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Posts posted by Ikxale

  1. actually it's a bug. if you make wine in a barrel it will never cure (you can tell it's bugged cause it doesn't show curing duration). the easiest fix to this is making wine from curing juice in a bottle, putting the bottled wine into a barrel, then placing the bugged out barrel wine in *AFTER* the curable wine. this fixed the wine from barrel curing by adding the curable tag.


    On 9/11/2021 at 9:12 AM, l33tmaan said:

    Nope. Just keep waiting.


  2. why does the wild starter need to be constantly refilled with yeast? the entire point of a starter irl is to prevent the need for adding yeast every time you wanna make bread.
    like if you have a sourdough starter you need to feed it JUST flour and water regularly (once a week, at bare minimum, depending on climate) in the fridge generally it can last for a week without feeding.

    source: i bake bread

  3. I know this would be difficult to implement, but you should consider implementing various other coin types, as well as potentially a mechanical coin press that could maybe give coins a metadata id to prevent counterfeiting on servers where it's illegal?

    This mod for terra firma craft has a coin press that's a great representation of kinda what im talking about, with specific coin molds that can be duplicated but not recreated from scratch


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