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Posts posted by Soptík

  1. 22 minutes ago, Philtre said:

    It really depends on what kind of food you have available, how cold it gets in your area / how long winter lasts, and how well you can avoid the hunger penalties for being cold (which are substantial). If you are in the standard temperate starting climate, staying warm will help reduce the amount of food you need.  So try to get the fur coat and boots, and try to repair your shirt and pants with pieces of linen right before winter starts. Make sure your house is cold-proof (interior space of each room not over 7x7x7 blocks, insulating blocks like solid blocks or glass used for walls and roofs, no crude doors, etc.): when indoors, even in very cold weather, your hunger rate should be the normal 100% (assuming no class penalties and not doing anything that causes a hunger penalty, like holding an item in your off-hand or healing from damage). You can see the hunger rate in your character menu ("c" hotkey by default).

    Alright, thank you!

  2. Hi,

    I'm playing for the first time, I'm in the summer and trying to start building a farm so I can gather enough food for winter.

    Do I need to plant berry bushes inside a fence, or may I leave them outside my farm? I didn't find whether wild animals eat them.

    Also, is there any way of getting more seeds? So far it looks like every plant drops exactly one. (Except for trees, which don't drop anything most of the time it looks like)

    Thank you!

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