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Posts posted by Gorfinhofin

  1. Thanks for updating ACA! This mod seems to be working just fine again too.

    I just noticed an issue with the pine and birch bread added by Ancient Tools. The bread gives only 100 satiety without any extra ingredients (this is the normal AT functionality), but the four breadcrumb items you can make from it still give 75 each just like most other bread. Other foods made from the flour and/or breadcrumbs seem to have similarly inflated numbers.

  2. I agree that the sleeping mechanic is weird and clunky as it is. It's especially irksome how the menu clock tends to lag behind the actual time a little bit, so you actually have to get out of bed slightly before the time you want. How about a "Sleep for how many hours?" prompt, like in the Elder Scrolls games?

    • Like 1
  3. On 1/15/2024 at 7:52 PM, VaelophisNyx said:

    technically speaking different woods should have different burn times, as per real tree woods

    They do! As long as you don't turn them into firewood. Oak and ebony burn the longest, and will actually burn longer in log form than the equivalent amount of firewood.

  4. I'm really looking forward to using your mods! I got the whole set! I'm just trying to get everything sorted out with configuration and compatibility, and I had a few concerns.

    It seems like the axe types all fell trees at the same speed, contradictory to your description. It feels like the same amount of time at least, and their mining speed values are the same. And is it by design that the chopping progress stays at the first "stage" for a while and then suddenly goes to completion? It doesn't bother me, but I just want to make sure. Lastly, the meteoric iron variant of each axe type does not have attack damage values.

  5. You can definitely fill crocks with the pot. That's how I do it most of the time. I set the crocks on the floor, and then shift-right-click to fill them with the pot in hand. If that's what you were trying I have no idea why it didn't work.

    You can't fill crocks that are on a shelf. Maybe you were trying to do that?

  6. Jugs currently have no practical purpose in the game as far as I can tell. You can store liquids in them and drink from them, but you can do that just as well with bowls and buckets, which you're more likely to have lying around already.

    Why not have jugs extend the shelf life of the liquid in them? And have this further extended by adding a cork, made from oak wood? They'd be like the liquid equivalent of crocks!

    • Like 6
  7. In TerraFirmaCraft there was a risk of your metal overheating and melting away in the forge if you didn't take care of it properly. I'm curious if that is planned to be a thing in this game. I've seen it pointed out as a bit silly that you can have bismuth, for example, sitting glowing hot on a 1200 degree forge when its melting temperature is more like 500. I wouldn't be sad if it stays the current stress-free way, but it would be more realistic to have that risk, and could add some interesting micromanagement.

  8. You can make hunter's backpacks instead. It takes a while for the pelts to cure, but it wouldn't be too bad. Clay storage would help too, as you said. Depending on how cold it is, it's quite possible you won't find any bees. I've gotten quite a few candles from panning bony soil though, so there is an alternative.


    EDIT: Just remembered hunter's backpacks require reeds too... That is a pickle then. Flax should show up though, as far as I'm aware.

  9. Thanks for the feedback, everyone. I turned it on for my world. But I've been spending so much time building my house that I haven't actually done any prospecting in like 4 months, but I'm looking forward to trying it soon!

    13 hours ago, Destragon said:

    Personally, I also love the soil instability and really think that should be turned on by default, too. Soil instability was unironically one of the things that convinced me to buy the game.

    I'm playing with it too. It adds an interesting challenge and danger to so many parts of the game. And I like that it gives an incentive to use materials like cob and packed dirt. But I think it would definitely be a frustration to most new players, especially if they're used to Minecraft.

  10. Does blue cheese need to be ripened in low light of any kind, or just low sunlight? In other words, can I have artificial light around it as long as it's far enough from the sun? The handbook and Wiki are vague/contradictory about this.


    EDIT: I just tested it myself in creative mode. It ripened just fine with a lantern in the room.

  11. I just bought a fur coat from a trader and was surprised to find it does not replace my malefactor heavy cloak, but rather the malefactor leather tunic. I assume this is not intended? A big fluffy fur coat feels like it would be worn on top of other things.

    EDIT: Oh, I see now. The cloak just goes over the shoulders. Not the same purpose as the coat at all. I am a fool. Never mind. However, while I'm here, it would be nice to have something in the tooltip for clothing to tell you what slot it goes in.

  12. I haven't made the proper equipment to try it yet, but if the handbook is to be trusted, ale, wine, cider, and mead are already in the game! At least some of those can be further distilled into stronger alcohols like the brandy you mentioned.

  13. I'm just curious what people think of the Node Search mode for the prospecting pick. It being disabled in the "Standard" game mode made me think of it as sort of an easy mode feature, so I left it off, because I wanted to play the game as intended. But it seems like a fairly realistic function. One would think traces of ore detectable a hundred blocks away from a deposit would become much denser and more detectable when you're close by.

    So what do you think? For a "proper" game, would you say to turn it on, or leave it off?

  14. 18 hours ago, Sparkle Kitti said:

    Also, were we able to use a knife to remove spoilage at some point or am I thinking of a mod?

    That was a mechanic in TerraFirmaCraft. I don't know if it was translated over to this game in any form.

    Come to think of it, I find it a bit odd that we can't make terra preta, considering it is a type of artificially enriched soil in reality. That could be a good use for compost. It could also require a bit of charcoal, like in real life.

    It would also be nice to be able to unseal and/or empty a crock of food. Speaking as someone who accidentally made poison mushroom stew and has had it sitting around waiting for it to rot for months now.

  15. When I started playing the game about a week ago, the drifters crowding around my house at night would quickly disperse and then disappear when the sun came up. Since the 1.16 update they have just continued to loiter and I have to sprint out the door and lure them away to get rid of them. According to the Wiki, they are supposed to flee from the player in sunlight, but I know many parts of the Wiki are out of date. Was this an intentional change in the update, or is this a bug? Would love to have the old functionality back.

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