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Native Copper Bits

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Posts posted by Native Copper Bits

  1. Guess it's something related to my GPU or I did something wrong with how I install the mono package. Another source of the problem might be my constant workspace switching from the Vintage Story window to other windows in my PC, because I use dwm.

    I should try and reinstall the entirety of Vintage Story and wipe it clean, once I die on my permadeath world.

    Would also like inputs from anyone who have an NVIDIA GPU.

  2. On 2/6/2022 at 8:57 AM, daretmavi said:

    I play on KDENeon (from tar.gz archive) and have no issues.
    Could be problem with some graphics card setting, or HDD/RAM???

    Try the lowest graphic setting and try to turn off vsync and set fps limit.

    Can you send you your system info?

    inxi -F


    As for the perodic stuttering, could be due to me having the settings too high, but I don't know exactly.

    For the mouse delay, might be due to a memory leak. Putting my settings to the absolute minimum did little to lower the delay, and my memory (through htop) showed no changes as I bumped from 512 view distance to 32. My htop said I was using about 10.5G (had other programs opened) of memory in use. Closing the game drop it down to 3.6G; opening the game and playing for a while (at the settings I normally play) was at 7.7G with zero delays. I'm playing with Aggressively Optimized RAM enabled and seeing how it'll go after a couple hours.

    Kinda annoying to test the game with 32 view distance because rabbits instantly started spawning and begin eating my crops. Should have done this on a new world.

    What world view value, do you use, and with what GPU?


      Host: ArchHost Kernel: 5.16.4-arch1-1 x86_64 bits: 64 Desktop: dwm 6.2
        Distro: Arch Linux
      Type: Desktop System: Gigabyte product: AB350-Gaming 3 v: N/A
        serial: <superuser required>
      Mobo: Gigabyte model: AB350-Gaming 3-CF v: x.x
        serial: <superuser required> UEFI: American Megatrends v: F51b
        date: 07/02/2020
      Info: 6-core model: AMD Ryzen 5 1600 bits: 64 type: MT MCP cache: L2: 3 MiB
      Speed (MHz): avg: 2102 min/max: 1550/3200 cores: 1: 3392 2: 1357 3: 1357
        4: 3392 5: 1357 6: 1357 7: 3394 8: 2657 9: 1336 10: 2918 11: 1357 12: 1357
      Device-1: NVIDIA GP106 [GeForce GTX 1060 6GB] driver: nvidia v: 510.47.03
      Display: server: X.Org driver: loaded: nvidia
        unloaded: modesetting resolution: 1920x1080~60Hz
      OpenGL: renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB/PCIe/SSE2
        v: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 510.47.03


  3. Every minute or two, the game will freeze for about a second, every second, about three or four times. After that, game in fine for the next minute or two. Is it autosaving?

    Also, the longer I play, there will be a mouse delay, which grows more and more noticeable. Gradually grows more noticeable until it's at a point of unplayability. Delay becomes unplayable at a around 5 hours of gametime. Only closing the game and relaunching will remove the delay. Refreshing chunks, textures, and shaders doesn't remove the delay, only closing and relaunching does.

    Playing Vintage Story through Arch Linux, downloaded through the AUR. Less of a bug and looks more like an issue.

  4. The problem:

    Playing the game, without the minimap and coordinates enabled, dissuades players from venturing too far from their home. Using/making landmarks and using signposts are the only options, that players use, to avoid getting lost.

    The solution:

    Tools that help with telling the player where they are. Compasses, sextants and other tool could be added. Sextant has to actually be used to get results. Low stages of the game can offer compasses and other tools that give rough gauging, while late-game tools can provide the sextant and can provide exact estimations. Sextant results can also vary depending on the player's use of it; using it incorrectly can give inaccurate outcomes, while using it correctly can give minuscule margins of error.

    Notable issues with this suggestion:

    • Having minimap and coordinates enabled makes these tools completely obsolete, the tools are meant for immersion and assistance for people who have them disabled.
    • Implementing mechanics for the sextant is quite complicated and requires some streamlining. Sextants should also be added once oceans are added, as they are the perfect place to locate the horizon.


  5. I do a lot of alt-tabbing during my playtime (alt-tabbing works a bit differently in my Linux machine, but the concept is the same), and whenever I jump back to my game, rightclicking causes me to switch off of my held item to something else in my hotbar.

    For some reason, when I switch windows and start scrolling (like in a website), Vintage Story will "store" those mousewheel inputs. Upon rightclicking, all stored inputs will initiate, and usually selects an item, depending on how much I scrolled; switching windows and scrolling down once, will cause the hotbar to go down by one, upon rightclicking.

    Playing Vintage Story through Arch Linux, with dwm and the window manager. Should be very quick to recreate the bug.

  6. For now, enemy variations is quite limiting, but due to the game still in development, it's completely understandable.

    Devs could take inspiration and just copy the Minecraft creeper, give it a unique design, and make it a highly rare and dangerous threat. But as much as I would like a highly dangerous enemy with a explosion attack, it's quite an uninspiring mob. Especially if the ability can be abused to blast ores you don't have the tool tier to break.

    What other enemy, with a unique ability, could fit being in the game? With the themes about time this game has, it'll be cool to have an enemy with an ability based on it.

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