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Posts posted by stinky_lizard_

  1. Hi,

    In the handbook you say having a chimney or open windows is best to keep gases from flames vented - does this apply to carbon monoxide? Or do we have to manually vent carbon monoxide somehow?

  2. 3 hours ago, jakecool19 said:

    Version 1.2.0 has been released! Should fix all the issues with the POI registry giving divide by zero errors

    If you don't mind me asking, how did you do it? Looking at the source it looks like checking for entity.Api.Side != EnumAppSide.Server is the only change... But I might be missing something.

    I'm hoping to fork Lands of Chaos and fix this same issue in that - just for personal use though. Is that okay?

  3. 9 minutes ago, stinky_lizard_ said:


    Similar to Thalius, I've also found issues running this in 1.16. I can load a world perfectly fine, but breaking a rock block and triggering a cave-in causes a divide by zero exception:

    System.DivideByZeroException: Attempted to divide by zero.
       at Vintagestory.GameContent.POIRegistry.GetNearestPoi(Vec3d centerPos, Single radius, PoiMatcher matcher)
       at ChaosLands.BlockBehaviorCaveIn.OnBlockBroken(IWorldAccessor world, BlockPos pos, IPlayer byPlayer, EnumHandling& handling)

    Here's the full crash log:


    Although I've just remembered a cave-in happened once before, so maybe it's a problem with my game...

    I just tried to place a horizontal support beam and it also caused a divide-by-zero exception.


  4. Hello,

    Similar to Thalius, I've also found issues running this in 1.16. I can load a world perfectly fine, but breaking a rock block and triggering a cave-in causes a divide by zero exception:

    System.DivideByZeroException: Attempted to divide by zero.
       at Vintagestory.GameContent.POIRegistry.GetNearestPoi(Vec3d centerPos, Single radius, PoiMatcher matcher)
       at ChaosLands.BlockBehaviorCaveIn.OnBlockBroken(IWorldAccessor world, BlockPos pos, IPlayer byPlayer, EnumHandling& handling)

    Here's the full crash log:


    Although I've just remembered a cave-in happened once before, so maybe it's a problem with my game...

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