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Jessica O.

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Posts posted by Jessica O.

  1. I've made cheese! So milk does indeed spoil over time, but that's not how you make cheese. I've never let milk spoil, but presumably it'll just become rot or something. Notably, milk in buckets does not spoil, only milk in barrels, if you liter your base with bucket you can store immortal milk. (or, at least, I assume this because a bucket of milk does not show a spoil timer)

    To make cheese you seal a full barrel of milk (5 buckets) with 2 pickled veggies for 5 days and THAT makes curdled milk.  
    Then you add some salt and seal for a day and that makes cottage cheese.
    Then you gather the cheese in a linen square (twice from a full barrel) and put it on the ground, and use a stick to squeeze it into a cheese wheel.
          (NOTE: the in-game guide doesn't tell you this step, I had to read the wiki. a Proper cheese guide really should be patched in...)
    Then you salt the cheese wheel with R-click
    THEN you put the cheese on a shelf to ripen, it takes like, 3 months.
    And THATS how you get cheese.

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  2. 4 hours ago, Erik said:

    I'm in no way supporting pirating, but these measures do little to prevent it.

    I'm afraid this is a non-argument; I mean, first you've got a measurement in here, (the word "little") but it's just an amount you made up. For all we know there'd be two, three, or TEN times as much piracy without authentication. We can't just go making up what feels about right involving a hypothetical and then using that as actionable data. Besides, even if you're guess is correct does that mean the case is that harm reduction is unimportant here? That if we can't do something enough we shouldn't bother with any reduction at all?


    4 hours ago, Erik said:

    LAN is still multiplayer and should still require authentication. I'm strictly talking about singleplayer.

    A good compromise, perhaps if the game had to call out to the authentication server when "Open Game to LAN" was selected it could be done. I can see an argument for solo play being free and multiplayer requiring pay... But honestly, this genre does tend to have a fair share of people who play exhaustively for a short burst, see all the content, then move on to the next fresh discovery, and I want the Devs to get their $20 for those people too, who are also most likely to pirate.

    I do know pirating does a tiny bit of good, often functioning as a demo of the game. But I wonder if perhaps they couldn't just release a demo to solve that? Take out multiplayer and world generation and ship the game with one or two pre-built 1000 x 1000 block worlds that contain most content. Just have every demo copy use the same User ID for the player so they can't crack it into a multiplayer version somehow perhaps...

  3. Naw I agree with doing it this way; heck I think this way might be a bit too loose. We, the people who love and support this game are not in a position to really feel how severe pirating might be. If the game never authenticated AT ALL then you would only need one copy for several simultaneous log-ins and while they couldn't do multiplayer, they COULD do LAN, which is all people would need to gerry-rig a phantom private pirate server add on.

    I think it's important we encourage the game to stay protected so it can stay profitable and keep getting worked on. The devs absolutely deserve a living wage for all their work, and besides, without SOME form of authentication and unique identifiers it would be impossible to whitelist/blacklist worlds, even totally private ones on private virtual LANs.

  4. On 1/29/2021 at 5:54 AM, Hal13 said:

    - The loading screen (if not using mods, or maybe it was only earlier versions) describe the world as a living, a feeling thing. And the seraphs "arrive" on it each time you logg on and enter a world or "leave" it "alone again" when going off. Furthermore they physically leave the world with all the possessions they are carrying at that moment each time the player loogs off.

    This is a huge, and very good point. I suspect the Seraphs are people who have escaped the calamity of the past by learning to walk through time the way we walk through space; probably through use of the "Prima Materia" we learn about from one tapestry. notice how the symbol of the "squared Circle" of Alchemy (and it's covered with wiccan and alchemical symbols in general) in the upper left is the same color as temporal gears? and Seraphs from the Seraph Tapestry? When we Log out we just step sideways in time a bit, Makes sense now that you can configure the server to pause OR run time while you are away!

    Perhaps when we read the journal "confession" about someone THINKING they had saved everyone but created something even worse is because we learn that side-stepping time causes the temporal storms and instabilities, maybe those cursed the rot to begin with; a funky grandfather paradox thing.


    On 4/24/2021 at 3:13 AM, AngryRob said:

    At the same time, the dark kills animals. That is not natural, and the drifters and locusts dwell in the dark. 

    Wait what? Do Animals take damage at night or something?

  5. I'm pretty sure Drifters are humans who, instead of completely rotting away or dying of the rot plague somehow became a parasite-type zombie equivalent; an undying new hybrid-create of fungus and man. But the hunger is always there, both from the human starving and from the rot always wants to spread... What's Odd is why the drifters only "see" the Seraphs as food, or a target for aggression. Why animals and Traders are safe. (Are traders safe? or are their houses just generally secure?)

    One of the lores describes someone seeing what the rot had made of the surface; an endless soup of black foul sludge. The catastrophe in the past apparently reduced all organic matter to rot-soup. But then, eventually, organic matter returned maybe?

    From the Tapestry called "Seraph" that talks about "returning again" I think maybe Seraphs are people who were changed, and sent far forward in time, to another era past the plague. And I wonder if we wont' discover some weird grandfather's Paradox where sending people forward to escape ended up being the temporal weirdness that had caused the rot in the first place. Something like the weird anomaly that grows over time (but BACKWARDS through time) from the Series Finale of Star Trek: The Next Generation. After all, we learn from another Journal ("Confessions") that someone who was thought to have invented the solution and was considered a savior, feels like they actually created "A monster" and caused an even worse doom.

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  6. This is fascinating, because it implies a loophole in block protection! And a weird one at that since wolves don't normally ever break any blocks anyway...
    It must be how the game handles player "corpses" on death or something. You don't have any mods installed do you?

    For now, I would suggest just building a dirt staircase/bridge you can use to hop onto the trader's house so You don't lose access I guess! Super funky!

  7. I'm not very tech-saavy with Routers being buttholes with online games, but as a work around you could install a virtual LAN Program like "Remote" or "Hamachi" and have them join from inside the LAN with your Internal IPv4 address. That kind of thing usually works, even if it's a little bulky.

    • Like 1
  8. Given that it requires internet to acquire the game at all, and physical copies of PC games are non-existent nowadays I think as long as the online DRM isn't "always on" (like this one isn't) then it can be reasonably assumed that people who can get it can also occasionally authenticate. Does this game do it similar to minecraft? Not that I know how Minecraft does it, but I've only rarely been stopped from playing and only for a few minutes at a time when "authentication servers" went down. Even without internet my games boot up fine; I rarely have to relog.

  9. "/worldConfig propickNodeSearchRadius [Radius]"

    Radius = Promień. Wpisz 2, 4, 6 lub 8

    Musisz ponownie uruchomić grę, aby ta zmiana zaczęła obowiązywać.

    Przepraszam, nie mówię po polsku; Używałem tłumacza Google.

  10. So actually you are also half right; I "logged out" and tried to launch the game, and there is no way to authenticate your user ID and play at that point.  But I don't know how long an authentication lasts; I've never had to re-log except when switching machines. So a few days at a time at least?  As long as you occasionally had internet you would in theory be fine? Unless you wanted to switch PCs or log in at a friends house or something and didn't have internet at the time... Could be frustrating. Not sure how to get around it without putting a "pirate me" sign around the game's neck though.

  11. So I've been playing VIntage story about 30 hours or so in the last two weeks; I think mods have made the biggest difference; so content is something that definitely need more fleshing out. Popular mods like Expanded Foods and Primitive Survival have done a lot.

    That said, one of my big obstacles about the game personally is, luckily, one that is very easily fixed: the default world gen is so big that most people will only ever experience the climate they spawn in, and it can take DAYS to find a missing resource. Each world I always seem to find most things, but there's always one thing missing; Bauxite, or Lime, or Resin, ect. Unfortunately the core gameplay loop of this game is very "homesteading" centric and you "miss out" on a lot if you go out exploring for prolonged periods of time, which is very much at odds with the huge size of the world. I generate smaller worlds with smaller equator-pole distances and it's much more interesting for me, so just changing the default world size settings would go a long ways towards people's initial impression of the game.

    That said, I have very little experience caving, so maybe the translocators do more than I thought to make exploration viable? Though it doesn't solve the issue that Milk/cheese is basically exclusive to colder climates, and it's damn near impossible to relocate animals. For a game where Food is so crucial to the core game play loop, it's still a bit on the plain side.

    So a little more nitty-gritty survival-based content, and a smaller default world setting basically make the game as it is now feel polished. But what else do I feel is missing to make a notable first impression? Definitely a better guide book, that's ultra important to a good first impression. 

    But what would really give this game something to stand out on? Instead of trying to improve on the generally weak combat this genre usually has (something that would likely require a huge engine overhaul anyway) why don't we do something fresh and new the genre doesn't embrace as much? A solid story, discovered and unlocked though something engaging that already fits with VS's GUI-light approach? Myst-like puzzles, or riddle-locked doors/chests? Maybe Rhythm-game like quick time challenges that offer fresh replay-ability, and dexterity challenge that combat can't? Reaching even farther into my fantasy, what about a choose-your-own-adventure type branching narrative to make replays more interesting? Have different story steps unlock a little something so it's all worth seeing? That would really stand out to me personally, but I'm a real fan of choose-your-own-adventures and have been bitten by the nostalgia bug with Mass Effect's recent re-release.

    What it boils down to is Story is a kind of Exploration and Progression too. and Something that would make the game stand out. Perhaps having Achievements be the trigger for the next step in dreaming? Or maybe just reading an old story, or holding an old tapestry.

    Heck the exposition could be spiced up with dreams to make sleeping worth the HUGE hunger cost and would be a cool way to do conversations without having to add people/creatures walking around awkwardly.

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  12. There is a framerate and fps graph if you hit CTRL+F3.

    Also according to the wiki you can hit CTRL+F10 to toggle something called the frame profiler output, and type ".edi" to get even more info.

    • Like 2
  13. ok, so you can open your single player game, "Open it to LAN" and then start up remote. Once your friends connect to you through remote, they should be able to join your game as they would join any locally hosted game. (I think by entering your Internal IPv4 address as mentioned above)  This is the easiest and simplest method but means no one else can play unless you are running and logged into the game yourself. If you want to have a static server that people can come and go from without having to be logged in the whole time you'll need to run the server client separately, which I advise to do on a separate machine if yours isn't high end enough to basically run the game twice.


  14. I guess, you can't rebind left and right mouse because the dev didn't put it in the game!

    At best you would probably have to get around this by running a virtual controller and remapping the left and right click functions to other buttons manually outside the game. but there's no way to remap JUST "pick up item from Inventory" it would remap ALL uses of the left click like swinging a weapon, or ALL uses of right-click like placing a torch, or opening a chest as well.

  15. Is your bandwidth limited in Quantity or Speed?

    Not sure how universal this info is, but when first connecting to my private server on another PC inside my own LAN I need to Download about 1Mb of info from it, being in a LAN I have more or less "unlimited" speed as far as something like VS is concerned so I load in in a 1 or 2 seconds, which means I'm likely going as high as 5 or 6 Mbps for speed. When I was in the game, running about my base, opening containers and moving items around in my inventory the game usually ran at 1.5-2.5 Mbps It's possible that running into fresh territory where the server needs to generate/call up new terrain and then share it with you might be higher however; I didn't test that.

    At 2 Mbps you'll 'move' a little over 1 Gb of data per hour. In contrast, Minecraft is said (as far as I can find on google searches) to only use anywhere from 100 to 500 MB per hour; I think the low number was for Bedrock edition as people were talking about "Mobile data" and the higher number was from someone testing Java edition. (The connected to a server and walking in a straight line for 10 minutes to get a idea of how much an hour would take)

    Which means that even at it's "fastest" Minecraft appears to only need half as much speed as Vintage story, so I would ask, how many people will be connecting to this private server? Have you make a similar private server for minecraft, and if so, how many people were able to use it without lag? 2 Mbps isn't much in the US, but it looks like the average in Cuba is anywhere between 1 Mbps to 9 Mbps? I would suspect you'll want at least 4 - 6 Mbps to run a server with more than 1 or 2 players. But I'm just completely spitballing off 5 minutes of only barely relevant testing and a few google searches.

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  16. They have the ability to climb ladders, but no, they cannot normally climb fences. Assuming you don't have a mod installed that allows players to climb fences (which might work by making fences like ladders, which animals can't climb, but drifters can, so then they'd be able to climb the fence as well....) I would ask if they did this in the winter? I noticed in my game that if snow piles up next to a fence it would act as stairs and my sheep could go over and would wander out. I had to put a roof over my animal pens to keep the snow out during winter to prevent them from escaping.

  17. Alas, I think the big "Challenge" is foraging. From what I see everyone can usually find 9 out of the 10 things they really need, and one thing just ends up being very rare for them, or really far from spawn, but it's different for everyone. Lime is a common stickler, for my world so far Lime has been pretty scarce, but Bauxite has been straight up non-existent. Not that I haven't gone farther than a few thousand blocks yet... But it frustrates me that this game's default world settings seems to expect travel / exploration in the tens-of-thousands of blocks, and yet you have to settle down to eat reliably or have better than flint tools.

  18. Yeah, you absolutely can, the trick is, unlike Minecraft you can't have your game ALSO be a server; you need to open and run the server client AND open and run the game. If you only have one computer, that can get pretty dicey as you are essentially running the game twice, so unless you have a beefy high-end PC the server will Lag a lot.

    So step 1 is to run the Server on a different PC, and have that PC run remote.

    Step 2, is to connect to that PC via remote so you are in a pretend LAN. Then, the Server address will be that PC's *internal* IP address. NOT the external address google gives you if you search for "What is my IP Address." You can find your internal IP a couple ways. I open Windows Run command, Run "CMD" and then type in the command "IPconfig" The server address will be whatever your IPv4 address is and anyone on the same LAN (which is what remote is doing) will be able to get in with that.

  19. Not that I know of, I got lucky and have 4 seeping trees pretty close together near my spawn. I would try going to a pine forest, walking up to one tree and carefull looking at each block of the trunk one by one, if none are leaking then chop down the tree and move on; eventually you should be able to clear-cut an area and just have a few resin producers left. My 4 were clustered enough that I suspect they aren't so rare, just really hard to spot through all the foliage and it's very hard to stay oriented and search forests in a truly organized manner.

  20. I read somewhere once (Can't remember where, or how old it was) that Spawn was at a random latitude between an Equator and a Pole to the North, I just assumed when I started with colder Spawns that I was closer to the pole than the equator, or visa versa for a warmer spawn area.... But is that not true? That some worlds are just colder on average all over?!

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