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Lord Kane

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Posts posted by Lord Kane

  1. Whether you've heard of it before or not, welcome. You will eventually love this game over MC (mainly because the devs actually care, and uphold their promises).
    Vintage story is one of the best, if not the best survival games I've ever played. 
    The best part about vintage story, is that it's not even finished. Meaning that despite what it lacks compared to MC (minecarts, 'redstone', bosses, etc...) it makes up in community, developer trust, and superior gameplay. 
    Vintage Story will one day be in all fronts superior to MC, and that in itself is one of the best feelings ever.

    • Like 4
  2. eh.png.9539e476f31c03eaea98d505204d6883.png

    On 6/18/2023 at 5:31 PM, PhotriusPyrelus said:

    EDIT:  Yeah, not sure what's up.  I turned off all my mods, went into a survival game, and I can still peel up both ends of the line of four black-bordered voxels.

    However, since that doesn't work for you, here's an alternate method that *should* work.  If it doesn't, I'm not sure what else to tell you; are you playing game version 1.18.5?

    To be fair, It's probably one of my mods that makes this problem, I've been playing with a handfew myself.
    Although, after testing myself it seems I am able to upset the bits without the black borders. (bottom right of metal pic)

    I figured it out. Turns out the only way you can upset the pieces is if there is are two empty spaces touching it (although it seems I was able to move a couple with only one, so I'm not too sure for the 'rule' which allows you to move the pieces), I can move everything now. (and honestly I feel dumb)


  3. Thanks everyone for letting me know about these things, I didn't even think of some of the stuff posted here!
    Also, I have tried what Photrius said (although I greatly appreciate the illustration) it doesn't seem to work for me.

    I'm definitely gonna try out those mods though

    comfy snow.png

  4.  Alright, I love this game, but this is just crazy. Why can't we use the bits that fall out of the grid?

    It's not like the metal becomes unusable or anything like that, and If it's soft enough to be formed, then is definitely should be able to be moved from where they are in the pic below. It's pointless finishing what I've started now because adding an additional ingot would just be wasteful, so unfortunately it seems that because a simple mistake (mis-click) it's cheaper to just throw away what I've already spent resources on.

    Hope this gets changed sometime soon, it's been driving me insane!



    • Cookie time 1
  5. I'd assume there's no seed thread due to player progression, as things in this game take a while to get going. I'm certainly no professional when it comes to this game (I'm basically an ape), it took over 14 hours of gameplay for me to get to the copper age. (additionally, I feel that after copper, the majority of the game becomes trivialized)

    I'll share a seed with you, but keep in mind you'll have to travel for a while to get good (or crazy) world generation. '1964292447' (pics are from said seed)




  6. 3 hours ago, Philtre said:

    Rifts should not spawn in well-lit areas (currently this may be a bit buggy). Spam torches in and around your base until you can spam lamps or lanterns.

    Note that rifts spawn and despawn every few hours, and when you move to different areas; even if you stay put, that one will go away eventually, and be replaced by others elsewhere. If they really bug you, there is a worldconfig option to turn them off.

    Thx, must've missed the light thing in the changelog. 

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