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Posts posted by Ginko72

  1. So, I tried adding a recipe called...

        "ingredientPattern": "LS",
        recipeGroup: 1,
        "ingredients": {
          "L": {
            type: "block",
            code: "game:leaves-grown-*",
            name: "type"
          "S": {
            type: "item",
            code: "game:stick",
        "width": 2,
        "height": 1,
        "shapeless": true,
        "output": { type: "block", code: "game:leavesbranchy-grown-{type}" }

    This allows me to make branchy leaves from sticks and leaves.  I humbly submit it for the next mod update.  :D 

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  2. On 10/19/2021 at 5:22 AM, ZigTheHedge said:

    @Gojira20 unfortunately, Branchy leaves tend to drop sticks when broken. So, it would be infinite stick source if the Branch cutter collect it. I can patch "stick drop" out, but afterwards you won't be able to get sticks from it in any way, and that's not good. I can allow the Branch cutter to get regular (not branchy) leaves when using Branch cutter on them, but I think - that's not what you want.

    Could you add in a recipe to craft branchy leaves from a stick and leaves?  I'm interested in making a tree that I can climb.  :D
    It would still be balanced to have the branchy leaves drop the leaves and the branch.  Then you can recraft them if you like.  Not exactly "realistic", but a reasonably balanced fix.

    Unrelated, in 1.17.6, I can craft and use a steel branch cutter, but the item name isn't defined.  Or, is it intended to have the steel and meteoric iron variants prohibited?

    EDIT: Looking around, I think that the name issue is due to missing names in the en.json.  And, I bet the branchy leaves recipe is an easy json only add if I can figure out the leaf block names.


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