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Posts posted by Livarbesaru

  1. I bought the game a few months ago and so far haven't played much except some in game days till winter came, after that i haven't played much do to work. Now while playing it again, i'm in this apocaliptyc night with 27+ drifter on the third night, wich didn't happen on my last time playing it, leaving aside the temporal storm wich happened in the 10th day. I'm playing with the default world setup. before making the base i checked the rift activity and it was low.


  2. I've played this game only to copper age, but has alredy taken my interest in all of its aspects, but there are quite few things lacking in term of contents:

    1. Its the lack of falling meteorites , since the game has meteoric iron but no meteorite falling from the skies. This must be implemented in the game, and while searching for some mods i've found someone made a mod about it, the meteoric expansion mod, and it is beautiful, i was amazed while running in the night in search of food and a big meteor was crushing on the surface with its strong reverbering in the night sky;

    2. the oceans are empty without fish or other aquatic creature, this is another aspect to be added since it will bring a very important survival method, fishing and boats;

    3.I read all about ores in the wiki, but had a very bad luck to find any iron or even tin to proceed to bronze age. I don't want to use the propick since it seems like a radar and it'is far away from a survival aspect without high tecnology. So i was thinking it would be a good implementation to bring a chance (like 1% or 3%) to drop iron nuggets and other type of minerals dependig on the type of rocks it will be crushed with some type of crusher. I alredy know about panning and while it is a good implementation, it takes a lot of time to have enough ores, it took me 2 hours to have enough copper to make a pickaxe, maybe it's only my bad luck, since i found  few stones with copper in it, and the ore deposits beneath them were few poor copper blocks. i would like to see a more enginereeing way to do the panning, like smashing rock to make them in gravel and then grinded in sand to then be passed to a shaker table to extract materials including ores. While the crusher will drop a lower amount of minerals, the shaker table should extract them with an higher chance to pay off the extra work;

    4: more ways to obtain energy like water wheels or even steam engines like the aeolipile, its simple design will fit perfectly with the medieval age in game, since it wouldn't require high engineering knowledge. Or even a rudimental boiler wich would increase its pressure with an increasing temperature and then transfer the accumulated energy in form of steam to a turbine wich will transform it in kinetic energy.


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