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Posts posted by karhs12

  1. Sorry if this is a bit of a noob question, but I guess I'm a bit of a noob.

    It seems inevitable that, a few days into my adventure, I'm attacked by a pack of wolves near my house. If I manage to get inside to safety, they wait outside indefinitely for me to emerge. If they kill me, they take a seat and wait indefinitely to kill me again when I come back to collect my things. Is this intended behavior? Am I missing something? It's sort of... obnoxious. During my first wolf death, I expected they would eat all my food and then leave, or something to that effect. Not that they'd spawn camp me. I've seen the advice about building in plains, not forests, but I must be a poor judge of biome, because even when I thought I had built in the right spot things went poorly.

    So, I guess this thread is just an open request for advice from smarter players. Is there some way to scare them off, perhaps?

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