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Posts posted by Jdbener

  1. 6 hours ago, Tyron said:

    It might be that we will add several new techniques and so you would a metric ton of tools filling your hotbar, we were concerned this might be a bit overkill. For now I added a tool mode dialog that you can open when hitting the 'F' key.


    For higher tier blacksmithing this would probably be a good thing. Including the option for players who want to master the craft to do so.

  2. On 4/17/2017 at 4:45 PM, Tyron said:

    I've got a half finished implementation for a smithing system which hit a minor road block that I have to solve first: Selecting from a list of smithing techniques. Probaby will be some special form of gui dialog.



    Would implement different tools for each move work? It would raise the skill ceiling a bit but would turn out more realistic and gives more opportunities for smiths to refine their specific craft with specific tools providing specific effects.

    P.S. why don't more people use nice WYSIWYG texturing solutions? Great work there!

    • Like 1
  3. On 4/24/2017 at 6:16 AM, Tyron said:

    I envision a "Customize Playstyle" Screen that you can reach through the create world screen with a bunch of settings such as

    • Torch burnout
    • Being in the Darkness kills you
    • Loose inventory contents on death
    • etc.

    In other words the 4 default playstyles are merely default selections in that configuration list. That way we could keep the difficulty level seperate from game mechanic details such as dropping items on death - and in fact i personally would somewhat prefer if we could avoid a difficulty setting altogether, there's some good arguments against it. 

    We could even game-ify that custom playstyle screen. I always loved this screen in Master of Orion 2: https://strategywiki.org/wiki/File:Moo2_RaceDesignScreen.png
    It gives you a fixed amount of points for postive or negative perks. Positive perks cost you points while negative perks give you more points. Unused points give you a score multiplier.

    This way might give the player a way more rewarding feeling when they choose their custom playstyle.




    Turning world options into a game sound like a great idea... taking it one level further (possibly not possible) but would be to make these kinds of settings character specific in some way. And giving characters perks for making things harder. Probably a horrible idea to implement but might be fun.

    I would also like to add the Dark Soul's option into the pot. Basically when you die you drop your items like normal. however, they won't have any kind of timer so you can take as long as you like to go and get them, but if you die again they are gone.

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  4. 12 minutes ago, Tyron said:

    Permanently turning off collision boxes on certain blocks during runtime you could quite easily do through another way - modify the collision boxes of the block instances (aquired either by world.GetBlock(code) or iterating over world.Blocks)




    Already better than Forge!

    • Added ability to perform a ray trace from any position to detects collisions with blocks or entities

    Does that mean that modders would be able to turn off collisions on some blocks?

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