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Mads Søby

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Posts posted by Mads Søby

  1. Not to necro, but i really second this idea.

    And no, grass never regrows on a block, unless the block is dug up and put down again.

    I would love if grass would regrow, it looks weird when an area has been cleared, and its left as a perfect, flat, green carpet. Hate it.
    And ofcourse, getting dry grass would be so much nicer.

    Atm i find myself spending too much time walking away from my base to find a spot i dont care about messing up aesthetically, and cutting my grass there. And other workarounds.

  2. Running on 64 bit Windows with 8 GB RAM
    Version: v1.15.0-pre.1 (Unstable)24-05-2021 18:22:03: Critical error occurred
    System.ArgumentNullException: En værdi må ikke være null.
    Parameternavn: collection
       ved System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentNullException(ExceptionArgument argument)
       ved System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection)
       ved Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockMicroBlock.Equals(ItemStack thisStack, ItemStack otherStack, String[] ignoreAttributeSubTrees)
       ved Vintagestory.API.Client.GuiElementItemstackInfo.SetSourceSlot(ItemSlot nowSlot)
       ved Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.HudMouseTools.OnMouseEnterSlot(ItemSlot slot)
       ved Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientEventManager.TriggerOnMouseEnterSlot(ClientMain game, ItemSlot slot)
       ved Vintagestory.API.Client.GuiElementItemSlotGridBase.OnMouseMove(ICoreClientAPI api, MouseEvent args)
       ved Vintagestory.API.Client.GuiComposer.OnMouseMove(MouseEvent mouse)
       ved Vintagestory.API.Client.GuiDialog.OnMouseMove(MouseEvent args)
       ved Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.GuiManager.OnMouseMove(MouseEvent args)
       ved Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientMain.OnMouseMove(MouseEvent args)
       ved Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientPlatformWindows.UpdateMousePosition()
       ved Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientPlatformWindows.window_RenderFrame(Object sender, FrameEventArgs e)
       ved System.EventHandler`1.Invoke(Object sender, TEventArgs e)
       ved OpenTK.GameWindow.RaiseRenderFrame(Double elapsed, Double& timestamp)
       ved OpenTK.GameWindow.DispatchRenderFrame()
       ved OpenTK.GameWindow.Run(Double updates_per_second, Double frames_per_second)
       ved _Sfca4roOb4ikuKbMulRniUxARF4._0ytRimz1XDNkGpyxJcZbGf9Oxbd(_YzYAgXNLrh0iXJRtlZnQ7TqOSZX , String[] )
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    { TimeGenerated = 24-05-2021 17:52:52, Site = , Source = .NET Runtime, Message = Program: Vintagestory.exe
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    Undtagelsesoplysninger: undtagelseskoden c0020001, undtagelsesadressen 00007FF878DD7AFC
    { TimeGenerated = 24-05-2021 13:41:33, Site = , Source = Application Error, Message = Navn på program med fejl: Vintagestory.exe, version:, tidsstempel: 0x60aa9427
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    Forskydning med fejl 0x0000000000007afc
    Proces-id 0xcec
    Programmets starttidspunkt 0x01d750918f891685
    Programsti: C:\Users\Mads\AppData\Roaming\Vintagestory\Vintagestory.exe
    Modulsti: C:\Windows\system32\KERNELBASE.dll
    Rapport-id: fcaf791a-bc84-11eb-835c-448a5bf34e22
    Fuldt navn på program med fejl:
    Relativt program-id for program med fejl:  }
    { TimeGenerated = 24-05-2021 13:41:33, Site = , Source = .NET Runtime, Message = Program: Vintagestory.exe
    Framework-version: v4.0.30319
    Beskrivelse: Denne proces blev afsluttet pga. en ubehandlet undtagelse.
    Undtagelsesoplysninger: undtagelseskoden c0020001, undtagelsesadressen 00007FF878DD7AFC

  3. I cant play without this mod :) Jamming is my ultimate roleplay, so THANK YOU for bringing it to this game I already find so immersive and deep. This adds so much for me.

    With that said, I would love to see other ways of playing instruments than by moving the mouse. Its kinda janky. I have gotten used to it, and can pretty easily play what i want...



    My problem with the mod is that you CANNOT take two notes at the same time, due to the nature of how you play the instruments.

    I would love to see being able to take multiple notes at the same time, making it that much more fun to jam, making harmonies and taking chords and all that.

    Would it be possible to make it so you play the instruments using your keyboard instead of the mouse?

    Being able to go into "music mode" by pressing some key combination while holding the instrument, could make you stationary and switch all your keybinds out with notes (PC keyobard becomes synthesizer, basically), and then pressing escape to stop playing again (or something).

    Just like the system in Lord of the Rings online (mmorpg where you can free-jam like described above). It works VERY well. You can easily play anything you want, just like you play a piano, and bind any key, to any note in a wide spectrum.

    I know its a bigger undertaking, but this is my ultimate roleplay,and i would love this..

    The traveling musician. I have no need for progression, high dps or epic gear, if i have a immersive world where i can sit around the campfire and play music with other people. Gotta love it.

    Bass notes to keep the rythm goin with one hand, and a solo with my other hand.

    Please tell me what you think.

    Thanks for this mod, its hard to describe how much i appreciate it.

    EDIT: How about a flute as well :)? Like a pan-flute made of bamboo and flax/rope. At least it makes sense how you cant take multiple notes on that, somewhat. Bad jokes aside, i think it would be a really fitting instrument to the wilderness survival ropleplayer like me.
    Maybe another flute as well, but pan-flute is nr.1 priority ;)

  4. On 7/9/2020 at 11:14 AM, Feone Varen said:

    Large trees look nice so I'd love to be able to grow some near my builds. I don't like random restrictions on my sandbox.

    If it needs balancing some additional care/input from player and/or time would be fine. (Temporal gear + tree = huge tree, temporal gear + huge tree -> large dead tree of aged wood?)


  5. If any of you ever played Lord of the Rings online, you might remmember the music system in the game. 

    Basically, you would just equip musical instruments on your character, then press Ctrl + m, bringing you into music mode. 
    From there on, your whole keyboard would be used a a synthesizer basically, but with medieval instruments ofc., like the basoon, flute, mandolin, lute and so on. Also had some percussion instruments in the mix, really awesome.

    You could rebind every single key on your keyboard, to litreally any single note, in any octave! The jam was on. You could oficially play anything.

    I used to go  around from city to city with my friend, and just jam. FYI I do play a lot of music IRL, so it just made a lot of sense with the music system.
    People starded clapping and dansing, smoking pipes and watching, sometimes joining in themselves (which was either really bad or semi bad, but very fun nonetheless). Sometimes we'd play the themesong from of Lord of the Rings, just to fuck with everyone. It was amazing.

    The point is, it was probably the best multiplayer roleplaying experience Ive ever had!

    We connected with so many people, so quickly, and made something unique, shared our minds in the process.

    A great way to express yourself in game, making the player connect with the world, because you have limitless creative content, made by the player, in.game.
    The creative freedom to create something TRULY (almost) unique in-game, like with chiseling, is just really fitting for VintageStory, and makes you feel like you can do something no one else might/can do, not because of numbers or stats, but because of creativity and skill, making your experience unique, making you a unique expressive individual in the game.
    Being able to make instruments from the materials you find, and travel the world as a musician, visiting player-homes and playing music would be L-L-Legendary.

    I would love something like that for Vintage Story.

    + Pipesmoking, Fishing and Boats/mounts (for that selfsustaining nomad caravan lifestyle), then we're there.
    (some proc-gen travesersable roads/paths between locations, with dilapidated bridges over clefts etc. would also be a great deal of fun travel on with a mount pulling cart or something.)

    I like the idea of this music system, because it fits the way you play the flute and other wind instruments IRL.
    But it is not as effective as the sytem in LotR, when it comes to playing something like the Lute, or anyother string instrument.
    Percussion would definitely be a bit weird with this system.

    Cheers. Love it either way.

  6. I would prefer it more open, with no restrictions.

    Please, take your time to read this, it will be worth the time.

    A more open system, letting the player experiment, could be as follows:

    You can fish anywhere, with any rod, and any fish will have a chance of biting (depending on where you are of course!)

    BUT, fishing, is a battle against the fish.
    You'll watch your rod durability go down, everytime the fish pulls back.
    (There could be an animation for that + a creaking sound of the rod bending, and the line stretching.)

    "Is ýour fishing pole strong enough to last the battle against the big fish?"


    It should really be that simple. Natural restrictions.

    Any pole will have the chance of attracting any fish, but is it durable and strong enough to hold against the pull of a bigger fish?
    (There could be an animation for that, plus, a creaking sound of the wooden rod bending, and the line stretching.)

    Im a BIG FAN of your idea of different wood types having different durability tho!

    Which leads me to this!!!:


    Make the line and pole 2 different items, created seperately.

    This would open up to deeper mechanics like, bigger fish dealing heavy damage to weaker wood types, but when you have a sturdy enough wood type, some fish wont even bring its durability down the least.

    In that case, you only have to worry about replacing the line now and then.
    You could then either replace the line with rope, or flax, dictating its durability (and wether or not you can use it with a reel!)*1

    This idea would require two different damage types; one for the rod, and one for the line.
    Some fish wont ever even damage the rod, depending on the treetype, and should only wear down the line, slowly, with speed depending on the line-material.

    Some fish would obliviate weaker wood types, and snap them in a few pulls. Or just snap the line. (Or pull you in!)*2

    1* Reels could come in somewhere between reducing the durability loss on the line, and not letting the fish gain back too much line when it pulls.
    (Can only be used with a flax line, creating a big leap between improvised fishing poles you make in the wild, and sturdy, well made fishing rods, with a fine metal reel, and an expensive flax line.)

    This is all imagining that fishing will work like this;
    The fish bites the hook, and then you have to slowly reel it in. The fish will then pull back (this is where your rod either breaks or holds, depending on wood type), and the line will obviously always take a small or big durability loss from these pulls, depending on the material and fish strength/size.

    Maybe add gameplay mechanics to let the player minimize durability loss while fighting a fish, by better timing the reels and pulls or whatever. It would be great to let the player become "better", mastering the art of fishing.

    Example: The fishing rod is always held in the "off" hand, the "torch-hand". You then use your free "main" hand,to control the reel. If you can see your rod is about to snap, you can let the line run freely, and before the line is no longer, you can equip a knife in your "main" hand by scrolling in your toolbar, and cut the line! 
    That way, saving your rod with skill!
    (making for good gameplay that you can master!)

    Or just make a flax twine/rope recipe, with all the wood types. When combined, they make up the sum of the fishing pole durability, and have the whole thing break as one item. bit boring...

    OR, have the pole NEVER break, and only focus on replacing the line, so still 2 seperate items. much better, but..

    I personally prefer the very first idea, as it is more in depth, both fitting the general style, and also making fishing more interactive, and REALLY creating a big leap between improvised fishing rods, and sturdy, well made fishing rods with a fine metal reel and a flax line.


    Another thing that i think makes up for your idea, somewhat, could be:

    BAIT :)!

    Bigger bait, for better chances at attracting bigger fish!

    Some Rare & Exotic fish might only be attracted to some specific bait? Who knows, could be fun.

    This could also create a use for stale food (not rotting), being better as bait, as fish in general most likely would prefer it that way I imagine. Slightly fermented meat for example.

    Also, that way you wont have to sacrifice good fresh food, in order to maybe get fish.


    PS: I've always wanted to see Vintage Story go with some more dark fantasy creatures to encounter, instead of them all being mechanical. I would like some inherently native fantasy creatures to exist in the world.

    Imagine if we got ocean-biomes with creepy big dangerous fish that would eat you? Or semi-big sea serpents out in the deep waves? Or in the mires?

    2* Imagine using a bighorn leg to lure in a huge, sharp teethed fish, out on the ocean in a smol smol boat, having to fight that thing with a spear while it tries to sink your boat. Or standing on you boat, and being pulled into the water, by something big! So intense!


    Or more swamplike biomes. 

    Seriously Check out The Between Lands mod for MineCraft, for some sick inspiration! Best vibes ever!
    I wish the creators would take a look at Vintage Story, and do the same for this game.
    It would be legendary with the more in depth, and logical survival mechanics (and better modability!) of Vintage Story.
    Just amazing.

    Especially with fishing, hehehe....

    • Like 2
  7. First off, i would like to say that a thing I personally love about VS, is the humble atmosphere of the world and its creators. Nothing is too shiny. You're not a god. Its very down to earth, and easy to relate to and immerse yourself in. Its a very rare thing in todays gaming industry. 

    These are some things i feel would make this game into a more complete and unique experience. Some of it is merely thoughts and ideas.

                        COMBAT (maybe a bit to obvious to spend time mentioning, but:)

    1. A nice combat system would help immensely in setting VS apart from MC, but more importantly, it would make the game more fun IMO. Something like the way the spear works, but with some stamina stuff going on, for attacking and sprinting.
    A dodge move would basically consist of holding down the sprint key, while moving in a direction to avoid an attack. You use up some stamina. No need for a dodge animation.
    Make moving backwards slightly slower, leading to more tactical combat and positioning.
    Maybe (MAYBE), make movement slower while attacking, unless the attack was initiated while sprinting.
    Look at something like Mount & Blade, where you attack by holding down the attack-key to lift your weapon, and then releasing the key to swing it. It might be right for VS?
    Get some shields in there.
    Take some inspiration from Dark Souls combat, with stamina and all that. It is VERY satisfying, intuitive and addictive.


    2. Neoscavenger has one of THE BEST crafting system of all time. Here's why:
     - All crafting materials have  'Tags' (properties).
       Tags could be: Flexible shaft, rigid shaft, strong-cordage, weak-cordage, rigid sheet, flexible sheet, sharp edge, pointy edge etc..
     - Recipes DON'T check if you have specific items, BUT instead checks if you have ANY items with the specifically needed properties(tags).
       So for example, a heavy branch has the tags 'long rigid shaft', or 'long flexible shaft'.
       To make a spear, you need a "long rigid shaft", and an item with the tag "pointy edge", or "sharp edge", and lastly an item with the tag "medium (length)                 cordage". 
       Many items may correspond to these requirements, making for an immersive and intuitive crafting system, with many ways to make items, without having a       100 page recipe list, covering all the ways to make one item.
       If you look at something and think "I could probably make a weapon out of that, combined with this", you probably can.

    3. Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead shines brightly in lots of ways regarding crafting as well. Check it out:
     - Tools have different levels of efficiency, e.g., a rock has 'Hammering quality 1' .
       That may be sufficient, if your'e planning to make a makeshift shiv/shank from scrap metal. Not for smithing a blade.
       So recipes check if you have a tool with a high enough "tool-level". It works really well.
       Kind of like your knapping system, where you need a hard enough stone. Or needing the right tier Metal tool for mining specific minerals. SO its already kind       of implemented in VS, i just wanted to mention it.

    4. A unique crafting/environmental feature of C:DDA tho is:
     - Your character needs to be able to SEE, in order to craft complicated items (and to be able to read + other things).
       If its completely dark, you can't craft anything but the most basic things. (It's very immersive, and works very well, making light sources even more valuable.)

       (this feature might "implement itself", if you get rid of the crafting grid entirely, and everything becomes "in-world" crafting, like clay stuff etc., where having         light is pretty essential)

                 WORLD / ATMOSPHERE

    5. Making the game even scarier and fantastical/dark-fantasy would be great:
    Check out The Betweenlands for some AMAZING inspiration. Best MC mod ever. Generally, it is just one of the most breathtaking mods ever made IMO.
    It takes me straight back to dark, but curious 80's fantasy, the swamps of sadness, the dark crystal, labyrinth of the goblin king. I might go as far as to say, it is almost a perfect world for me.
    Its a HECKIN' shame, that it isn't made for Vintage Story.. yet.
    Also, check out their Discord development page for some brilliant game design inspiration! I'm very serious.

    6. I think some basic cloth physics would be a great addition. Just to create even more atmosphere. Making simple linen rags to wear, waving gently in the wind, is a wet dream of mine. The wanderer, the humble nomad. This would also help distinguishing VS from MC greatly.

    7. VS already have more impressive and interesting world generation than MC. Bigger mountains, cooler looking shapes. I love the areas filled with rock "pillars" you can stumble upon once in a while.
    My point is:
    Maybe emphasize this even more. Make it even more grand. taller pillars, deeper ravines, bigger mountains.
    Which brings me to my second point:

    8. Make the world more compact., and maze-like, giving the feeling of a "direction to go".
    This could be done by making some generated "Paths", indirectly, by having more extreme and untraversable(without having to destroy) terrain, while somehow always making sure there is still a traversable "path" of terrain, acting as a "direction to go".
    Thus, controlling/leading the player to potentially meaningful places of interest?
    A system like that could be expanded upon, by DIRECTLY generating roads on the NON-extreme terrain "paths", and having those roads cross canyons, generating bridges to connect to high points, only to have that bridge completely in ruins, being dangerous to cross, "controlling/leading" players without the right equipment to perform dangerous tasks, pushing their limits.
    All this could be made into an interconnected road network, leading to ruins and all sorts of funny places, giving the player a "path to walk", and making a more compact world, with a kind of puzzle-feeling to it. Some ways you can go, some places you need the right tools to get to.
    Walking a path always feels good.
    Just an idea I've been sitting on.

    9. RUINSSSSS! I love medieval looking, overgrown ruins.
    Maybe have some way of generating huge ruins, from some handmade pieces.
    Like, hallways leading to rooms, rooms choosing between some handmade dilapidated walls, maybe a doorway, maybe a hole in the floor or ceiling lading to another room, Biome-correct trees and plants growing places, stuff like that. 
    Exploring that would be fantastical.

    10. Do more fog <3.

                      CHARACTER / INVENTORY SYSTEM

    11. Make as many things visible on the character models as possible. 

    12. Have the character models chest expand and collapse as they breathe.

    13. Make weapons something you equip on your back, and sheathe on your hip. It would be nice for visual immersion, AND tactical gameplay. Again, look at how Dark Souls games handles switching between weapons and equipment on your character, and how its visualized ON your character.
    Which brings me to:

    14. Weight system, making you slower if overburdened. If at weight limit, you cant move without depleting stamina.

    LASTLY: I agree with Copygirl. Maybe consider integrating some of the better mods into the base game, or of course, drag some heavy inspiration from them?

    Vintage Story is one of my favorite games of this time, I have to say. Very nice creation. Great potential, becoming greater and greater it seems.

    • Like 1
  8. Definitely having big trees with aboveground roots would just be incredibly Beautiful, and give a whole new feeling to walking through the forest.

    Imagine the jungles.

    Also trees branching out is a good Idea, especially since you can pass through most leaf blocks, making trees that much more fun to climb. (Especially if they had more branches!)

    • Like 2
  9. So i think fine smithing would be a fine addition. Maybe, call it tinkering.

    It could be a small hammer, used in making locks and jewellery, plus:

    - Keys: 

    Having keys for different locks, and naming them. Made using a file tool.

     - File tool:

    You assign the key to a lock, when combining the key and the lock in the crafting grid, using a file. Use it to break your own locks as well, if you loose the key (hammers and other stuff should work too). 
    Also used in making jewellery.

    Make key mold copies.

    - Key rings:    (Instead of having no-stacking keys in your main inventory)

    An extra bag slot, for the key ring. It works like a bag, but only for keys, and as long as you have the right key in your key ring, you can open the corresponding lock. 

    (maybe also showing key rings on the avatar, with keys showing, indicating the player might have some kind of wealth/item locked away in a chest)
    (or an option to show it: flexing + aesthetics?)

    - Watches:

      - Screwdriver:
    used in watches and compasses. 

      - Small gears:   (or just regular gears?)
    made with the file tool, used in watches.   

      - Other components: quartz etc...

      - Might need a Temporal Gear? For the grind, or maybe for lore reasons? Im not sure what the whole temporal thing is about, but i imagine it has something to do with time being affected by this? So a watch might need a temporal gear.

    Also: Find a cool way to represent time in images or symbols, maybe roman numbers, but not digits, since writing is also abstracted.

    - Compass:

    Made using -magnets+. I dont know too much about those, but imagine you could find magnetic metals somehow? 

    (plus quartz, and maybe also a temporal gear?)

    It would be cool if you could combine the compass & watch + a screwdriver in the crafting grid. Make them one item, so you would only need one hotbar slot to look at time + direction.
    I also think such an item would look pretty cool in itself.

    • Cookie time 1
  10. Okay. I just think it would be a Very simple feature to add, and a nice thing to do in the evening as the last thing before you go to bed. Plus its practical to have more ways to pass time. Hallucinations could be reserved for other kinds of tobacco, or mushrooms found down in the deep dark caves. Honestly, hallucinations are Really not that important. Might be a Funny side thing if you eat the Wrong berries, as a side effect of being poisoned.

    But i honestly think it would be Nice to have more ways to pass time, waiting for crops to grow and the night to pass. And it would be immersive. Also, the jungle could do with some more usefull plants, considering its a jungle.

    Maybe Also SPICES, to upgrade a simple meal to a hearty one, using less ressources. 

    But its just an Idea. I just enjoy the "simple" tribal means. 

  11. The ability to make a pipe (Maybe Even a hookah/waterpipe using quartz?)

    Also: pipeweed / tobacco (Maybe Even rolled tobacco Leaf "cigars")

    Found in jungles, growable, makes time pass when you smoke it.

    Multiplayer: smoke near eachother and time passes.

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