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Posts posted by Mentha

  1. So uh, I just installed this game in the last few hours, and actually went to look up tips on dealing with wolves. And I find this thread. With people defending The Iconic Vintage Story Wolves That Will Kill You™. For reasons I cannot understand.
    I wanted to reinforce everything I've seen so far: the wolves are too freaking hardcore. They do plenty of damage, chase you forever, and do enough damage that you will die if they see you. And they will see you. Before you see them, usually, is my own experience.
    I actually am going to have a difficult time recommending this to other people. Like, I want to like this. I do. More complex Minecraft, with an actual story to find? Making me have to use actual real crafting techniques to make things? Absolutely neat!  I even liked the neat player character models! I was having a great time! Right up until I was dying to wolves. At which point I was no longer having a great time. I wasn't playing the game any more. I was dying to wolves instead. 

    The new player experience, at least for myself, was as such:
    Spawn in forest. Get through it, find grassy plains. Knap stone. Find clay. Make a flint spear. Hunt a boar, barely kill it. Make a dirt home to get through the night. Cook meat. Leave home. Barely kill the drifters that are there. Wonder what these are, why they are there, think about what other interesting things I might learn and do. Wonder what that growling noise was. Die to the wolf I didn't see. 
    Respawn. Try to get back to dirt home. Hear growling noise. Die to the wolf I didn't see.
    Respawn. Try to get back to dirt home. Go different way. Hear growling noise. Die to the wolf I didn't see.
    This happened four more times. I then quit.

    Let's be real; This isn't really a thing I can learn from, is it? I didn't really learn any ways to detect the wolves. They might as well be traps in a kaizo style mario world mod. If a wolf detects me, I'm just going to die now. The wolves do not seem to stop chasing me, and learning a way to make them slow down or lose me isn't really happening either. I cannot learn how to craft an item that will make the wolves stop chasing me, or that I can use to defend myself with them consistently, or defend my meek naked body from them. I do not have any means to make the wolves stop killing me.

    And despite that, I do not fear the wolves. One fears the unknown. I know what It's like to be killed by wolves. I have gone into detail on that. To me, the wolves are just the "aw for crying out loud, now I have to be in that damn forest again" part of the game. They're the things that bite me until I'm back into the forest I have named Purgatory, But With Trees In It. These wolves are just a freaking drag, man. The tension of the game isn't that I'm afraid of losing progress, so much as afraid I cannot actually have fun doing any new things, because I'm back at that damn forest again, and will need to die several more times to leave it. The wolves are the fun police.

    If I end up learning the cataclysm that destroyed previous civilizations was that The Wolves Are Too Hardcore, then, maybe, this will be acceptable. Otherwise, the wolves are too hardcore.

    EDIT: Oh, my rank on these forums is wolf bait. I'm sure someone at the development team thinks they are very funny.

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