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Posts posted by Muffins

  1. I just remembered one. You can use a pit kiln as a fireplace in your home during the winter. It burns all day for next to no fuel, steadily produces crocks and tiles throughout the winter and looks really cozy if you have a decorative fireplace around it. My pit kiln fireplace saved me twice though the winter.

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  2. Vintage Story is the best game I've encountered in a couple of years and after 125 hours of play over the last 3 weeks I've gathered some tips based upon my experience so far. I hope they're helpful.

    For a first play-through when you're learning the game in your world generation options -

    Set player health to max

    Set enemy strength to 50%

    Set keep inventory on death

    Bump tin and copper deposits up a notch.

    ProPick to 8

    In the early game there is nothing worse than losing your first hard-won pickaxe and all your bags in some unmarked bush in the forest somewhere because you got one-shotted by a wolf you didn't see. With the above settings a single wolf will probably still kill a new player but it's much more 50/50. Save yourself that frustration with the above settings.

    Enabling the prospecting picks' second mode will help you zero in on ores, otherwise you will be digging blind.

    If you have copper but can't find the ingredients to make bronze dig up ruins to get the Bony Soil. Make a pan (log and knife in the crafting grid – where you put the knife decides whether you make a club or pan). Put the bony soil on the ground, stand in water then with the pan in hand right-click the bony soil to load the pan then right-click again to sift the material. You will find many things but you are after bits of bronze armour. Once you've found a piece of bronze armour you can break it into chunks/nuggets that you can smelt by putting it in your crafting grid with a copper chisel. One piece of bronze armour will give you enough material for two picks.

    If you have a bronze pick but don't have bees yet you can still make lanterns. Again pan bony soil for candles then combine with 2 clear quartz from mining quartz deposits and a copper/bronze/etc plate to make your first lantern.

    Never keep all your torches in a single stack, either in your active or off hand. If you're deep in a cave and fall into 2-deep water (or kneel in 1-deep water) your torches get extinguished and you get left in pitch-black darkness. Caves and most nights in Vintage Story are completely dark. If you lose your light source, you're drifter food.

    Berries and meat have a very short self life. If you bake them in a pie you can massively extend their life. A slightly charred pie stored in a vessel in a cellar will last 40 days or so. I exclusively subsisted upon berry pies during my first winter. You will need a quern to grind grain into flour, a bucket or bowl of water to craft dough (water+flour in your crafting grid), a table upon which to build your pie (place dough onto table to start) and a clay oven to bake (made from fire clay). Once baked, place it on a surface and use a knife to slice it into edible pieces.

    The Helve Hammer is amazing! Build one! Do it now! Do you want a full set of iron plate armour? That's 20+ iron plates or 40+ iron ingots. Do you want to manually beat 40 iron blooms into ingots then beat 20 iron plates after that just to make the chainmail for your fancy armour? No. The helve hammer can beat ingots and plates for you. The helve hammers' super-power is in teleporting a single voxel where it needs to be in a single strike. Your super-power is in moving lots of voxels at once. Combined you can spit out ingots and plates in no-time. Put blooms on the hammers' anvil and knock off the slag for it. Put ingots on the hammers' anvil, select plate, place the second ingot then smash the mass mostly flat with a few heavy hits and let the helve hammer clean up the mess. Easy.

    2-deep pits and trenches are a great passive way of getting meat and keeping drifters under control. You don't have to chase rabbits if they can't run away and drifters down a hole can be ignored.

    Keep an eye out out for sedimentary areas (sandstone, claystone, limestone etc) because they will have resources that granite/andesite areas will not have (coal, lime for leather etc)

    You can fertilise your farmland with saltpetre (from caves), bonemeal (grind up bones in a quern) and compost (fill a barrel with rot and seal). The fruitpress is probably the best way to generate lots of rot (from dry fruit mash).

    Please add more tips if you know of any more. I'm a new player and only know a few.

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  3. Sedimentary rocks. A lot of resources are only found in sedimentary areas and not in igneous areas. Coal, salt, limestone (for lime/leather), chalk etc are never found in igneous rocks. Borax and sulphur I've only ever found in sedimentary rocks too. If you're in a sedimentary area you might find several layers of different sedimentary rocks before hitting granite etc but in you're in an igneous area I've found it to be granite or andesite all the way to the mantle.

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