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Creative Principle

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Posts posted by Creative Principle

  1. 9 hours ago, Streetwind said:

    There is already one such item in the game; it's entirely possible that more are planned. :)

    I knew this day would come, where I suggest something that's already in the game. Originally I played Vintage Story in early 2021 but I've started playing again recently so I'm a bit out of the loop.

  2. Just like how you discover lore within the game it'd be interesting to have specific items that you can make once you've discovered a recipe. There could be a chance for common dungeon recipes and rare recipes. Perhaps you could learn traits as well for specific making specific items as well from skill books.


  3. This would be a simple implementation for the Linux variant of Vintage Story. All you'd have to do is add gamemoderun to the launch initialization process. For those who don't know, GameMode is a daemon/lib combo for Linux that allows games to request a set of optimisations be temporarily applied to the host OS and/or a game process. Most distros have this package installed initially so new users won't have issues running the game.


  4. Merchants could travel instead of setting shop in one place permanently. I thought about this idea when I was looking for place to build and a merchant had a shop on the most scenic area of the biome that I wanted to build on. Implementing this feature could be tricky considering that traveling merchants could set up shop on a cliff edge making an eyesore or settling too close to a player base.


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  5. Bad traits should be included I agree, as for how many generations should be allowed it should depend on the growth time of each plants and if it's kept in a greenhouse or not. You could get around 4 generations with a greenhouse and 2 outside depending on which biome you'd be in.

    Side note: perhaps when these crops generate they'll have different genetics in a cluster, you could have something like 3 differentials per biome of the same crop.

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