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Everything posted by Doom_Possum

  1. love It, the UI is Great i wouldn't change ((nearly)) a Thing, even the character creation is Fine You might be able to get away with touching up the block selection during gameplay (sharpening the edge to contact the whole wheel of, say a cart, instead of outlining sqaures nothing wrong with adding Sound, if You as Me, a Good mixture of realistic and lo-fi (birds chirping)
  2. well, i bit the bullet, and got It i hope the SEED is pretty much finished (BIOME)-wise, and i get to gate into new levels using TOOLS from actual Game mechanics It's a slick Game, and i actually love The Updates, even the good looking new MERCHANT cart, maybe One Day, a total overhaul MOD will be introduced or a SEQUEL, but a very Good looking Game, and sharp foundation (I even love those original clouds and art)
  3. hopefully, important assets can be eased into the Game, like animal behaviors, special MERCHANTS, and underground cave monsters, This doesn't need to be a play 20 Times for special loot kind of Thing maybe just animal leather.. ., or spider blood
  4. will need to slow down on world generation, I'd Think 2 BIOMES is more than enough for The first SEED, will have to Gate out into a brand new one (by way of gameplay mechanics), into a new world, like a desert i saw an update that stopped bamboo from swaying, that's good
  5. taking a closer look the particle effects in Game should already be enough
  6. A solemn truth, There is also a theory on using no particles at all, and having the block dis-lodge
  7. a friend of Mine said He didn't care for the block busting, in a video i saw where It has a primitive craft feel when breaking, maybe there could be sparks, or cool design change (or even just a solid break):, an option or TOGGLE is never wrong, either, for preferred graphic style, and if the Game does enter The marketplace, could give Great outcomes
  8. surprised It hasn't hit any Marketplaces, but very cheap i like the classes, Fully Fledged Out Classes, almost no need for more the flesh in This Game is cool, i like how the devs make It look more and more realistic (but i think those Character Models, themselves are pretty cool) is the world Infinite? will make generation easier when adding new Biomes, but if finished, if could do with an Edge-Wrap generation too (wrapping around, or Gating to new SEEDS) pretty cool
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