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Posts posted by Gikame

  1. Thank you :D


    Ah apologies, let me clarify in that case. I am finding hematite results using the prospecting pick around the areas that I am looking at. But I find barely any of it in physical form in those areas. All results I am getting are either poor or little to no traces at all. (I had gone caving after reading some suggestions, using the "node mode" but that resulted in no ore deposits found within the caves themself)


    I have resulted to digging down at a 0.9 poor spot for hematite which was so far after 3 hours of running around and sampling the highest amount I could find. I even made sure its the center of all other traces found but digging down and using the node mode after 20-30 blocks lead to finding nothing, not even a possible node somewhere nearby (how someone on youtube had done it for his tutorial).


    Is prospecting really that difficult? It feels rather easy to understand once you know the overall feature. Maybe its because I come with prior knowledge from the minecraft mod Terrafirmacraft, who knows.


    Hm, copper should be more abundant as you say but I also have been running mostly into surface copper so far. Not even using the prospecting pick did I find any deposits so far. I however found a 1.1 deposit of Limenite (if I am spelling that correctly) however that I cant even mine yet with what I have. And seeing how you speak about bronze, I wonder if I could even mine Iron with just copper yet.


    Also shoot for real? Its that rare?

  2. Hiya Vintage Story peeps.


    I recently bought the game and really love the game as a whole. I got myself a nice amount of copper so far and got a nice farm up and running for food. So far so good.

    But now I need to go mining and I cannot, for the life of me, find any good results or even ores to begin with.


    I did everything I saw in suggestions. From using Node mode to the sample mode. I am using the mod that shows you what you got on the map.

    I dug down in specific spots, using node mode over and over but nothing.

    I went into caves trying to find ores that way, using node mode more and more but nothing.

    I have now wasted over 5 pickaxes and one prospectors pick with the next one being almost broken as well and all I want is some dang hematite lol


    Is there something I am doing wrong or is this just the standard experience?
    Because in videos I constantly see people find a BIIIIG load in chunks while I find poor to no traces whatsoever.

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