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Posts posted by 96jaco96

  1. 8 hours ago, Spear and Fang said:

    That's a pretty complex gizmo. It's doubtful that anyone (except Tyron) can explain how it works.  I would start by trying to track down which block(s) control the process i.e. which block(s) (1) determine if the multiblock structure is complete (2) determine if the coal is in place and lit (3) ensure the door is closed, etc.

    If I had to guess, I'd say it's a part of the stonecoffin.(all the json assets are in C:\Users\<userid>\AppData\Roaming\Vintagestory\assets\..)

    So I'd take a close look at the stonecoffin.json file and see what's in there.  Then look at the classes that it uses...

    class: "BlockStoneCoffinSection",
        entityClassByType: {
            "@(.*)-(north|east)": "StoneCoffin"

    Next track down those classes and see where that leads you, i.e.

    You may have to look at other vanilla assets as well, like the stone coffin lid, the steel door.  I don't know what does what. 

    By following the clues provided by the blocks involved in the structure, you'll eventually understand how it works and how to manipulate it (or create your own version of it).  Happy hunting!


    Dang, i kinda imagined that it would've been more complex than it looks when i first noticed how that attribute was nowhere; but still hoped that someone maybe already had experience with this.

    Guess i'll go back to searching and trying haha

    I haven't thought about searching inside the door and coal files to determine if the multiblock structure is completed, so thanks for the suggestion! Hopefully i'll eventually find something :)

  2. Greetings! i'm trying to create a mod to alter the behaviour of the cementation furnace. But i cannot find what i'm looking for anywhere.

    What i'm trying to do is to speed up the processing time of said furnace (increase efficiency?) but i don't know where to find this attribute...

    OR if maybe it depends on various other attributes?
    can someone explain how does this work?

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