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Shane Main

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Posts posted by Shane Main

  1. I know this might be a bit of a niche ask, but I think it'll go a long way as far as future-proofing the game. It appears that this game works excellently in ultrawide, but in super ultrawide aspect ratio (32:9 - 5120x 1440) there is unfortunately a bit of stretching/distortion on the edges. I've provided some screenshots of the best possible FOV value I was able to get in order to mitigate this, but this is a very common issue in games and from what I understand this occurs due to how the ingame camera is set up and how the viewing angle is calculated. You can see that the blocks in the center of the screen appear to be much closer when at the side of the screen due to this fisheye effect. This isn't super distracting since this is mostly on the periphery and is less noticeable with nearby objects but I thought it might be worth bringing awareness to it as this aspect ratio becomes more common.



    On the subject, there would certainly be a slight additional benefit to ultrawide users by locking the hud elements to a 16:9 aspect ratio or the option to move hud elements as having the minimap in the corner of the screen isn't ideal.


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