Systems\Handbook\Gui\GuiDialogHandbook.cs:line 268
       at Vintagestory.GameContent.GuiDialogHandbook.OpenDetailPageFor(String pageCode) in VSSurvivalMod\Systems\Handbook\Gui\GuiDialogHandbook.cs:line 332
       at Vintagestory.API.Client.ItemstackTextComponent.OnMouseDown(MouseEvent args) in VintagestoryApi\Client\UI\Elements\Impl\Interactive\Text\Richtext\ItemstackTextComponent.cs:line 104
       at Vintagestory.API.Client.GuiElementRichtext.OnMouseDownOnElement(ICoreClientAPI api, MouseEvent args) in VintagestoryApi\Client\UI\Elements\Impl\Interactive\Text\GuiElementRichtext.cs:line 519
       at Vintagestory.API.Client.GuiElement.OnMouseDown(ICoreClientAPI api, MouseEvent mouse) in VintagestoryApi\Client\UI\Elements\Impl\GuiElement.cs:line 640
       at Vintagestory.API.Client.GuiComposer.OnMouseDown(MouseEvent mouseArgs) in VintagestoryApi\Client\UI\GuiComposer.cs:line 459
       at Vintagestory.API.Client.GuiDialog.OnMouseDown(MouseEvent args) in VintagestoryApi\Client\UI\Dialog\GuiDialog.cs:line 536
       at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.GuiManager.OnMouseDown(MouseEvent args) in VintagestoryLib\Client\Systems\Gui\GuiManager.cs:line 394
       at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientMain.OnMouseDown(MouseEvent args) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientMain.cs:line 2251
       at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientPlatformWindows.Mouse_ButtonDown(Object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientPlatform\Input.cs:line 220
       at System.EventHandler`1.Invoke(Object sender, TEventArgs e)
       at System.EventHandler`1.Invoke(Object sender, TEventArgs e)
       at OpenTK.Platform.Windows.WinGLNative.WindowProcedure(IntPtr handle, WindowMessage message, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam) in C:\Users\Nexrem\Desktop\transfer\opentk\src\OpenTK\Platform\Windows\WinGLNative.cs:line 792
       at OpenTK.Platform.Windows.Functions.DispatchMessage(MSG& msg)
       at OpenTK.Platform.Windows.WinGLNative.ProcessEvents() in C:\Users\Nexrem\Desktop\transfer\opentk\src\OpenTK\Platform\Windows\WinGLNative.cs:line 1551
       at OpenTK.GameWindow.Run(Double updates_per_second, Double frames_per_second) in C:\Users\Nexrem\Desktop\transfer\opentk\src\OpenTK\GameWindow.cs:line 369
       at Vintagestory.Client.ClientProgram.Start(ClientProgramArgs args, String[] rawArgs)
       at Vintagestory.ClientNative.CrashReporter.Start(ThreadStart start) in VintagestoryLib\Client\ClientPlatform\ClientNative\CrashReporter.cs:line 93


  12. Found another bug 😄


    Partially cracking an egg over a bucket should result in an egg yolk item according to the handbook. It does not 😉

    Partially cracking an egg over a bucket will yield egg white in the bucket and egg shells in the inventory. 👎
    Partially cracking an egg over a bowl will yield egg white in the bowl, and an egg yolk item in the inventory.👍

    Additional remarks:
    Also... egg liquids are implemented weirdly.
    If I have 0.1L of egg white and 0.1L of egg yolk.... I should get 0.2L of "mixed" liquid egg.  I mean, volume changes on mixing different liquids are a thing, but 50% seems... harsh 😒
    This is especially weird since one could use that same 0.1L egg white to bread one piece of food, and use the 0.1L egg yolk to bread another piece of food. So it's not that you're eliminating "double dipping" here...

    • Sad 1
  13. Hey happy New Year everyone 🥳

    Seems like I might have stumbled across an issue in the current version of expanded foods with vinegar.
    Either the handbook is lying or someone made an oopsie.

    No recipe exists to turn berries directly into vinegar in a barrel. I've checked a way old version and there was something like

    	code: "vinegarbrine",
    	sealHours: 672,
    	ingredients: [
    		{ type: "item", code: "fruit-*", name: "fruit", quantity: 6, allowedVariants: ["blueberry", "cranberry", "redcurrant", "whitecurrant", "blackcurrant", "saguaro" ] },
    	output: { type: "item", code: "vinegarportion", stackSize: 1 }


    but the current version does not have any recipe where you can go from plain fruit to vinegar. The closest is

    	code: "fastvinegarbrine",
    	sealHours: 168,
    	ingredients: [
    		{ type: "item", code: "vinegarportion",  litres: 1 },
    		{ type: "item", code: "fruit-*", name: "fruit", quantity: 3 },
    	output: { type: "item", code: "vinegarportion", litres: 2 }


    but you need vinegar for that 😉

    So someone either needs to fix the handbook or the recipes.

    Sidenote: Why does winevinegar.json contain dozens of distinct recipes, and not just two wildcard ones?


    • Like 2
  14. Yep, gotta use 3 way elbows for those corners. Here's a great video on how to build a fully automated quern - even shows the angles you need to use when placing down the chute pieces.

    As for transporting things up: Archimedes Screws with ports on the top & bottom and a powered axle going thru.

    Note that you need to stick a block (or axle) on the top end of your screw shaft for items to go out the side. Otherwise they just bubble out at the top.

  15. 8 hours ago, LocoMiner said:

    My partner had the idea of pasta. Egg and flour maybe water. 

    Egg + flour + water/milk in the mixer makes soft dough (or rather *dumpling* dough).

    Put that dough back in the mixer (and maybe add meat nuggets or chopped veggies) and you get veggie, meat (or plain) dumplings. There's your "pasta".


  16. Can't say I didn't look - but a certain british oil company is rather heavily polluting any search results here 😉

    Alas, there is soybean oil. So if rice bran oil deserves to be in, I think soybean oil should get a shot too.



    Maybe the screw press could not just return "juice" from berries but also solid pomace. I know we don't have grapes ingame for which further processing of pomace is quite common, but there are some .... "arcane" research projects out there for currant or blueberry pomace:


    Realistically the best "current" use for that might just be rot, then compost (which does not really warrant that much work). But once alcohol making is in the game, this may warrant another look.


  17. I realize with the incoming change to fried nuggets, this may become obsolete. But I found another bug:

    [BUG] Fried rye chicken nuggets (at least in salads) get labeled as rye bushmeat nuggets in the "will cook into" preview as well as the resulting meal/bowls.

    Can't tell if this is just a mislabeling issue or an actual wrong ingredient, because there is so much stuff in those damn salads.

  18. Some more observations:

    • BUG: If an item in a screw press rots away while being pressed (I had some fruit which was about 95%-ish perished) the press will contain liters of waters once it finishes.
    • BUG: You cannot add partial stacks of the same item to the press if they have significantly differing shelf lives. Basically I had two stacks of flax, one with over a year left, another with months. It would not accept the second stack to add to the first one.
      Encountered this again with some berries.
      Basically anything that would not auto-combine into a single stack on pickup can't be put into the press at the same time.
      Workaround: tear down press to extract first stack, manually combine stacks, rebuild press, add stuff.
      • Liquid mixing - Allow mixing liquids in the mixing bowl. Things that came to mind:
        • "Mixed juice" (and corresponding wine & vinegar) - for all those non-syrupable remainders of individual fruit juices.Currently any juice quantity under 4 portions has to be drunk or will rot away. Allowing us to mix it with "other" juice remnants would reduce this waste significantly.
          May need to have to satiety stuck at "cranberry" level to avoid too copious "upmixing".
          Could be somewhat interesting in it's implementation, since it should output non 1:1 ratios to the input "1 portion of juice A + 1 portion of juice B => 2 portions of mixed juice".
        • "Vinaigrette" - oil + vinegar (+ optional salt, + optional egg, + optional herbs). Classic salad dressing.
          Would give vinegar a dedicated purpose. Currently anything you can do with vinegar you can do with brine. And brine is endless since you make brine out of salt, which you can make out of water which is endless. So there's no real reason to use vinegar for anything.
      • Leaner sausages. Sausages at this time need a 1:1 ratio of fat to meat. Unless you go out of your way to hunt racoons & foxes there will typically be massively more meat than fat.
        If you lowered the required fat content somewhat, quite a bit more meat could end up in sausages.
        This might need something like "minced fat" or "lumps of fat" as replacement ingredient instead of fat. Maybe make 2 pieces of fat and a knife into 3 pieces of "minced fat". Maybe even a 1:2 ratio.
    • Like 1
  19. 1 minute ago, LocoMiner said:

    I have about 30 mods

    Disable half (apart from Expanded Foods), then check if there is still no "extra nutrition" on mixing bowl made food (might want to fire up a small creative world for that).
    If that does not change things, disable the other half of mods.

    If you have found the "half" which hides the extra nutrients drill that down into halfs (and repeat) until you find the one mod which messes things up ;)

  20. Quote

    Because you already cure sausage on the meat rack. 

    Yeah, I can kinda follow that.

    It just feels... grating that cured meat is such a culinary dead end for the most part.
    There are all those fancy recipes with lovely meals you can make... but bacon? you made some bacon? Sorry mate, can't put bacon in there! Bacon must be eaten on it's own. No no, you can warm it up. Yes, tasty warm bacon! What? Keep your filthy hands of my salad with chicken nuggets, blue cheese, dried cranberries and its nice vinaigrette! You have your bacon salted meat! Eat that!

    Also, I got bored while smithing and made some 4x recipes for the spile & big hook. They waste SOOOOOO much material in their vanilla default recipes. Feel free to add them:


    Intention is to start with a plate and move minimal voxels around.


    	ingredient: { type: "item", code: "game:ingot-*", name: "metal", allowedVariants: ["copper", "brass", "tinbronze", "bismuthbronze", "blackbronze", "silver", "gold", "iron", "lead", "tin", "zinc", "bismuth", "chromium", "platinum", "titanium", "molybdochalkos", "meteoriciron", "steel"] },
    	pattern: [[
    	name: "4 Spile",
    	output: { type: "block", code: "spile-{metal}-north", stacksize:4  }


    (I did have a pattern where you could make 5 spiles out of a single plate, but since a spile is basically a 2x5 you end up with a 10x10 pattern - plates are only a 9x9 so you end up with huge amounts of materials you have to move around - felt excessively non streamlined)


    	ingredient: { type: "item", code: "game:ingot-*", name: "metal", allowedVariants: ["copper", "brass", "tinbronze", "bismuthbronze", "blackbronze", "silver", "gold", "iron", "lead", "tin", "zinc", "bismuth", "chromium", "platinum", "titanium", "molybdochalkos", "meteoriciron", "steel"] },
    	pattern: [[
    		"#_ ####__",
    	name: "4 Bighooks",
    	output: { type: "item", code: "bighook-{metal}", stacksize:4  }




  21. 1 hour ago, l33tmaan said:

    Now that I think about it, what do you want to be able to use cured meat for? Sausage, pemmican, and dumplings wouldn't make sense, so that just leaves fried food.

    Why does cured meat in dumplings or sausage not make sense?

    We can take meat - and add salt - to make dumplings or sausage. Cured meat is ultimately nothing but meat+salt in one.

  22. 1 hour ago, Ledyanaya Sonya said:

    Found some bugs:

    1) The game crashes if you accidentally right-click on screwpress with an item that can't be pressed.


    Change ExpandedFoods.BEScrewPress.TryAdd


    bool flag2 = !slot.Itemstack.ItemAttributes["squeezeInto"].Exists;
    if (flag2)
      // no squeezing...
      // do the squeeze...


    bool canSqueeze= slot.Itemstack?.ItemAttributes["squeezeInto"]?.Exists == true;
    if (!canSqueeze)
    // no squeezing...
    // do the squeeze...


    Also: Maybe create a dedicated issue tracker on github/lab/etc ;)

    • Thanks 1
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