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Ogi Teh yeti

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Posts posted by Ogi Teh yeti

  1. Main thing is I would very much like to crawl, always a good feature. So many times, caves have those tight 1 block tall openings into another cave section. Crawling into it, even if slowly (or not) would be a very cave diver feel I imagine, plus it means you don't need to dig the path open.

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  2. When you go into creative mode, if you press "`" / "~" (tilde key) you open the world edit tools, which has a control panel on the right side. From there, changing picking range should change how far you can interact with blocks. As a tangent, it's also how you change move speed if you so wish.

  3. I gotta say I support the idea of letting us change design elements of armor, even if just helmets. I personally love the model for the meteoric plate helm, and wish we could make a normal iron or steel one using that model instead of the ones they currently use. 

  4. Animal fat burns for a long time which I don't recall off the top of my head, but only burns for around 400 degrees or so. If you are good at hunting and have a surplus of animal fat, that might work for your purpose. Another long lasting fuel that realistically wouldn't work because of how rare it is, at least to me so far, would be anthracite, though that is a coal that could be used for an actual purpose outside of heating a home. Alternatively, you can just collect a whole lot of burnable material like deforest an area, constantly dig up peat, etc so you have plenty of fuel and just get a crate that you put it in, when you are in your home you put a big stack of it into the fireplace and before you leave you remove whatever is in the fireplace, put it in the crate, and leave.

    That said, I think it's not a bad idea to have either a long, low burning fuel. Simply giving some suggestions that you COULD use already in the game.

  5. When playing as a hunter you don't really need to be concerned about wasting arrows, certainly not at the start, because you can make arrows with just flint and sticks. They have a high chance to break and do little damage, but with how cheap they are you can simply fire away from a long enough distance. Having said that, if you are ok with mods I would highly suggest you get the bullseye mod which changes how ranged combat works. It works far closer to real world archery, and makes accuracy more player dependent instead of being a cone. Moral of the story is to make more crude arrows and don't worry about losing or breaking them.

  6. Right now we hold the bow as if we were left handed, in that the bow is in our right arm and we pull the string with our left, a right handed archer would hold the bow in the left hand and pull with the right hand. I don't know what you are talking about in much of this, I would assume english may not be your first language but I have never seen any archery style where you rest the bow on your arms, unless you are trying to describe canting the bow to one side or the other. Typically a bow held in the left hand and drawn with the right is canted so the top limb is to the right, and a bow held in the right hand and pulled with the left hand is canted to the left, but only if you are canting the bow (leaning it to the side as you aim and shoot) and not just shooting with the bow vertical. I don't know what style of archery you did, but there are many styles and variations out there. For right now, the bow animation is fine except that our character is right handed and we shoot a bow as if we were left handed (bow held in right hand). 

    Source: also an archer. 

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    • Amazing! 1
  7. I largely agree that it would be good if we could keep the scrap nuggets of metal from blacksmithing, there is a mod that lets you do that at least. With that in mind, you actually haven't screwed the pooch on this blacksmithing project, with good use of the directional actions on your hammer you could move one of the purple voxels on top of the other, and move it into position to finish the nails and strips. It depends on how many voxels are touching it and where, but give it a try, you might be able to salvage this easily. 

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  8. 2 hours ago, Maelstrom said:

    Only problem is that in reality alcohol expedites death by exposure while numbing the person to the discomfort.  In game you wouldn't suffer cold damage until you suddenly die.  This would create many loud complaints from players.

    This is true, however it depends on how realistic it's intended to be. Could just be something like it gives a slight bonus to players heat hardiness or something so it just slows down how fast they lose heat (although the reality is it makes you lose heat faster, you simply just don't feel it).

  9. Keep in mind, once you turned the apple cider into apple brandy you actually made it so it offers no fruit satiety. It will reduce hunger, but doesn't count as fruit anymore. Wines and the other alcohol you brew from a barrel counts as fruit nutrition, but all the distilled alcohol loses its nutrition though still providing satiety. Also, only meals from a bowl or pie check to see if you are full, otherwise all the foods and drinks can be consumed at max hunger but do nothing for you. 

    Seeing as there are artisanal bottles, but they currently do nothing, I imagine we may see bottles, jugs, and drinks getting touched upon again soon but that is purely speculation. I do like the idea of using alcohol as a means to "cure" freezing, might make the stumbling about a bit more worth while.

  10. To be fair, the CRUDE raft and CRUDE oar were implemented to sort out the physics and operation of the initial form of boats, and that as things go on we will likely see both an improvement to the crude rafts (it's possible) but also that there will be new and better forms of raft and boat made. While I largely agree that the raft could be faster, it is at least better for late seasonal travel as you don't get wet when it's cold out. 

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  11. I would imagine herd id is what herd they belong to. In the wild the family of boar sticks together, I would imagine seeing this that that's what that means.

    As for the command line, it should be /entity cmd l[] (L for looking, in theory the brackets might have a range input) setgen # (# being what gen you want them to be.)

  12. It's a new piece of end-game tech, which teleports you to where you died. In the pre-release builds it had no limit but iirc it now is a 1 time use but I might be thinking of the other end game teleporter tech. Pretty sure you place it on the ground and walk into it but that might have been changed.

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  13. I haven't tested the theory, but as cupronickel doesn't tell you where to make it, only the ratio, and has no smelting temp associated with it I suspect we aren't currently able to make it. Potentially, we will be able to make it when the new smelting station which people found incomplete in the game files is made, though if someone else has more info about both cupronickel or the new smeltery I'd gladly eat my words. 

  14. If you are fine with using commands, there is the /debug setgen command if I'm remembering it correctly, which lets you change the generation of the animal you are looking at so you could go into creative, spawn a new breeding set, setgen them to 3 or so. 

    If you type /help debug setgen it should tell you how to do it if you want to, just so you can sort of get back on your feet in a sense. Just a thought.

  15. You are volunteering to translate for others and for yourself, if you don't want to do it, don't do it. If you DO want to volunteer your time and effort, go for it, but I don't think vintage is a big enough game that it has dev budget to spend paying people to translate to every other language on earth, nor is it a AAA game that wants to hit as many markets as possible. 

    Would it be nice if translators would get paid? sure. Is it a priority? probably not. I personally don't know, but I imagine you could contribute small chunks of translations as it suits you, so you don't have to spend time working on it like a job and still make progress on getting vintage to have your native tongue. Again, I wouldn't know so don't take my word for it, I'm just saying you aren't being asked to translate nor being hired for it so if volunteering doesn't work for you, don't.

  16. I'm not trying to be mean here but how exactly do you see that working out? Ok so lets add a slot specifically for melee weapons like oh the 1 key. How is that different from just making sure the 1 key has a melee weapon on it? I just can't imagine it being somehow different to add a specific key press for certain items over just the player figuring out where on the toolbar they want something to be which isn't all that far off from reality. Lets say my literal belt has space for a few things, so I put a knife, a quiver of arrows, a flashlight, a first aid kit and who knows what else. But now, I see someone who is hungry. My belt likely doesnt have the granola bar I have been carrying, it's in my bag, which I now am going to look through. Well, in vintage I have lots of stuff on my toolbar, but I have some slots that change a bit, all it means is when I need something thats rarely used I take a slight moment to swap out one of the off-slots for the new thing which is quite similar. It is this way for most games in this sort of genre, the only exceptions are games where they only have a small number of tools to use, and you unlock them as the game progresses so you're key press is only ever going to those specific things.

    Again, I am not trying to be mean, perhaps I'm just not seeing what you're seeing but I simply don't have any idea for a way to make toolbar and inventory management any different or better by simply assigning a keypress to a specific item or type.

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  17. @Filip NowakAs far as I know, coding in that the new land generation recognizes that it was working with an old land generator and then smoothing the gap between the 2 is something very difficult and not really needed. It would be nice, yes, but it doesn't hold all that much importance I would say to the development cycle at least until Tyron is more happy with progressing the game. As has been suggested a good idea is to see as much as you can about making the old houses into a schematic maybe asking the players if they want to have their buildings saved like that, or if you are running it as a community server sort of thing, ask the players if they want to have the world be shared so they can take it into their singeplayer themselves to keep their buildings, but let them know you will be making a new world. In addition if you do share the old server world, you could also ask if the players would still like to have the houses imported over. 

    One more suggestion is in theory you yourself could scour the border of the known map, using world edit smoothing tools to gradually move the land together which while it wouldn't be perfect would mean it's not a jarring transition.

    As for the idea of adding multiple worlds, I think that's not a bad idea as either a different dimension like we can go into the rust dimension being a game world, but you might mean something like the MC bounceSMP streamer server, where there is the build world and the adventure world which they reset every few weeks. I do think that is worth having but I feel that could be easier as a mod at least short term instead of getting the devs to do it.


  18. @The TellerI'm not disagreeing with your idea but as it stands currently in game when you break farmland blocks they drop nothing. I believe it was said that it is on purpose to avoid players just breaking and placing terra preta farmland without having to care about its nutrient levels as replacing it would reset it. I would imagine that unless it is easy enough to code in a way for each farm block or dirt block to remember what nutrient level it was at then your idea at present wouldn't work. That being said, it isn't a bad idea imo, as thoughts other people have brought up could work like using cover crops to maintain its farmland status over winter, assuming a few things are all implemented.

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