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Posts posted by Jeardius

  1. 11 hours ago, Tyron said:

    Oh, wow, that sounds quite major. More questions for everyone affected:

    - How did you exit the game? (Leave world button or the X-Icon on the window dialog?)
    - Did you use the prospecting pick?
    - Did this happy only in version 1.12.6 or did anyone experience it in v1.12.5 as well?
    - Can you elaborate on the everything gone part? Were all the chunks 100% reverted to their original state? Was it just certain chunks? Did it only revert to a very early stage?


    1. Exist the world normaly
    2. Dont know what this is ^^

    3. I use the 1.12.6

    4. So all my Stuff are gone AND my planted bushes and a old Ruin where i building my stuff. When im relogging the ruin was gone and there was 2,3 trees instead :o

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