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Very Important Vintarian
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Posts posted by XarenHypr

  1. I have tested and verified that the mod still works properly in 1.14.2.  Also, although I included a text file with the updates I'd made, I should probably include the details here for people to look over, and thank you to Elwood for allowing me to bring this mod up to version of VS 😀 (feel free to add the updated zip to the original post).

    Notes regarding changes/updates to the original mod~
    0.1 rev.1c
    Updated -- Changed "game:meat-*" to "game:bushmeat-raw" in the pemmican-ball.json recipe to fix crash when trying to open recipe (original 
    value from before the Cooking Update, this gives an alternate use for bushmeat)
    Updated -- Updated pemmican.json itemtype file to include handbook, variantgroups, and transitionablePropsByType (spoilage) fields.
    Changed -- 2 stones instead of 1 for pemmican-ball recipe.  Made a bit more sense to me to be crushing the ingredients between two stones.
    Changed -- Saturation values for raw and cooked versions reduced from 150/200 to 80/120, removed health modifiers.
    Added -- Spoilage timers for all pemmican variants.  Cooked has the same timer as cooked bushmeat, ball/block has the same timer as cured bushmeat.
    Removed -- nutritionPropsByType for pemmican-block.  Original version had no Saturation and gave health damage when eaten, this makes it unable 
    to be eaten.
    Saturation Values:
    Using cooked bushmeat and 'normal' berry values (blue/currants), the total saturation for the base recipe is 480, split into 6 gives the 'raw' 
    values of 80 per ball.  This is the same as if the player ate the ingredients individually, using the cooked bushmeat value (as there is no raw 
    one).  There is a small 'boost' if the player uses cranberries or saguaro fruit (60 sat v. 80 sat), but they lose the health recovery from the 
    saguaro fruit.  
    The cooked version gives an overall boost to the saturation of the ingredients, to a total of 720, though this is still short of the value of an 
    'equivalent' redmeat/poultry stew (using Mushrooms, as 2x are 240 total Sat, same as 3x fruit in the pemmican recipe):
    2x Bushmeat + 3x Fruit = 480 total saturation (raw)
    2x Bushmeat + 3x Fruit = 720 total saturation (cooked)
    2x Redmeat + 2x Mushrooms = 1080 total saturation
    2x Poultry + 2x Mushrooms = 990 total saturation
    Even with the increased saturation value for the cooked pemmican, the meat stews are still offer more.  What this recipe offers is convenience 
    when berries are available (and the player doesn't have a cooking vessel/redmeat), as well as a much longer shelflife for winter/etc storage 
    (RL pemmican can last 1-5 years at room temperature, longer in colder climes).


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